Monday, October 31, 2011


Yes, my dear friends, it's that time
of year again ... and I thought for
a moment, should I really blog on
this, or just skip it. I seriously
considered just skipping the blog
altogether and just say "have a
happy FUN DAY" or something like that.
BUT ... no, I decided to include a post
I wrote way back in 2005, which was
supposed to have been on the web somewhere,
but not sure it was ever published
(at least couldn't find it anywhere).
With some necessary editing, I present it to you.
And My Comments will be below the asterisks.
Trust Me, you may disagree with me.
And that's perfectly fine.
But, I think it points out some finer details
of Halloween that some may overlook.


  Halloween is quickly becoming a day, or rather, a night of unbridled mischief and unlimited mayhem. It's not really a celebration of fun, as much as it is an "anti-celebration" of all
that is good. Why is it on this day, and this day alone, that all
rules can be broken, and all guidelines can be relaxed? 
Do we really have to have a special day, like Halloween,
to dress up, load up on candy and have tons of fun and a real good time?
      Today, October 31, 2005, (Kansas)
      this is how it
      all went down.
A spook house in the area lures all kinds of people, but especially
the youth. The older ones are fascinated by it, and everybody thinks it is good, clean fun. However, some of those kids are
cramming the spook house, and terrorizing the inhabitants, and even the "monsters" within.
Parents then come along and FORCE their babies and infants to go inside, most against the child's will. Children, especially little ones, are very sensitive to evil vibes and images. Most
parents would not let someone evil enter their house and scare their child. But parents, every year, are "causing their child to pass through the fire" by subjecting them to FEAR, and spirits
of fear. And then when they are older, they have been sufficiently
de-sensitized to evil, not realizing that it is wrong.
In the Old Testament, parents who worshipped other gods made their children "pass through the fire" in sacrifice to those same gods. And so, at the spook house, the children were being tormented. And my daughter, who works at the particular
establishment where the spook house sat, was feeling tormented in her spirit. 
She said it felt like 'hell'.
One 6 or 7 year old child, was coerced into the spook house by her mother ... the child came out clearly traumatized. There seemed to be noone present to comfort and console her, although some  who were there tried to do so. Where did the mother go?
Oh ... she went to get some burgers ... she wasn't far, just right inside the restaurant where the spook house sat. When she came out, she was laughing. Right. People laughed. The management/owner laughed. Those who were with the child were not laughing.

And thus it doesn't really matter what people
do on this day, because it is all in "good clean fun", and it's for
"the kids". Wow. And when we get home, if we're christians, we
run all the strife out, all the mayhem out, yell at our kids when the music is too loud, tell them not to read certain books, and watch certain movies, not play certain video games, and positively stay away from strangers.

And what about the spook house? Well, it is small, but still forboding. Its images inside and out represent ages of wickedness and evil.  Tiny children should not be forced to enter such a structure against their will ... no wise and good parent would

want any harm to come to their child!

 What are we doing to our children, and what kind of mixed messages are we giving them? That one day of the year it is alright to  celebrate death & darkness, 
but the rest of the year it is not alright?
I won't give space here to discuss the origins of Halloween, that
is not my purpose here. I do believe there have been dark energies involved which alone may affect the atmosphere of a community. And we glorify and give massive amounts of attention to demons, witches, ghosts and worse -- without even realizing what we are
doing ... it is de-sensitizing our youth to actual darkness, and then
causing a blurring of lines between good and evil.
Most godly parents do not want their children to be rebellious. They go to great lengths to train them and discipline so that they turn out well.  So why should we train our children to become enamored with images and objects that only represent
rebellion. "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft", it states in the
Scriptures.   There were  definite signs of rebellion in the youth that night, and nobody standing up to correct the problem. But then I ask myself, how can they, when the adults themselves are celebrating -- for years now --
the same kind of rebellion.

Well, as you can tell, this happened
several years ago, and the truth is,
I was present. I was asked to visit
the "spook house" upon request,
and I was there also to console the scared child.

As believers in Christ, we are free to
observe days however we choose.
I simply put forth this concept:

Redeeming the month of October:
Throw out all "Judgment Houses"
Throw out all "Heaven's Gates/Hell's Flames"
Throw out all Horror flicks.
Throw out all Spook Houses, and anything
... else that torments, traumatizes, terrorizes or instills
the spirit of fear in people, especially little children.
Throw out anything that glorifies death & darkness.
After all, the majority of us have "thrown out" HELL.
Hmm, makes sense to me.
Have a "happy halloween"

 Art Image:
"The Scream" by Edvard Munch
Year 1893Courtesy of Google Images                                                      

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Tony Blog REPORT

(from the PDF file)

Well, sometimes you’ve just gotta
grow! And so with this first-ever
“Report”, which will be periodical
or as much as we can stand to do it,
we will present THE TONY BLOG in
a format where we can cover several
subjects at once! How cool is that?
*And* we are announcing a fund-
raising project (don’t ya just love
that? Haha, I do LOL) ... ! Our
dear friend Dr. W.R. Meeks has off-
ered to grant us half of the proceeds
from the sale of his Health manual
book! Yes!  These much needed
funds will go toward the counselling
ministry and its greatest needs. We
have need of a vehicle, and several
other needs. IF any of you want to
contribute, you can either paypal us,
or just email us for details:

Dr. Meeks is a highly trained ‘chiro-
path’ who specializes in alternative
medicine. He has been busy for over
30 years, and has created his very
own formulas for optimum health
and emergency care.
The link for Dr. Meeks book:


Ministers Out There !!

There’s good mechanics, and then
there’s bad mechanics. There’s good doctors, and then there are bad doctors. There’s good lawyers, and then ... you get the picture.  And quite frankly, if I get a chance to RANT, then this one, this topic would be it.  Ok, let’s give the men and women of God a break, right? Those who do the work well, and feed the flock of God, do this as their living, and according to scripture, are worthy of their wages. They are worthy of support!  There are so many  folk who seem to have a problem with the ministers getting paid, or getting paid too much! What? Don’t they have a right to enjoy life, and support their family, and spread some of the wealth around? I know the good ones, they got there because they were BIG GIVERS to begin with. And now, they are reaping reward in the here and now, 
and I don’t have a problem with that.
Now, if you’re talking about oppressive ‘ministers’ who feed themselves and not the flock, and drain the body of Christ DRY, then you may have an argument there, and I might agree with you. 
Otherwise, people, stop picking on the ministers of God. If they indeed are preaching the gospel and are raking in millions (souls and dollars), don’t get jealous. Or just be picky who you support. 
We usually like to support our favorite causes,
don’t we?  ;)

Education experts don’t always see that children are all different,
and they learn differently. Some kids are ‘right-brained’ learners,
whereas some are ‘left-brained’ thinkers, seeing the world as a matter of formulas and lines and everything in scholastic order.
I like visuals. I like things illustrated to me, it helps me learn. Although, I’m more of a geek than some, I am also very artistic and some subjects just bore me to tears (like Algebra), and I shy away from that stuff. My son is autistic, and he is brilliant with computers. And, he excels in several subjects. He loves cartoons and cartooning. My daughter is “an ARTIST” (her words), and she could just do art all day long. And cartoons. So, why do educators, think they can put all children in a box, and train them like Pavlov’s dogs, or like Pink Floyd’s song “The Wall” depicts? The best educators today are discovering that there are many ways to learn and so-called “Special Ed” kids just need to learn things a bit differently, because this big old world is full of stimuli, and they have to deal with all day long.
NO, I’m not talking about a famous Bible translation by a well-known minister. 
I want to nail down, just what IS The Message.
The little ‘epistle’ of First John tells us:
”God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” 
(I John 1:5) 
John goes on to tell us later that God sent His Christ to “destroy the works of the evil one”.
Jesus Himself said, “I have come to seek out and save the lost”. He came to SAVE men’s lives, not destroy them. He also declared his messiahship when he read from Isaiah 61:
”The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ....” And He “went about doing good and healing ALL who were oppressed by the devil” 
(Acts 10:38).
Our message is the same as the One who sent us: To set captives free, to cast out demons, to heal the sick, to open blind eyes, to bring folks GOOD NEWS and to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord! That’s right now, people, and we need to make it straight ... Christ came to reconcile ALL to God, and God loves all and His Love CANNOT FAIL! And ... it won’t. “His Mercy Endures Forever” and his anger has been satisfied, the price has been paid. No need ...
to charge the populus twice.

 is The Voice of
Copyright 2011 Royal Writings

 and this publication is produced
 under the auspices of The Holy
 Spirit ... The Ruach Ha Kodesh.

 THE TONY BLOG is available       
through personal subscription to  
the email address of Mr. Tony Prince:
*and* is also available here
on Blogger/Blogspot.