Saturday, March 14, 2015

POVERTY: Symptom of a Greater Problem?

    Poverty, as it is known amongst spiritual ranks, is part of  "the curse",
as in "poverty, sickness and death". This "curse", as it is called, has actually 
been abolished by the sacrifice of Jesus on The Cross, and by the shedding
of his powerful Blood. The fact remains, there are still some who have
fallen prey to its remnants and off-shoots, thus falling into different
types of suffering. This 'suffering' has come to some people who still
live under the curse, "under the law", as it were. Some do not
believe in 'curses', but I assure you, they do exist. It explains how
some folks can live a successful life with blessings, and others have great difficulty.
And so, like with many truths in the Gospel, the 'blessing'
must be received, appropriated and in this case, enforced.
Even people who are not necessarily steadfast "church-goers" can
and do live life with "the blessing of God" upon them. Perhaps their
ancestors lived Godly lives and believed in God's truths, and practiced them.
And conversely, those who are 'cursed' may need to look to their ancestry
to see if some of those lives were contrary to the truths of God. For 'blood-line
curses' or generational curses, and blessings for that matter, are a very real
thing that can affect entire future generations.

Are you or a loved one suffering from the throes of poverty?
It keeps showing up unwelcome and unannounced? Does it seem
like a pattern (or CYCLE) that returns, after a season (or measure) of prosperity?
Just when you think you've got your act together and things are going well,
then KABOOM! Poverty enters in. Maybe you've broken all known
poverty curses. You've rebuked until your rebuker is broken. But
you just can't seem to "break the back of lack" and get rid of poverty.

You've been to pastors and teachers and evangelists; maybe you
have even visited apostles and prophets and intercessors -- and
they haven't been able to "crack the case". Oh, you might get
some relief for a time, for a while. But here comes ol' poverty
sneakin' up on you again, ready to "break your back".

You can find many preachers that will try to help. They may
point out a particular situation when it reeks of poverty. But
perhaps you've done all you know to do, with little or no results.
We all know the signs: Lack, debt, things broken, run-down properties,
poor or no income, little food, rags for clothes, etc.
Preachers may say something like,
"Whoa, there's a lot of poverty spirits here!"
Or, "This one has a curse of ... poverty!"
Is it always so? It may appear as such, but we should look deeper.
Then some of those same preachers will say, "Well, if you're not
tithing etc. then you put yourself under a curse". Part of that is true.
You get under the law system, and you subject yourself to the law curses.
But we believe that it is wrong to put that kind of guilt upon people,
especially THE POOR. Jesus took a totally different view toward
the poor than we do in this modern world.

So is it something else? Could it be something worse?? Is it possible
that another issuance has come in to inflict pain and torment on a
group of people, on a nation or an individual; an issuance that CAUSES
poverty, but in fact by nature of the issuance has a bigger agenda??
We have discovered by personal experience and involvement in ministry,
that the answer to all these questions is a definite YES. If you or someone
you know has suffered like this, and has many unanswered questions, then
this article is for YOU. Our purpose is to point out the evil, and then point
the way toward DELIVERANCE. Yes, there is power to overcome all
types of poverty, there IS deliverance available.

I am writing this article, but other people (from the ministry)
are involved, that is why I switch from "I" to "We" on several occasions.
I am revealing things here that some will find controversial, yes indeed they are.
But our findings are factual just the same.

We will outline our discoveries here, by asserting what others may or may
not be privy to . . . here there will be secrets revealed, and some shocking truths.
I also need to point out, that most of the effects of poverty have their basis in
the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, a place where many ministers do not address.
You may begin to see this the more you study the facts below.


#1. Poverty can be caused by strongholds of selfishness and greed.
I am not asking you to look at the "victims" of poverty now ...
Rather look at their bloodlines ... any past "sins" of greed in ancestors,
selfishness, with-holding, and the "love (lust) of money" can
all bring a curse of poverty, or at least the signs of poverty
into a household or marriage, WHEN these sins have not been
dealt with, not repented of and renounced.

#2. "Sin in the camp" ... this is a BIG one. Reference the story of Achan,
Joshua chapter 7. Achan, deceived and stole, taking some "accursed"
things, things "under the ban". God said, Jericho is off-limits to you
regarding its booty. So Jericho fell, and all was fine with Israel.
Or so Joshua thought.
The next city to conquer, Ai, should have been a breeze
for the armies of Israel. But they were soundly defeated.
Joshua fell to his knees, crying out to God. God replied,
"Get off your knees, there is SIN IN THE CAMP!"
By lot and prophetic direction, they discovered Achan's deed.
Achan's greed and disobedience had a very damaging and rippling
effect, the Israelites got their butts whipped at Ai, which should have
been an easy battle! Achan had to pay dearly for his sin.
God said that Israel needed to make this right, so they could stand
before their enemies. And so God would back them up in battle.
The moral? "Things under the ban", such as HATRED, Deception, bitterness,
STEALING and the like, unrepented for, can block some real blessings from God.

#3. Witchcraft. Not the spooky, Hollywood type, but the sneaky and controlling
kind; the sort that just plain gets in God's way! Reference the story of Elymas,
a sorcerer aka "Bar-Jesus". He would resist Saul (Paul) and Barnabas, lying
and speaking deceit to the Proconsul Sergius Paulus. Then Paul, looked at him
and gave him this word: "O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil,
you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways
of the Lord?" And BLINDNESS fell upon Elymas! For a while, at least.
Result: The Proconsul came to faith in the Lord.
BUT before all this, The Proconsul's faith was being blocked.
People who practice secret or sneaky witchcraft love to
block God's purposes, and try to derail the destinies of God's chosen ones.
It is reminiscent of JEZEBEL, who hated God and killed his messengers.
This witchcraft practice is also an "abomination", something under the ban.
Why? Because it attempts to usurp God's role of leadership in his people and
create negative circumstances. Witchcraft has been responsible for a lot of wrecked
lives and ministries, because of the stealth way it comes in to kill, steal and destroy.

#4. Masonic Curses. Anyone who has researched Freemasonry, and has had to repent
and renounce of the plethora of curses that members recite, will know of what
I speak. Freemasonry men and women, take several vows, speak many curses
to befall anyone in their ranks, who divulge the secrets of their society or disobey
the commands given to their members. The nature and wording of the curses
themselves are horrendous. But it is our belief, that they can also enact curses
upon their "enemies", especially those who are of The Gospel of Jesus Christ ...
against those christians who they TARGET. It can be someone in a family.
Or someone in a city. The common denominator is that SOMEONE is involved
in a secret society, called Freemasonry, and that Someone has relatives who
are not. And these curses? Many of them are financial-based, i.e. they are
designed to ATTACK finances directly, just as in war one side chooses to
destroy supply lines. The purpose is to utterly defeat their 'opposition', to discredit
Believers and their ministry, and make them ineffective in the earth. Dastardly
programs are often PLANTED in a person's subconscious, thus harming them
due to the false doctrines and commands that speak to them unawares.
Therefore I can say that the deeds/secrets/curses of Freemasonry are demonic,
and evil and have hurt many unsuspecting "targets", innocent people who
may actually have real calls of God upon their lives.

#5. Outside demonic attacks. These happen when a person has come in contact or
covenant with a witch, warlock etc., who operates in a lot of hate, jealousy
and malice. The Believer could be totally unaware of the darkness in this contact.
They may spread lies about a christian. Try to debunk his ministry.
Spread lies and vicious rumors about him ... try to destroy his reputation ...
by telling "one lie" that seems to stick, and propagate that. "Word Curses"
(words spoken with malice and hate) and "issuances" against the innocent one,
that the powers of darkness carry out because such curses have gone unchecked
and unbroken. These witches love to prey upon those who are sensitive, "weak"
(to them), innocent and easy-going types.

#6. Trauma. This involves an abuser, a violater or molestor who hypnotizes and
otherwise "brain-washes" his victim (an innocent young believer); by mind-control
programming and "triggers", plants subconscious data and creates "alters"
(an alternate personality that presents itself to the forefront) -- altered states
that are uncharacteristic of the real person; Commands are given by "handlers",
who try to direct that person to fail, or act crazy, or even be suicidal.
Some methods include hypnosis, drugs administered and various stimuli
for "brain conditioning", also the planting of suggestions and "programs"
to cause the person/target to divide in the soul, and struggle with stability.
This is to effect their entire mind/will/emotions for the purpose of Control.
The goal is to totally train-wreck the person's life, so that they may become
a "false witness", someone that people will not follow or believe in. If this
innocent one was being supported before, now that the triggers have clicked on
and the alters manifest, all support can stop! This scenario is not as rare as
you might think, people don't want to talk about it. It is a nasty operation,
diabolical and mean and monstrous. The perpetrators of this operation do
NOT care for the health and well-being of their "victims". They want to see
them FAIL, and the programmers & handlers want to continue to look good
in the eyes of the public. Or they just hide from the public, the public then
is totally clueless to what is really going on.

#7. Principalities. Once again, you have to check the bloodlines. By the gifts
of the Spirit, it can be revealed that a demonic entity is at work in a person's life;
whether it is The Spirit of Jezebel OR something entirely different, but
just as insidious. There's usually a story revealed, where someone did
something very wrong, some injustice wrought, someone hurt.
Whatever is in operation, it is possible to uncover the secrets in order to
unravel the mystery.

#8. The Anti-Build Network. This is an insidious program and curse/assignment/
construct from the FreeMasons. It is designed to block a brother who desires
to "build" something with his life; a family/home, business or 'empire', a ministry,
a community or following that is indicative to growth and to posterity. A jealous
brother could rail this against another brother who he disagrees with. Perhaps
one brother is godly, believes in Jesus radically, and the other does not. The
manifestations of such a construct are: lack, poverty, failure, blocked provisions,
hinderance of success in business, friendships falling apart, family falling apart,
mobility blocked, supplies cut off, falling into disfavor and the blocking of
talents expressed that would normally lead to financial success. This is a BIG
assignment that is mean, nasty and hateful and destructive and damaging and
cares not for the welfare of a man or family so targeted.
It is secretive and hard to detect.
But ... all things can be revealed by The Spirit of God. And this stronghold will
have to relinquish hold & claim when it is exposed and powered down.

#9. Dedication to Satan and the worship of other gods.
This "dedication" can actually be done by a parent, an older sibling or
guardian who has charge of a very young child. It is very serious, I kid
you not. What happens is when a child is "dedicated to satan", there
is legal grounds for demonic attacks and poverty effects, and the blessings
of God can be blocked or even thwarted from breaking through. Some
blessings can come through, to be sure, by the mercy (and faith) of God ... However,
because of this usurping of someone's soul & provider source, the dedication
must be broken, by the Name and Blood of Jesus Christ!
This dedication has to be BROKEN, and said child must be dedicated
to God Almighty/Lord Jesus Christ or the child may grow up with all kinds
of disasters or maladies or negative effects in its life. Fortunately, the name
and blood of Jesus can break any ungodly vow, curse or dedication that
would otherwise stand in the way "legally" for success in life.
Idolatry comes in many forms, but the "worship of other gods" is also
a stronghold by which others have been controlled in their mind, with
false doctrines and belief systems that are contrary to the promises of God.
If you read the scriptures in the OT you will see that the good kings destroyed
all the idols and high places. Those scriptures are there for a reason.

Besides other "curses", issuances, plants, assignments, and
other things that can result in a bout of poverty, there are several scriptures
that we want to mention here, scriptures that explain "if you do this, it will
end in poverty". It is a consequence of wrong actions and wrong thinking.
And probably one of the biggest culprits, one of the main blockers to all
things involving prosperity and success is UNBELIEF. "Jesus could not
do many miracles there for their unbelief." (Matt. 13:58)
Unbelief is a stubborn refusal to BELIEVE.
That is why Jesus many times took only his "Inner Circle",
Peter, James and John. That is also why Jesus ran out all the unbelievers
and all the naysayers before he raised the young girl from the dead.

It is one thing to say that you believe in the blessings of God, and another
thing entirely to actually "walk in them". You must not get into jealousy
or criticism of others who seem to prosper more than you do. I heard one
man say once that he did not understand why or how christians "would
want to be rich, and have all these possessions". Funny thing is, he owned
a house, car and boat and made a rather "modest wage". I don't believe that
he wants to go without, do you? The thing is, if you don't ever believe in
greater prosperity, then you are sure NOT to ever live there! Some people
believe that it is ok to be rich, and become rich, simply because they desire
to accomplish more in the earth, share more and also enjoy some of the
finer things in life. There is nothing wrong with this concept. I also believe
that people can talk themselves into "being poor", just by the words that
come out of their mouth! Jesus said it best: "Out of the abundance of the
heart, the mouth speaks" and from Proverbs "as a man thinks in his heart,
so is he". Now it is not my purpose here to discuss all the facets of prosperity,
that is for another time.

But I will add this: It is true, that some people mis-manage finances. Yes, it
is true, that some people waste what is given to them. And yes, it is true, that
for some, poverty is a state of mind and being. They simply flesh out what is
within, and they never seem to grasp scriptural concepts such as "the power
to create wealth" and WISDOM and GIVING and sowing & reaping. For
some, they will just have to have their minds RENEWED, into "kingdom
abundance", i.e. living like a "king's kid". The thing you "image" in your
mind, that is what you will become.

Along with the above statements, I include the concept of "poverty of the mind"
and "spiritual poverty" are also negative states, that are just as bad as physical
poverty, if not worse. The Beatitudes start out saying, "Blessed are the poor in
spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God". Right. It's like saying, "You must first
realize that you are nothing and bankrupt without The Spirit of God." However,
Jesus never intended any of us to remain in a permanent state of bankruptcy!

I have now exposed the items above, the Nine Spiritual Strongholds, because
it is a subject that many times has been glossed over or ignored. My purpose
is to help the individual unravel the mystery that may be plaguing him or her
or a loved one. I realize that for some of you, I have given a LOT to chew on;
but I also believe there are those out there who will read 50 pages if it brings
them closer to the answer ... they are that hungry!
And as far as mind-control programming, the dark & secret deeds of Free-
masonry and the Illuminati goes, we have just touched the very tip of the
iceberg. So I am including some links/resources below for further research.

Finally, by this article, Do You See that Poverty can be a SYMPTOM of a greater
Problem? And what is that Problem?? Well, if you don't find your answer
here, or in the scriptures or links cited below, then we encourage you to PRAY.
Ask the Holy Spirit . . . IF there is poverty, then ask to be shown EVERYTHING
that is causing poverty IN YOUR LIFE, and then ... prepare yourself for the answer!
Get ready for a wild ride, because you will hear, see and know things that you
have never heard or seen or known before.


***IF you need further teaching or expounding on this subject
please feel free to contact our ministry by email, and then
if necessary we will provide a phone number as well.
When you do call, if you need assistance with deliverance,
someone is willing to walk you through the steps and pray with you.
You also may leave comment below, and we'll get back with you shortly***

Below are some LINKS to help your understanding and study.

* /dp/1577944232
* (mind control programming)
* (more info on mind control)


***Check out these verses below, and see if any apply.
PLEASE do not come under condemnation in reading any
of them, they are given simply for background education.
And also, to reveal if someone has "cursed" you with any
of the stigmas of poverty so cited below.
Enlightenment shall come! SHALOM. ***

I Corinthians 2:11
We are not ignorant of the devil's schemes

Ephesians 5:11
Have no fellowship with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, rather
expose them.

Proverbs 31:9 [Full Chapter]
Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 10:15
The wealth of the rich is their fortified city, but poverty is the ruin of the poor.

Proverbs 11:24
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

Proverbs 13:18
Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction 
is honored.

Proverbs 14:23
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Proverbs 21:5
The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Proverbs 22:16
One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and one who gives gifts to the 
rich—both come to poverty.

Proverbs 24:33, 34
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest,
and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.

Proverbs 28:19
Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies will 
have their fill of poverty.

Proverbs 28:22
The stingy are eager to get rich and are unaware that poverty awaits them.

Proverbs 31:7
Let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.

Luke 21:4
"All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all 
she had to live on.”

2 Corinthians 8:9
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

Revelation 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:17, 18
(Jesus speaking to the Laodiceans): "Because you say, I am rich, have become
wealthy, and have need of nothing -- you do not know that you are wretched,
miserable, poor, blind and naked! I counsel you to buy from me GOLD refined
in the fire, and white garments that you may be clothed, that the shame of your
nakedness may not be revealed, and anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see."


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