Tuesday, September 25, 2012

That Which Ain't "The Gospel"

There's a whole heck of a lot that tries to pass itself 
off as "gospel" today. And for that matter, there's a
lot of stuff out there in Christendom, that passes 
itself off as "truth".  With approximately 41,000
christian denominations and organizations
(according to Christianity Today) in the WORLD, 
one has to wonder: Are we all confused?
Or what?? Can everybody possibly be right??
This topic, I desire to focus on "what is the gospel?"

*or* "what's gospel to you?" *or* "what ain't the gospel?"

One of the first answers we are told in many churches,
Bible Colleges, VBS meetings and church camps is ...
"the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ!"

While that IS factual and integral to the message, that
ain't the gospel! 
If you were weaned on the distribution of "gospel tracts"
as a zealous disciple, and if you especially come from this
era, there is the famous "Four Spiritual Laws", first introduced by Bill Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ.
In this short but "soft-sell" tract, the message states:

"Just as there are physical laws that govern
the physical universe, so are there spiritual laws
that govern your relationship with God."
a. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
b. Man is sinful and separated from God, and therefore
      cannot enjoy God's love and plan for his life.
c. Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin.
     Through Him you can know and experience
     God's love and plan for your life.

d. Man has to accept this plan and receive Jesus as his
      Savior and Lord to know and experience God's love
      and plan for his life.

There are scriptures and explanation of Jesus' sacrifice
on the cross ... there is a very nice illustration of the 
"Lord is Central" life, and the life without Christ.
As positive as this message is presented, it still is NOT
the gospel! Again, it conveys some of the dynamic of
what Jesus has done for mankind, but the gospel has
yet to be expressed . . . Actually, Bill Bright was a wonderful
man who loved Jesus and college kids; his tract on the Spirit-filled life is an excellent resource, and has helped many. I am quite sure that many have been led to God through the simplicity of his "four spiritual laws".

Another example that has been used for nearly centuries is "the sinner's prayer" and also "altar calls". While surely I can say that God has probably used these methods of man to save some or many, it still is not conveying the gospel! I am amazed at how some preachers believe that all they got to do is preach any message, and then incorporate "the sinner's prayer" (which is really a modification of the Publican's prayer in Luke) and believe that someone/everyone is "saved"!

So the following are NOT the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ:
1. The Four Spiritual Laws
2. The Sinner's Prayer
3. The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
4. Altar Calls
5. "Turn or Burn" Sermons
6. Preaching of The Ten Commandments
7. Church Membership

While some people would almost faint that I even mention these seven, there are many more that believe unless you
believe and practice these things (and many other precepts),
you cannot get into heaven, and you may even be subject to rebuke or church discipline! Again, I say these are NOT the Glorious Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
What then IS The Gospel??

1. The gospel of the kingdom brings HEALING (Matt. 4:23)
2. The gospel is a PROCLAMATION (Matt. 9:35)
3. The Gospel is GOOD NEWS. The preaching of it ushered 
       in the kingdom of God (Mark 1:15)
4. The Gospel brings forth miracles (Matt 11:5)
5. The Gospel sets free, opens blind eyes, welcomes the poor
6. The Gospel is preached throughout the world (Acts 16:10
      Col. 1:23)
7.  It is THE POWER OF GOD for salvation and deliverance
      and healing to ALL who believe (Rom. 1:16)
8. The gospel establishes LIVES (Rom. 16:25)
9.  The gospel is LIT with the light of God (2 Cor. 4:4;
        1 Tim. 1:11)
10. The Gospel=The good news that God justifies our lives
         by faith, grants us his righteousness in trade for our sin,
         and blesses our lives like he did with Abraham, making
         us partakers of The Promises, fit for The Kingdom and
         granting us the Holy Spirit as a gift,
         so that we will never be alone. He transforms us,
         gives us a new heart, new mind and new nature. We are
         made into "new creations". This is all done by and thru
         the message of the good news, the gospel and Jesus'  ultimate sacrifice on the cross and consequent resurrection   (Galatians 3:8 and Hebrews 8, Luke 24 and 1 Cor. 15). The gospel began in the Old Testament, as a foretaste, and was completed and fulfilled in The New Testament. This Gospel,
is the penultimate message of God for all time, bringing Restoration to ALL.  The Lord God Almighty is walking hand-in-hand with man in the garden again.

Plus, we cannot overlook the fact of The Introduction of God's Love, Grace and Forgiveness offered to every person. It is wonderful to point out, when one studies Romans & 1st Corinthians, the apostle declares that God has already done all the work, and man cannot add to or obligate himself any requirement (except "believing"), to receive what God has already freely given! IT IS A DONE DEAL.

In short, if there is a message out there, purporting to be "the gospel of Jesus Christ", and it does not impute the righteousness of Jesus Christ as a free gift (Romans 5), then it is not the gospel. Also, I would like to add that the message of the gospel gives FREEDOM. If you are not free today, but still under bondage to men, or evil habits or evil thoughts toward others, or given over to depression or despair, then "check your gospel". Perhaps it's time ... to BELIEVE.

"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”  (Mark 1:15)

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