Friday, July 20, 2012


SALVATION is much more than a rescue from a terrible demise. Salvation is the restoration of an ENTIRE LIFE,
 not just what evangelicals mistakenly label "the soul" ... they are actually speaking of the "spirit".
The soul, as we all should realize, is "mind/ will / emotions" of a person. But according to every place
that even the best devout Jewish scholars read in scripture, along with other spiritually gifted leaders,
God is about "saving" the entire man!  And the word "save" or it's complement "salvation"  denotes
"wholeness, healing and health, soundness, peace, safety, rescue and deliverance, and a better quality of life"!
Even Jesus when he said, "I have come that you may have LIFE, and that more abundantly", was speaking
 about the ZOE Life, The God-kind of life! Trading in your "low-life" for his "higher life".  There is more
depth of meaning to the word "salvation". It also points to beyond this life. There is a resurrection. But few
talk about it. Many evangelists have watered down the "gospel" to mean, "saving you from hell", instead of
preaching the glorious power in it, the TRANSFORMATION that the Apostle Paul writes about. Man, I'll tell you,
this is one guy who got it RIGHT.  Paul called the GOSPEL "the power of God".
 When you preach the TRUE gospel, burdens are lifted. Depression is broken. Despair is destroyed. Broken hearts
and broken minds are mended. Bodies are Healed. Curses are broken, "demons" flee, fortunes are restored, relationships are restored, blessings abound, miracles happen and LIVES ARE CHANGED!  THAT's the kind of gospel I want to preach,  the one I believe in, and I have seen its power!  Yes! I have.  
Let's recall the story of a little man who climbed a tree to get a closer look at Jesus, who was travelling with his disciples and many other followers. The man's name was Zaccheus. Jesus stopped everything to look up at him, in that tree, to tell him, "Zaccheus, we're having tacos today at your house". Zaccheus obliged. He was drawn.  Jesus was irresistable. After the meal, Zaccheus proclaimed to The Master, "Look, Lord, I'm giving half of my belongings to the poor, and all those I've robbed while being a lowdown dirty tax collector, I'm paying them back 4 times as much!!" Wow. Stop to meditate on that, that's a Selah Moment :D  Jesus response: "Today SALVATION has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham.  For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:8-10). Zaccheus was a full-fledged Jew. He was ok with God, according to the law, we're pretty sure. But it says "he was lost", doesn't it? Yeah, ol' Zacc had "lost his way" in relationships, and in intimacy with God, but not so far gone ... after all, he did climb the tree! But the credit for the CHANGE has to go to JESUS,  he was the Influence that made the difference! We have to see this, it's not our "choice" but His! It's not our "move", it's his power!  That's what brings ...TRANSFORMATION ... occurring due to the presence of God in Jesus.  Zaccheus received the Messiah, the message and the power, all during lunch!  And that, my friends, is just ONE example of salvation, 
I could mention many more.
That's what it's all about. That's The Message.  SELAH, and calmly think of that!
 And the timeline of that story is: Before the CROSS.    ---Tony Prince.
{excerpted from the Facebook "Note" of the same title}

DELIVERANCE ... Not A "911" Ministry

I think there are some in the body of Christ that believe that "deliverance ministry/
ministers is like a "segmented emergency adjunct ministry", similar to the 911
ambulance! After all, that's who you call upon when you've got a "real doozy"
of a case, a severe "demon-possessed" person, or some "crazy" running around!
Right? I mean, really, a lot of churches send these types "under the tent" or off
to some other room to be dealt with, away from the rest of the flock ... don't want
to disturb anybody now, do we? Funny ... that ain't how Jesus dealt with matters
like that, He just sorta openly handled "them" and cast demons out! Right in front of
everybody! Now, I understand that in some cases, you've got to remove some people
who might be extreme, dangerous, or otherwise unsafe, wisdom must be exercised!
But, a note here: Most of the "deliverance ministry" Renee & I have conducted for the past
year has been breaking off curses,  exorcising 'witchcraft issuances", removing & dismantling
"mind-control programming" and the like. It's all because the way my wife prayed. She wanted
to know why certain people are not prospering the way they should, and for God to reveal the
causes, and fix the problems! WOW. What a prayer!! It was like George Washington Carver
asking for God to reveal the peanut to him! So ... all this secret info comes flooding in, and
cracking the code, to DELIVERANCE ... which by the way, is part of SALVATION! It is
part of our inheritance, what Christ purchased for us on the cross! "He surrounds me
with songs of deliverance" the psalmist writes! So... next time you need "delivered" from
something, think of it as that extra OOOMPH from the Holy Spirit to take you to the next
level! Not always is it "calling the paramedics" or "for surgery" ... BUT it sure feels good
after the fact! Remember, Jesus HEALS. He saves. *And* DELIVERS. And there's a whole
lotta lotta meaning in that WORD.


Trick question?? Nope. Not "what" ... but WHO???
John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Yes here, Jesus is THE LOGOS. The "reasonable, logical and spiritual expression of God".
But then, after reading in Ephesians 6:17: "And take the helmet of salvation,
and the Sword of the Spirit, which is The Word of God." We see the real definition, don't we?
The Sword of the Spirit, the same two-edged sword mentioned in Hebrews, that same two-edged sword
coming out of the mouth of Jesus in Revelation ... IS none other than The Spirit's Sword ... The Word of God!
YET ... let me show you another verse: "He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood,
and His name is called The Word of God."  IT IS UNDENIABLE that is referring
to JESUS CHRIST and none other can be called The Word of God, except for
that SWORD! Now before you go to rinse out your pipe, and try to smoke this,
think of all the times in the Bible when it mentioned "the word of the Lord" or
the "word(s) of God".  Whatever the Hebrew designation is, we know that God
is SPEAKING. They are words that are SPOKEN. Many times in the NT, the
Greek uses the word RHEMA.  It is the "spoken" word that ZINGS into your heart!
And before it was ever "written" ... it was spoken! It is that "spoken word" that
came into Mary, that conceived into Jesus and became ... The Word of God!
So you see ... my heading above "The Word of God" = TITLE.
Now, this might fry some heads but ... I am coming to the revelation that The Bible,
the physical book, the paper it is written on is of very little value WITHOUT THE
HOLY SPIRIT enlightening the reader/user ... there have been so many who have
misconstrued, misinterpreted, twisted and otherwise mangled its true meaning ...
The True Word of God being 'JESUS' and that WORD proceeding
from His mouth, that brings LIFE! And that book, The Bible, was never meant to
be a CLUB, or a LEGAL  document forced upon folks, or something to abuse people
or enslave them with! Can people find God outside of the Bible? Of course! The Holy
Spirit is IN the earth, the human heart can "cry out to God",
and there are a multitude of witnesses God has placed, even in creation! I am beginning
to see The Bible as the "manual for Life", the "guidebook" or
"roadmap" if you will ... a book yes, inspired by God, yes with The words of God
within, and yes with power in many of its chapters. But Revelation with God did NOT
cease, when that book was finished ... "The" Word of God is a PERSON ... not a book.
His Name is JESUS. And when it comes to titles, "THE" Word of God" ... That's WHO
I'm thinking of, right now.  SON OF THE LIVING GOD.


Is not something that is discussed much amongst ministers ...
not discussed much around anyone really. BUT there is new
information coming forth to reveal that MANY have fallen
victims of this insidious and horrendous activity. You can
hardly label it an "activity", it is more like a THREAT.
Those who are big into mind-games, psychology and witchcraft
controls are using "mind control programming" on the weak, innocent
and unsuspecting. When I say "weak",  I mean "very young".  When
I say "innocent",  I mean those who are called by God, but were 1st
targeted by wicked people/relatives.
Some of you may have heard of "MK Ultra" or Monarch-type programming ...
it is a proven conspiracy that has captured several artists in the music industry.
There are other programs as well. Note that while these stories in and of themselves
are harmless, the wicked use of them to control is NOT: "Wizard of Oz"..."Cinderella"
... "Sleeping Beauty" ... "Alice in Wonderland" ... "Peter Pan"... and others fashioned by inventive "evil geniuses". These are planted in the subconscious realm of an individual, either
by hypnosis or "suggestive triggers or mantras", and they always have disastrous
effects upon these young "targeted" ones.
Not many know that they have been targeted. Michael Jackson was one ... he
had some serious prayer covering, and that's the only way he was able to discover
the trap he was in. He fought against it, but did not win in the end. Why? Because he began
to expose the perpetrators. They don't like that when you do so. These are all
substantiated facts regarding Michael ... even in a video from his own mouth.
THERE IS DELIVERANCE from these hideous programs. It is by the name
and blood of JESUS that one can be set free ... and just like any computer
program, "disable, uninstall and delete" them, and cast them out "into the fire"!
God will bring the healing. It takes discernment, hearing from God and sensitivity
to the Holy Spirit. Scriptures help too, certainly, when wielded properly.  
THE TONY BLOG comes to you in peace, love
and faith ... designed to be radical and challenge
your thinking and help you have a more interesting day! []--- cook
*Copyright © 2012 RoyalWritings.*
All Rights Reserved.

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