Sunday, November 28, 2010

Get Rid of The Sinner Mentality


of topics that I think should be addressed
before the Body of Christ
Some subjects that others seem "afraid" to deal with . . .
and there are a few, a "handful" really
that would say, "Just who gave you authorization to do this?"
Just like the Pharisees & Sadducees did to Jesus when
they asked Him "By what authority have you done this?"
... the apostles were quizzed similarly.
Religious folks have such a hang-up with "ordination"
and where/who you were ordained by and etc, etc,  
ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
I was ordained first by God, as many of you were
and I also have ordination papers from at least
two church orgs (somewhere) . . . but THAT is NOT the point!
THE POINT IS will any of us OBEY God and launch out and
do what He tells us to do, regardless??
All we need is a "word from God" to step out of our boxes
and out of the shadows to go forth and accomplish 
great things for God!
*Public Service Announcement,
brought to you by my sponsor,
The Holy Spirit!*


I recently visited a Thanksgiving service @ a local  
Lutheran church.
It was an invitation by an old friend, so we all went, 
the whole Fam.
Food was superb, music & praise band also. Songs were
awesome, very uplifting, overcoming tunes, and 
scripturally accurate.
And the message was good, Jesus calming the storm.
The communion service was . . . shall we say, ummm,
"disappointing". Sorry, I love communion and all that,
have experienced some powerful communion services 
in the past,
but that one I just could not get into.
(My 8 year old was leaning on me anyway, I wasn't moving).
I don't feel condemned for not partaking. I'm ok. I'm free.
So why, what da prob?
Uh, their confession.
They all spoke in unison some profession of faith
"off the wall" that declared that 'we're all just a bunch
of crummy ol' sinners, and we humbly come to you
begging you God to forgive us for all our stupidity
and bumbling etc. etc. etc.'
I couldn't stomach it, and didn't want to throw up
my delicious pumpkin pie.

I do have some scriptures for you to meditate on.
We're not just a bunch of crummy sinners.
IF we have entered into the kingdom of God
through covenant with Jesus Christ, especially.

"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf,
so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
(2 Cor. 5:21 NASB)

I KNOW we all want to be relatable to folks when we share 
the gospel,
especially when accused of "Holy Joe" or "holier than thou".
We say "No, we are ALL sinners" blah, blah, blah.
Well, that is NOT the truth.
You cannot be a 'sinner' AND 'the righteousness of God' 
at the same time.
That would make us have a "split personality" I'm sure!
Some folks argue, "well, I still sin, I still make mistakes, Paul
in Romans 7 said ..." Oboy, we can go there! We can preach 
on that brotha!
But just wait, we will go there!

"Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in  
newness of life.
 For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin;
 for he who has died is freed from sin." (Rom. 6:4-7)

Apostle Paul lines out in 2 Corinthians that we are  
new creations! New heart, new mind, new nature, 
 newness of life! Our old self, we ain't draggin' around on our horse, smellin' up the house and everybody! 
Our "body of sin" is done
away with, and we are FREED FROM SIN!!
Awww, ya'all don't believe me yet!
Let me drive this home from good ol' Apostle John 
"The Beloved":

First John 3:9
(Are you sure you're ready???)
"No one who is born of God practices sin,
because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because 
he is born of God."

Now, whoa. Wait a minute. What about the 1st chapter,
where John says, "If we say that we have no sin,
we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us." 
(verse 8)
CONTEXT, FOLKS!!  Ya got to pay attention to the context!

"If we say that we have fellowship with Him and
yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth" (verse 6).

Everything, then, in that chapter, must be 
interpreted and understood
by that premise. I have studied 1st John for many years, 
and have come to the conclusion that it is the
Grand Lighthouse of the New Testament.

OKAY. It's like this.
We have a new nature. We don't want to sin.
We don't practice sin. We practice godlinesss, etc.
We are overcomers. We are more than conquerors.
If you don't believe this, you have been LIED TO,
and need deliverance. Plain and simple.
Most deliverance that comes to us "after Christ"
is due to LIES in our mind, our soul, our being.
That's why I said that.

I know I've gone Loooooooooong again
but I have to leave you with this to chew on:

" . . . and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins;
and not for ours only, but also for those of  the whole world."
(I John 2:2)

JESUS CHRIST completed the JOB.
He fully dealt with SIN.
Sin is dead.
in New Testament=speak.
He came to take away "The Sins of the World"
The whole wad, the whole kit'n'kaboodle!!
So . . .
That means God Almighty ain't pissed off
and is reserving judgment for some future time
in some undisclosed place . . .
(Jesus stated that 'judgment has come' before his crucifixion)
Kinda like Frodo when he finally got rid of the "one ring"
in the Fires of Mordor.

Paul was enslaved to the LAW in Romans 7 ...
in Romans 8 The Spirit has come, and he is FREE.
We have to be freed from our "sin mentality"
and see ourselves as God sees us.



  1. I have this huge smile on my face right now, Tony. Your experience at the communion...every time I go into a church I have skin starts to crawl like a dog with the hair standing up on his back when he is alerted to danger...I want to get up and fight or run. Every time someone tries to convince me that their church is different...
    I'm gonna have to check out the rest of your blog soon...

  2. oh wow Phil, we could truly swap stories here! Thanks for commenting, and thankful for you and all me "followers" here!
