Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Expectoration of Expectations

Ex·pec·to·rate:  v. ex·pec·to·rat·ed, ex·pec·to·rat·ing, ex·pec·to·rates. v.tr. 1. To eject from the mouth; spit. 2. To cough up and eject by spitting.

Sometimes in deliverance counselling sessions (i.e. "deliverance ministry"), we come into
contact with various people from all walks of life, with differing issues and problems. 
We have discovered that many ills that beset folks are not always "demonic issues" or
forces, per se. Often it seems, more often than not, these are afflicted with PROGRAMS.
Programming. This "programming" is a result of having been raised by parents or guardians
and even siblings that indoctrinate other children with "family mantras" and doctrines and
belief systems and concepts, which in retrospect, one could refer to some of these concepts
as "doctrines of demons", simply because how crazzzzzy and insane these concepts are.
Words are not just words. Words have power. For good, or for evil. And when those
words are LIES, they can do great damage.  In genuine deliverance ministry, where
a person is truly set free and "delivered" from some bondage or stronghold, there
is often the "expectoration" or spitting out of the bad. And that's a good thing.

Unfortunately, some "deliverance ministers" will spend all day with a "subject" or "host"
who, let's say is OCD. I've seen it happen. These well-meaning but ignorant "ministers"
end up screaming and banging heads with "demons", and rebuking until their rebuker
is worn out, and accomplish very little. Truth be known, the exercising of the gifts of
the Spirit, word of knowledge for example, can get to the bottom of the problem. The
Spirit can reveal and unveil the "real culprits". It is usually some sort of TRAUMA,
some event or even hypnosis/mind control and programming. And not all "programmers"
are aware that they are, in fact, "programming" their children by repetition, rote, ritual
and even fear, to the point of subconscious embedding of information that will dictate
the path and direction and even behavior of that child for years and years to come.
This is how you end up with a "Sybil", or an adult with DID. 
But I digress.

Expectation or 'expectations', in the positive realm, is a GOOD thing.
When we are expecting blessings or improvements to enter our lives, that
is a satisfying and rewarding feeling.  "Good Parents" want their children
to excel, to succeed and have a happy life. "Good Friends" want their friends
to be happy and have their dreams come true. No argument there.
But when expectations are 'in the negative', they have to be "spit out".
They are LIMITERS.  They are "the voices in my head" . . . the nagging
voices, the constant repetition of words, ideas, opinions, dark feelings and
beliefs spoken as "gospel truth", over and over and over again.  It feels like
a force deep within the mind that cannot be easily grasped or yanked out.
Don't think that "nagging" and "hen-pecking" are not some other sure-fire 
ways of programming people's minds in the home. Oh yes, they are.
In the psyche, when conflicting expectations from OTHERS are at war within,
the result can become disastrous. Let me explain by making a list.

1. "High Expectations".  This is when parents/family members decide what
       career or life direction or decisions you should make or go, which are
       overly demanding and do not fit your makeup and personality.

2.  "Low Expectations".  Let's say that you're the only one in the family
        that has ever desired and pursued college, even to graduation. You
        desire to "make yourself into something greater", and you want a
        career that is meaningfull, and maybe even life/world changing.
        IF  the rest of the family has set their sights "low" and the mentality
        is just to "get by", you might find yourself battling a stronghold
        from the family. Not that you won't win. You CAN win. But we
        have seen the struggle of others who were handed this dynamic.

3.  "No Expecations". You might as well call this "minus the cheering squad",
       because one will ultimately feel that they are "all alone" in their life,
       and with no visible "support team", it's hard to climb that mountain.

4.  "Required Expectations".  This is most difficult to deal with
        as it represents the "family mantras" and doctrines that "the family"
        puts upon a young adult, the grown "child" who is trying to find their
        way in the world. Many times these "family mantras" are actually
       "blockers" to inhibit growth, and limit success and prosperity to a living
        of a static and "normal" or "typical" lifestyle, which for a "unique" person
       or artistic person is just too restrictive. 

5.  "Demanding Expectations". This is literally the "what others are expecting
        you to do with your life" programming . . . the complete OPPOSITE of
        who you are, and where you want to be, to even the ATTACK of what
        you want to do and be! This is the worst of them all. This is a malicious
        and hateful affront, against YOU and your choices, your true destiny.
        Although "destiny" has been defined as that dynamic that will break
        through regardless of outward tampering ... a person who has been so
       opposed may suffer some heartache for some time. If this is you, then
       my advice is to EXPECTORATE!  Spit it out!! The sooner the better,
       for your own sanity and peace of mind.  Who wants to be controlled
       for all their life??

Well, there you have it, the FIVE I'm aware of.  These are five strongholds
that need to be ejected, spat out of the mouth, dislodged from your being.
They get embedded in the subconscious mind, they have to be extracted.
And just like a bad computer program, "disable, uninstall and DELETE"
them! Spit 'em out!!

And of course, you should have your very own pure expectations,
like hopes and dreams, which can be the positive force for good and productivity and
success and prosperity in YOUR LIFE.  Know this one thing: whatever has been
stolen from you CAN BE restored ... whatever has been blocked CAN BE "re-delivered" ...
whatever has died pre-maturely CAN BE RESURRECTED.  There IS a God who 
CARES, and CAN and WILL see this through.  Believe you me.  :D

Monday, August 13, 2012



"THIS TIME IT'S PERSONAL!!"   Ever hear that, like in a movie line or somewhere?
Hopefully not from your next door neighbor! Yowww! Better get up and run! LOL
But seriously folks,  this time I do want to share some very personal things with you,
about myself, and my Trek into genuine "person-hood", beyond what the world dictates
and the molds it wants to squeeeeeeeze us into.

When I was a wee little child, it was said of me that I was a "Happy Child".  I even
still have a picture of myself from back then, about oh I'd say 6-10 months old, sitting
in a rather vintage "seat" outside of my house. Or some house anyway. I have my
hands lifted up in the air as if I'm praising God! And a BIG SMILE on my face!
Somewhere between then and now, I miss the Big Smile.
Anyway, my wife said she had a vision of me once. I was 8 years old, all dressed up
with my little suitcase packed, and I was ready to leave home, and go out to conquer
the world! She had a talk with this little 8 year old version of me, and I was amazing,
according to her.  I was fed up with home life, and I was ready to travel and see the
world, or at least, the rest of the country. She told me that she thinks I lost some of
that dynamic, some of that young adventurous drive. Or someone took it from me.
That sounds about right.
But growing up,  I always loved to travel, and did as much of it as I could. I did
a LOT of driving. Across The Nation. Well, some of it. And in college, even more.
I loved it. I loved meeting new people, seeing new sights, experiencing different
cultures and meeting "foreigners" and even trying to talk like them! I moved around
a bunch, as an adult. I hated that saying "Bloom where you are planted", because I
just wanted to say, "Hey, Shut Up! I'm a Transplant!" And so, I would "bloom"
wherever I was transplanted, trying to find out the "meaning of my life".

I remember one day back in the days I was attending Bible College, I was
at one of their many seminars. Toward the end of the seminar, they always encouraged
young people to make some kind of commitment to "full-time christian service", i.e.
The Ministry.  I got up front, and just like when I was in grade school making
little speeches before the rest of the class, I blurted out: "Well, I'd like to
work in retail, and have my own health-food store, and also I would like to write
like a 'christian writer' and do some music, and also ... I know I'm called to PREACH!"
The looks on some of the people was priceless! Some were bewildered, because here's
this guy who can't make up his mind what he wants to do ... or I must have been quite
amusing to some others ... and some probably thought "Where's he going with all this,
this ain't what I expected??" ... and then some "Amens" and "Applause" when I mentioned
'preaching'!  Whew! What do you want? You want me to pick 'one thing' and be focused
on that, and that ALONE, so I can be "successful" or what? You mean, it's NOT OK for
me to like 'many things', and have MANY TALENTS and to do ALL OF THEM???
But ... THAT was me. A dude with many likes, many talents, equally frustrated at how
he was gonna do all of them, or any of them.  {Funny thing is, now looking back, I did
DO all of those things, or variations of them.}

Enter this one guy, let's call him "Ned" (that's a safe name as I don't know any 'Neds').
I'm in a meeting in Missouri somewhere, and Ned comes up to me and starts rebuking
the "child in me" and telling it to DIE!!  Yikes and Double Yikes!!! What the frick-frack
is going on??  'Thees ees new doctrine ... i never heerd it beeeforrrrrre!'  Do you know
how WRONG that sounds?? Well, God showed me that guy was just ignorant, and He (God)
didn't let my "inner child" die, and I was in great need of that "child" (thankyouverymuch)
and that little child inside of me was of GREAT VALUE, and that 'the child' only needed to
BE HEALED, not "killed".  This "minister" dude thought, when he observed my "child-likeness"
and my sense of humor, and other manifestations of innocence and freedom, wanted to kill
something he "discerned" was evil.  ERRRRRRRRNNNNHH! Wrong answer. "Let the
little children come to me", even if he's in his 40's.  I hope you get that, because it makes
sense to me, and Ned's "prophetic words" did not.

For years, I have had people, family members, old wives etc. try to tell me what they
thought I should BE, what I should DO with my life. And because I came from a
background of "being controlled",  I actually fell into some of their 'plans', to near
destruction of my Original Planner.  Thank God He is The Restorer! 
You know how it is, right?  If you''re a christian and do music, then you've just got
to be in praise & worship! Or if you're a speaker, then you must be a preacher!
If you're a "writer", well then, you've got to plug into the right christian publishers!
And if you're a comic or a film-maker ... well, you get my drift!
Jesus wants us to be SALT & LIGHT in the World, and many of us are just beaming
our lights into each other's faces, and salting all the christian plates ... how many
are really going INTO ALL THE WORLD?? To Light it up ... to season it ... to influence
it and turn it toward God, toward the light ... and to do so, without HATE, prejudice, bias,
competition, RELIGION, "piety" and pride, superiority, pretense, alienation, being 'untouchable
and unrelatable' etc.!
It's like this folks: God told me over 6 years ago that HE was returning me to my "rock roots"
(in the past, I went to a lot of rock concerts, played rock records and played the music) ... to
reach out to those in the industry, and make a splash, make a difference.
That's what I'm doing now.  I have gone from the guy in the "work-a-day" world, to 9-5 to
ministry of different kinds, to CREATING unique music, art, films and writings! All led
by The Spirit, and the Talents within bursting out of me. They have sometimes flowed out
LIKE A RIVER. And no, maybe I have NOT been famous, or a house-hold name, or have
seen lots of money (yet!) coming from this. But Yes, I am an "accomplished" musician/artist...
a "published" author ... and definitely a "Renaissance Man". My satisfaction comes from the
concept that I AM fulfilling my calling & destiny, and what I'm doing does please The Father.
The greatest FREEDOM is doing what you were MADE TO DO, without some "slavemaster"
dictating to you "the slave" what you should or shouldn't do. Too much torment and punishment
with that ... been there, done that, burnt the T-shirt. And so, with that, I press on. One day I will
have the liberty to publish my entire STORY. But not yet. I'll let you know when that time comes.
In the meantime . . .  BE FREE.  BE YOURSELF.  BE WHO YOU WERE MADE TO BE.

August 13, 2012