Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Bonus Blog: What's Christmas To Me


You read the title rightly. It does not say "What Does Christmas
Mean To Me" or something else like that. I have been thinking
about this topic, for say, many days ... even back when ABC
first announced their "25 Days of Christmas".
You see, I've always loved Christmas, or at least some facet of it.
I have not always loved what people have done to it.
At one point in time, I even went one year (or was it 2?) without
(GASP!) ... a Christmas Tree. Nawww, not because I couldn't afford
one, or didn't have room for one, didn't want to 'promote' one!
Now, before you start to throw ornaments or snowy globes at me,
I'm just tellin' on meself a wee bit. Ya see, I read this book about
Babylon religion and stuff they used to do with trees, and how
they persecuted Christians & such, and I got real bothered.
I thought, 'most certainly God must really be upset with that
memory' and so I dispensed with the tree. I replaced it with
a Huge Wreath (what near insanity!) and had the presents all
dropped underneath that thing on the wall. Not too pretty.
But, hah, it served its purpose, right?
Again, I reiterate, that was a temporary lapse of reason ...
and I don't feel or believe that way anymore. Besides, that
was a looooooooooong time ago, at least in my book.
You know, amongst christians, there has always been talk
about when Jesus' real actual birthday was (probably September
around the Feast of Tabernacles ... get it?) and Christmas being this
"pagan holiday" and discussions like that. Then, there was a more
positive talk about good ol' Saint Nick ... who, in fact, was this Greek
rich priest dude who liked to throw bags of money through windows
of poor people! He was a true GIVER, and quite a guy! 
And, best thing yet, 
he was REAL and actually did LIVE. Although our present day
Coke-drinking-Santa doesn't quite fit the image, 
you can see where I'm
going with this. Christmas isn't so bad, after all, is it?
I started to think about the customs of gift=giving and customs that
families have at this time ... and how everybody seems to be a heck
of a lot sweeter and nice (well, except for the humbugs!), and there's
this 'magic' in the air, or so it seems. And really, does it have to all
go away after ONE DAY, or how about 12? I mean ABC does 25 for
goodness' sake! Anyway, there's a lot of charm, and special feelings
and beauty that comes with the Holiday. And, if you live in colder
climates, SNOW! I know I mentioned ABC twice already, but how
about all those Christmas shows & movies?? I mean, call me an
ol' soft-serve or sentimental, but I like them!

Check This Out!
"There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say, Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round - apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that - as a good time: a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time: the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!"
       ( Ebenezer Scrooge's nephew Fred from A Christmas Carol )

Yeah, I know somebody will probably read this blog and say, "But
Tony, you know this whole Winter Solstice/Christmas thingy is about
Janus and Horus and Ra and Sis Boom Bah gods of Yore (Lore?)
and we simply can't engage in such paganistic stuff blah blah blah".
Ahh, just save it, man. Don't write me about that junk, 
I won't read it.
I'm no more a pagan than I'm a Druid in love with Stonehenge.

There's another story ... other than the One who gave us Himself
as a GIFT to mankind. There's this other story about these 
3 Wise Guys
who came, following the King's Star; a Celestial Wonder of 
Jupiter & Regulus
conjoined on this Wonderful night ... one amazing star that moved; it probably took about 2 years for them to arrive, 
but arrive they finally did. 
And these
3 Kings of Orient Are 
gave some very, very expensive GIFTS to this
2 year old new KING, and also came to Worship Him. 
Now whether they
came on Christmas Eve, or that One Holy Night, 
*OR* on January 6, or two years later does
not matter to me ... They CAME, they GAVE, they Worshipped ...
and THAT'S good enough reason for me ...
To Do The Same.

Till next Time,
TONY '@-@ search me

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