Been away for a while
on a 'sabbatical' ...
am back now, rarin' to go!
Gonna drop four stories on ya,
four 'conversations' as it's called
here on the web. I'm ready.
Are You?



Visited a church last Easter. Was hoping/expecting a good word.
Boy. Was I disappointed. I went to one of those "community churches"
and they were in a "book study" (you know, one of those). In this case, The Letter of JAMES.
Personally, I would have left all that for one Sunday and majored on the resurrection. Nope, not these
guys. They married what was going on in James, chapter 2 I think, with the story of the resurrection. "Well, I thought ... if it works." It did not. You see folks ... I believe if you're gonna talk about The
Resurrection, you've gotta talk about that POWER that raises the dead, not capitalize upon the negative
and try to mix it with positive (may work in the battery world but not in LIFE) ... 
why focus on death, tragedy, problems and heartache when you got a RESURRECTION???  
OK. I didn't get it. I picked up my hat and my Bible and I left.
That message might have tickled some ears but it didn't stir any dead men's bones in any tombs anywhere.

No, this is not about porn-viewing or even public swimming.
Been attending a local church called "Fire & Water".
Pretty decent actually. Very out=reaching, very giving, gives glory to God, 
has outstanding favor in community
and is growing by leaps and bounds. Kudos to the pastor for preaching on 2 Corinthians 5:16.
Yeah, a lot of people will quote verse 17 (new creation passage) but almost hardly never quote verse 16.
Pastor Gus did it with finesse and genius. He also incorporated Exodus ch. 17 about 
Moses and the Water from The Rock.
Point: The People are turning against the Man that God sent! 
2 Corinthians 5:16 says we are not to view men (sent by God)
"according to the flesh" ... i.e. worldly perspective, what fashions he wears, physique, training, financial status, celebrity status, social status, degrees, or even "eloquence".  Again kudos to the pastor for putting the focus on where things belong: GOD, and the people working together
for a common cause; and in this case, following a LEADER who LEADS, 
not a "buddy buddy" guy who some just want to get familiar with and
water down his message and authority he carries. 
Moses wasn't perfect, and he couldn't do all the work by himself.

Was thinking the other day on the subject of ZOMBIES. Oh, you think that's wierd, too??
Well, you see, we really are all connected, aren't we? So ... if a nation goes all over the world and bombs innocent people,or destroys its youth, or dismembers bodies, and poisons its own people in the name of "progress", doesn't that freak you out?
Did you know these things were happening?
Zombie Apocalypse ... event in Florida.
Too gruesome to even reprint here. And trust me,  
I hesitated to say even what I said above 5 sentences ago.
So, when a horrible hurricane comes, or a terrible tsunami or a disastrous 
F5 Tornado or some other catastrophe,
do you call it an "act of God" and think "oh that's a coincidence"?? 
Nope. Don't think you would.
The earth groans, we groan, and zombies come outta nowhere.
I once visited a salvage yard, searching for a car part.
That day I was wearing my "Pink Floyd US Tour 1976" with the DSOTM logo on it. Great album btw.
Anyways, the man that ran the salvage yard said one thing to me:
"Great shirt, great band. An Era when people used to give a shit."
Looking back on that, and reading the headlines, I have to agree with the dude.

I wanted to make sure I was on the other side of a trial
when I made my "comeback" with this blog. I've been so focused on what to do with this issue,
how to raise the funds to settle it ... or should I engage in a "fundraiser" and how to do that, and how many people would be willing to help, and how many would be turned off etc etc etc. When it came down to the wire, I had to make a decision.
Fundraising used to be really quite easy for me. I would just present the need, and folks would give!
That simple. It wasn't that simple this time. 
Now I'm sharing some deep inner painful thoughts here and very personal
but sometimes as a blogger, you can't worry what folks will think. You can't be apologising all the time, cuz you will offend somebody, somewhere, sometime.
Anyway, God gave me a plan. Works much better when you get a divine plan!
Would to God that our politicians would stand/kneel in prayer long enough to get His Plan.  
Then, to work it!!
Someone said once, you can hear from God and get a directive. Watch out that the flesh will be right there to tell you how to get it done.
OH! BTW, if you got a letter from me advertising some "work at home" plan. 
THAT WASN'T ME. My mail was hacked, Had to fix that.
I apologize for any inconvenience. But if you did pursue that opportunity, and it paid off, good for you!

o|\~ sing