Thursday, September 23, 2010


(End Time Prophecy Teachers)


When I think of The Beginning, "In Beginning, God" as it is
correctly translated in the Hebrew OT, I can meditate upon
the awesome and infinite. The FACT that God is perfect, that
He does not nor can He make a mistake. We, as human beings,
have a hard time grasping this, so we "anthropomorphize" God
as much as we can, so that we can relate. We try with our finite
brains to understand the Infinite Mind, that is God's.
Genesis, of course, moves on from there, to begin to describe
and line out God's Creation. 
He created "the heavens, and the earth". 
He also created Mankind . . . male and female
He did create them to be.
He ALSO created ... A Garden!
A Perfect Garden -- EDEN, where Mankind could dwell, 
be nourished, grow, develop relationships, 
have all his needs met, know the Creator, and
All the very cool things that happen in -- a garden.
Man fell, God knew this would happen. He was not caught
off-guard. He was prepared. And then later, it is written
that the state of men's lives was more wicked than
imaginable. He had to cleanse the earth with a FLOOD.
BUT... God also vowed to never do it again.

TODAY we have many teachers in the world. Many famous
teachers in the world. Teachers are good. Many of them are.
I've known several, personally, over time, who were excellent.
I fancy myself a teacher as well.
I have taught and functioned in that gift.
But ... in this piece, I speak of "The End-Times Prophecy Teachers" who have seemingly brought a lot of confusion into the body of Christ, perhaps into the whole world. These are the ones who suggest that either God, or Man, shall wreck the planet
someday, and maybe even blow it up!
Shades of 2012, I'd say.

And although man was indeed driven from the garden,
God's desired intent is for man to "get back to the garden".
Not trekking back to Eden. No. But in our heart, in our spirit-man,
returning to a state of fellowship and glory with God, perhaps
greater than Adam -- since Christ, The Last Adam, He has paved
the way of Glory for us that far exceeds anything before it!
And so, with these things in mind, I would like to propose
some questions, put them out there to those "E.T.P.Ts",
as if they're right here listening, and we will see (hopefully)
how they answer. You, the reader may join along.


1. Why do you teach that the "world is coming to an end"
when the Bible clearly states that it will not end?
(Eccl. 1:4; Ps. 78:69. Forever=age enduring)

2. Why do you teach that "time shall be no more" when
the NT says "time of the end", or 'end of the age',
not the end of time?
(Matt. 24:3; Mk. 13:3)

3. And why do you teach that the temple will be rebuilt
AGAIN? Jesus declared the future state of and detailed the
destruction of said temple and Jerusalem, which occurred
in 70 A.D. At such a time (read Josephus), the temple sacrifices
CEASED and the Levitical priesthood came to an end.
Even previously, at the crucifixion of Jesus
the veil of the temple was ripped in two, signifying the end of the Old Way!
Then, according to the author of Hebrews, God ushered
in a "better covenant" through Jesus Christ, the Perfect
and Complete Priest!

4. Why do you teach that the gospel "still has to be preached" in the whole world, when the Apostle Paul clearly states
that this goal was accomplished?
(Col. 1:23)

5. You who teach about "great tribulation", how is it that you
don't see that this has already happened? The majority of
people do not live on housetops, nor do they dwell in Judea
and have to flee to the mountains!
(Matt. 24:15-28)

6. And why do some of you teachers predict dates or years
of the "coming of the Lord"? Jesus said that His coming
would be like a "thief in the night" (unexpected and with stealth),
and furthermore He said NOT to set dates.
(Read Acts 1:6,7)

7. Do you know that prophetic writings are coded? I.E.,
they are not to be taken literally, and must be understood
along the lines of correct hermeneutics and other apocalyptic
scriptures. You believe that the "fig tree" is a parable; why
do you not believe in "figures of speech" and idioms and
other parable-like sayings when it comes to prophecy?
(Matt. 24:32)

8. Why do you make the events of the book of Revelation, which is "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" (not "anti-christ"), somewhere in the far-off future? John writes: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place."
(Revelation 1:1)

9. Why do so many of you preach and teach that when Jesus
returns, God will pour out His wrath on the whole
human race, except for those who are "saved"?
Many of you KNOW that God poured out all His
wrath on the cross, and He has soundly dealt
with the SIN issue.
"And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins,
and not for ours only but also for the whole world."
(I John 2:2)

10. And why, oh why do you teach people
that the "prophetic clock stopped" regarding
the 70 weeks? And that the "prince who is to come"
is the ANTI-CHRIST? Do you realize how these
teachings are a violation of sound hermeneutics
and lack proper deciphering of prophetic code?
We know that the chapter, Daniel 9 speaks
of "Messiah The Prince", i.e. Yeshua or Jesus.
The "prince to come" was Titus, with the
Roman army, who brought that abomination
into the temple! And the one who makes a
covenant is JESUS, not the Anti-Christ!
*Daniel 9*

More to come . . .