Tuesday, April 23, 2013



PROPAGANDA System is a huge LIE, a network of LIES, designed
to confuse the masses ... to throw them off and deceive them, in order to
rally the masses to a certain cause, be it ever so perverted or twisted. When I speak
of "propaganda" I am not merely referring to the typical "government propaganda"
posters such as "Uncle Sam Wants You" or "Rosie The Riveter".

When details of a conspiracy, even a proven conspiracy or evil event
are discovered, *propaganda* will come along and say "It's not real,
it's not evil ... it's all a dream that somebody made up to confuse you
... the truth of the matter is ... we'll tell you just exactly what is evil ..."
Thus *propaganda* drones on, to describe to the hearers what it wants to
define, how it wants INFO to be defined and how you would be a fool
to think otherwise!

The "new definitions" of words and concepts will be spewed forth,
like a FLOOD. Upon the bullhorns and loudspeakers the doctrines
shall bellow, to brainwash and hypnotize countless thousands or
even millions who will just listen, and be persuaded. And believe
me, the perpetrators of *propaganda* BELIEVE that their message
will be believed and followed! The purpose being: To make YOU
believe THE LIE! To tell and re-tell that LIE over and over again
until you believe it is "the truth".

I am reminded of the words of the great scholar Francis Shaeffer.
In his film series How Should We Then Live?, he states the
following revelation looking toward the future:
“If there are no absolutes by which to judge society,
then society is absolute."
In other words, when the old tried
and true definitions of Law/Absolute and principles are forever
changed in the minds of men, then there are no longer any
absolutes by which a society may be governed. God's Absolutes
and the former absolutes of society become meaningless. When
we hear the propagandizers spew out their Babble, calling good
"evil" and evil "good", then you must realize what is happening
in our world.

There is an episode of  SMALLVILLE  when Clark Kent, who is
discovering his true identity and following his true destiny
(to be a SuperHero who saves lives), falls under the spell
of a being from another planet.  He traps him in his mind
to believe that he is NOT a superhero at all, even to the
point that his real father JOR-EL, is simply the name of
his favorite cologne! His powers are GONE, and he is imprisoned
in this deception ... with everyone telling him, 'This is REAL'.
If it wasn't for a fellow superhero friend, who came to rescue
him and set him free, he may have been trapped forever in 
this 'fantasy' and totally defeated.

THIS is a tactic of a powerful enemy, who once gets wind of
a 'person of destiny' and their call in life, they go after these
'called ones' (who are, in fact, innocent) and attempt to thwart
their destiny! There are others, who have been "brainwashed/hypnotized"
using very powerful psychotropic, mind-altering drugs and they are
often selected to engage in warfare, in order that "the powers that be"
can forge ahead with their dastardly and diabolical and sinister plots.
Many may cry "conspiracy theorist", but truth be known and the 
facts become public, and the 'theorist' proves to be right! It has happened
time after time. The propagandizers want the public duped though. They
will play upon their fears and even their so-called "sensibilities".

FOLKS, this *propaganda* tactic has been used in various mind control
experiments ... it was used in Germany during the time of Hitler. It
was used in China ... and Russia decades ago.  AND it is being incorporated
right NOW in The Good Ol'  U S of A ... TODAY.