Monday, October 25, 2010



Well, don't know if you're a big Smallville
fan (like me), but season 10 -- the final season
has started, and we are already headed to
episode 6.
What I wanted to touch on is episode 4.
Clark, the reluctant hero, who always seemed
to struggle with his real identity and true
calling/destiny in life, has finally embraced
his Kryptonian heritage and destiny.
But, Jor-El (his bio-father)
told Kal-El (Clark's Kryptonian name) that
he would "never be earth's savior", due
to the darkness that was in his heart.
After all my 'saves'?
Darkness? Me, Clark? Yep. "Pride, vanity",
to name a few things. Anger, to the point
that he almost killed a man.
So, our Clark has been mystified for many days.
He knows he's not perfect.
He knows he has made many mistakes.
Too many for a superhero for sure.
What's a superman to do?

Well ... we see little hints of things here and there.
Like Jor-El sticking Kal-El's super suit
in a block of ice. AS IF  he has to earn it.
But AHHH . . . maybe he hasn't given up on
his son after all. Jor-El seems to constantly
test his son. This is probably another "test".

We have seen this guy,
in other episodes before,
in not-so-friendly renditions
of himself. This time he's
a member of the future "Legionaires"
and is even sporting "the ring".
He tells Clark that he, Clark, cured him.
He is no longer evil.
In the 31st century, he's a good guy, too.
So, what's he doing here,
at Clark's Smallville High School Reunion?

They have pulled off a nostalgic
Scrooge-like scene of redemption.
Brainiac takes Clark to 3 places back in time,
unseen by others (of course), to show
him just where the darkness in his heart began.
The first place is his earthly father's
(Jonathan Kent) burial.
He then is transported to the scene where
Jonathan goes all postal on Lionel Luther with
his fists. Jonathan's heart gave out. He died.
Clark is absolved from his guilt.
Clark thought he had caused Jonathan's death.
The next scene is at Oliver's (Green Arrow) office.
He had just told the world his true identity.
Brainiac shows Clark how much Oliver needs
his support.
And then, he is transported back to the present,
to the homecoming. Brainiac shows how that,
even though Clark does indeed loves and protects Lois Lane,
he somehow distances himself from her.
And then, before they (Clark & Brainiac)
could go the final place together,
the future, Clark reacts to the sight of a former menace he took down, 
touches the ring on Brainiac's finger, and propels himself
into the future.

There he meets the Lois of the future,
at the Daily Planet,
who knows that he is Superman.
And she knows the entire secret, not
just the super-powers part. The "alien" part.
He then  meets his future self and says
"How did I get so uptight and nerdy?"
He ends up helping Superman, er himself,
by staying on the roof and saving Lois,
while Superman saves the day across town.

Through all of this journey of redemption,
Clark realizes that the "darkness" inside him
is guilt over past mistakes,
fear of the future, and how
it affects him and everybody around him.

"Heroes are made in the moment, not from questioning 
the past or fearing what's to come."

From there, we see confidence returning to Clark ...
pride going ... and a renewed love for Lois,
his biggest fan & supporter.

He got the message.
It is totally vain and useless
and even destructive to
continue to kick yourself over
the mistakes of the past,
holding that guilt even over others,
and fearing what the future will bring.
Kal-El found out that his future would
turn out just fine.
He would be just fine as a real Superman.

Moral of story?
What are you holding on to that's hindering
YOU from being a hero . . .
that's hindering you from reaching
your full potential . . .
from discovering your true calling and destiny
in God?
Hopefully you can find out this week.
And then, the Legion won't have to send
in Brainiac 5, freeze time and take you
on a similar journey.


Until next blog,
I remain
{Photo courtesy of The CW Network}

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