Thursday, February 9, 2012



At one time without a doubt, we were a great nation.
I mean "great" as in greatness. We were respected
throughout the world. Nobody messed with us.
We believed in Almighty God, and trusted Him
for our lives and prosperity. We let everyone
know that they could have what we have, and
we were not too selfish nor greedy.
We didn't have to go around to the nations apologizing for
a bunch of evil deeds that we did to them. Oh sure,
we blew up plenty of stuff. Lots of collateral damage.
But we also went into those nations and rebuilt them.
People were proud to fly the FLAG, and nobody talked
about re-writing or dumping the Constitution. I actually
remember a course in high school known as "Citizenship",
part of American Government I think ... where we were
taught the finer recommendations on how to live in this
great country. I actually remember being taught respect
for your elders. And being polite. And saying "Please" and
"Thank You". Also "Yes, Sir" and "Yes Ma'am" when appropriate
to do so. About 20 years ago, I noticed that some youth would
not even respond if you greeted them, and most of them were
taught to be rude, and to ignore your neighbor.
We had a military that was respected throughout the world.
There wasn't a "Gitmo" and the torturing of prisoners, by us!
Years and years ago, we didn't have this "great divide" of opinion
on how this great nation should be run. We weren't in debt past our
eyeballs to the tune of over 15 Trillion Dollars.
We had a government that we encouraged to "live within its means"
and we cared about our own FIRST, and strove to take care of them.

Far from being "perfect" ... we did command a lot more respect, and
a lot more LOVE for what this country was founded upon, what this
country's principles were and what We The People really represent:

Now, we have seen the slaughter of myriads and myriads of unborn children ...
we see a political system and a government "gone wild" ...
we see the moral fiber worn down, the morale worn down
with a struggling economy with thousands and thousands very poor,
out of work, seemingly lost without hope, while the FAMILY has
been under attack on several fronts, individual liberties have been stolen away,
and many have been lulled to sleep by the drone of politicians and vain promises.
We have been engaged in 2 wars for over TEN years and, love the troops and all,
but it really has been at their expense. And we want to go to war with IRAN?
No. Not wise. We have too many problems at home to FIX, and besides we are
near BROKE as a nation, at least, we cannot afford another war!

There is one man who would like to change all this.
And if everybody voted for him, and he was elected, there might be a chance
to RESTORE AMERICA to some degree of glory.
We slipped from our top credit rating.
We printed/borrowed money that we did not have. Our government bailed out
the richest corporations, and many of them pocketed the wealth, and left the
little guy in the dust. We have problems abroad too, if we don't stop intervening
in every situation! We The People must demand a change. Why not?
The rest of the world has been doing it. *And* they have been succeeding!
One man I know of wants to change things, fix them, clean up the messes.
He wants to End The Fed (or at least, bring them into account!)
He wants to End The IRS.
He wants to bring ALL our troops HOME.
He wants to cut a TRILLION dollars on the debt/budget. Immediately.
He wants to RESTORE Individual Freedoms that were taken away,
and TRULY upholding the Constitution, the way things were meant to be.
NOT go into any "undeclared wars".
Spend money on Defense.
But eliminate wasteful and unnecessary military bases overseas.
If this sounds like an endorsement, then so be it.
I've done my research. And I do not have my head in the sand,
or up an apple-pie tree.
So I am voting for Ron Paul.
*OR* for someone just like him, if there was such a candidate.
I haven't seen any other, and like I said, I've done my research.

I want a REVOLUTION. But I want it done with LOVE. 
A "love-alution", if you will.
Love for this country, and what is should stand for.
I want this revolution, similar to what Christ did when
he showed up, he changed everything.
His truth became embedded in many subconscious minds.
Not some hypnotic LIE droned on by so-called political experts.
I want America restored, in every possible way.
Certainly, I want it CHANGED, the RIGHT WAY.
But not by people who are not righteous.
Not by people who hate America and would sell it off in a heartbeat.
I want to see The United States of America FREE, not
the "United States Corporation" or "Foundation".
The one that MY DAD fought 2 wars for, to keep us FREE.
This restoration will not occur overnight. It will take more
than "one man" or one President. It ain't about a political agenda,
or even some stupid party affiliation.
Remember, at one time, we had multiple parties in government.
There was room to THINK and express ideas and to hammer things
out until there could be some agreement. Not the passing of bad laws
in the middle of the night without the people's knowledge.

I'm gonna dare to say that maybe, just maybe that the majority of Americans
all want THE SAME THING, if they just stop bickering long enough.
We all want FREEDOM to believe, freedom to think.
And we don't want to become another "Banana Republic" or some
other empire or "thing" under a dictator.
It's "the land of the brave, and the home of the free", right?
That's what I want.
If you see it differently, well, I don't know what to say.
Not likely that 100% will agree with me.
But ... some are blind, they need to have their eyes OPENED.
Surely, you have to admit, that our country needs HELP.
We have let things go wrong for too long.

Do not let anyone take away your right to SPEAK UP.
DON'T let anyone take away your guns, or the right to have them.
If that were to happen, then you will understand what I mean.
These things have happened in the past to other nations.
It was a very crippling and crushing event.
It happened, when folks forgot...when citizens took everything
"for granted" and became uncaring about The Tides.
The Signs of the Times.
The Handwriting on the Wall.
Only this time, it's a warning, not a finality.
May God Almighty direct us to preserve it the way it was meant to be.
