Thursday, September 15, 2011


A Labor Day Power Thought:

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
   Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls." (Matt. 11:27-29 AMP).
Now please re-read that passage above. Very Very Cool.

Jesus said, in effect, 'lay your burden down'. We were never meant to
be or live as 'pack-mules'. HE's the burden=carrier, the burden=lifter.
He encourages all of us 'laborers' to 'take it easy' and take a REST.
Lay it all down, upon Jesus. All the cares of this life, all the turmoil,
all the pain, all the struggle, all the stress and all - all - all of the 'Labor'.
How more appropriate words for a day like today?

Also, In the book of Hebrews, the unknown writer states that some in Israel
missed out on "entering into THE REST". They missed out because of 'unbelief'
(a refusal to believe the promises of God).
We are being called to, being given a chance to hear this message.
And even today, we are
exhorted to "enter into The Rest". What IS The Rest??
The moment YOU cease from 'all your labors', all of your so=called
'works in God', all of your strivings, all of your great so=called
'spiritual feats', and all of your struggle with 'sin' and all of your
pursuing after 'perfection', and simply let THE HOLY SPIRIT
take the helm, and work His Works THROUGH YOU. That, my
friends IS The Rest. And it is marvelous. Try it Today. On this
day of 'rest' for laborers. Yeah. 
I trust that you, as I did way back in 2001, will be amazed as
the power of God courses through you to accomplish great things.
I simply said, "Today, Holy Spirit, I make myself available for you
to flow through me!" And to see the hand of God, and know you
are a partner with Him, but you had little to do with the results
and the works ... at the end of the day, it's an amazing feeling.

And I know, you'll like how it feels.  :) happy


Fascinating, JIM!

A friend asked me the other day if I went to school
or studied to be a "deliverance minister". My answer,
was "No, not really" (without the Sulu impersonation).
That ministry was 'dropped' upon Renee & I, in 2001,
back when we were in Kansas ... and that was a time that
I was trying to 'leave' the ministry as such (now ya'all
don't freak right here, it happens a lot. Sometimes ya
just gotta move on, and ya have to follow Jesus!). Anyway,
I was done with a 'pastorate' and outside of some 'evangelistic
preaching', I wasn't seeking another ministry. But God knew
what my callings and giftings were, how I was 'groomed' for this.
Oh, I don't see droves wanting to sign up for this one, as I liken
the deliverance ministry or counselling as "taking out the garbage"
(which btw, I have done since I was ten years old) ... demons and\
witches and split personalites and trauma dealings etc. were not
my idea of a choice from youth ... "Oboy, I can hardly wait to
sign up!" No. It didn't happen that way for me. There's a lot of
suffering and preparation and unexplained s__t , that comes to
one who has been similarly called. And oh, it's not my "livelihood"
right now, but it IS my ministry. The music and the videos, those
are OVERFLOW. Ministry FLOWS in and out of a person, or it
doesn't ... plain and simple. The day I "ceased striving" in my own
works, and let the Holy Spirit govern my day, I saw HIS works!
And so, I entered into "The Rest". Yep. That day. You should try
it ... makes a HUGE difference.
See, I think that even Mr. Spock would be fascinated by deliverance,
in action. He would probably look at Captain Kirk and say something
like "Curious, Captain." And then, with one eyebrow raised, he
would examine all the angles and with his keen Vulcan mind then
respond, "Fascinating, Jim!" His mind would be overwhelmed with
the demonstrations of The Spirit.
Anyways, I'm just being real. This is real life here, friends, and it
almost doesn't get any real-er than this (except if you get to go
to your favorite dream destination, that might be very real).
The "bang" I get out of all this is to SEE the reaction of somone
SET FREE. Yep. That really turns me on. To see the transformation,
after the process of deliverance, then someone gets 'unbound' from
the thing that has been holding them captive for years. And trust me,
there's a whole lot more junk binding folks then just drugs & alcohol.
Or abuse factors. There's a lot of junk ... but Jesus died & resurrected
to set folks free from ALL OF IT. "Ain't No Mountain High Enough!"
Jesus will break thru the WALLS and totally DELIVER peeps, in their
minds, subconscious minds, bodies, etc! And that is because HE IS THE
Deliverer ... but Hey! We get to get in on this thing, as His co-workers
and be 'deliverers' too! It's in the Word, ya know. I love the anointing
for deliverance ... cuz when it strikes, you know that the devil's kingdom
is gonna fall! Right then! I love to walk in that authority, cuz then you
see that even the meanest, biggest, nastiest demon or witch has to bow
the knee ... to Jesus! So ... I'm dealing with Witch #13 Tonite ... and
there may be a FIGHT, but it will be a good one. The fight of faith,
that's the fight YOU WIN.