Monday, March 21, 2011




Probably NOT the usual way to start a blog.
But this one, I feel very very passionately about
and it is very very serious.

We have all seen the news.
We have watched the horrific pictures and videos.
The devastation.
Tsunami rolling in, almost in real time.
Ships being run aground.
Cars, Vans, Trucks and other vehicles
floating away like they are toy boats.
Houses dislodged from their foundations
and floating away.
And ... worst of all ...
LOSS of Lives.

THIS is a message to all the people in this country
and throughout the world that just "hate".
And like to spew out words of judgment
all the time. Every chance they get.
Targeting certain people=groups or ethnic groups.
Or ... ranting their racist rhetoric.
Today, I, Tony, begin a series on hate and judging.
This is the 1st blog in the series.
Thus the Title:


GOD did NOT send the disasters upon Japan!
No ... on the contrary.
I have yet another theory.
There is still evil in the world, many times
manifesting itself through words.
Many people voicing and repeating certain
kinds of words, negative words, spoken with malice
... it has an effect upon the atmosphere.
The words do not go away,
they eventually LAND, and target the innocents.

Here's a nation of people who are, for the most part,
gentle, hard=working, and offer many things to
the rest of the world. They have been responsible
for technologies and products that you & I use
on a daily basis.
Yet ... there are some people in this world, who
have 'no use' for the Japanese, or who may have
never forgiven them for 'Pearl Harbor' ... and
yet we incinerated two of their cities.
Yes, we are a far more civilized nation indeed.
People say that 'they' are heathens or worship
other gods, and they 'deserve' this.
We are too quick to pass judgment(s) and
don't know what we are doing. We don't realize
that our very words can have a catastrophic effect
upon human lives, upon the very earth.

Anyway, here you have a 9.0 earthquake hit Japan last week.
The result of such a tremendous force shook the very waves
that they sit upon (for Japan is surrounded by waters,
like an Island) ... and then BOOM! Tsunami!!

Through all of their suffering, all of the damage,
all of the wreckage and LOSS,
there has been NO LOOTING and NO CRIME ...
just patient people awaiting word of loved ones found ...
dead or alive.

We had a natural disaster in this country (USA) recently,
called 'Katrina' ... what did our citizenry do?
Loot ... crime ... destroy a stadium used for shelter ...
and other atrocities.
Wow. Big Difference.
And yet some folks have the audacity
(or is it 'stupidity'?)
to lambast, accuse and judge
and picket with placards ...
signs of HATE
signs of JUDGMENT
as IF these type people
really really know the true character and nature of The Almighty??

By The Way, A judge ruled in a court case 
(that was against what these guys do)
that they are protected in what they do by the 1st amendment, blah blah blah.
Double standard though. 
We have people who want to enact 'hate crimes' and
arrest those who speak against certain groups, 
and yet these 'Baptists' are
allowed to spew out their venomous hate and judgment.
What the worst thing about all this IS folks 
ain't gettin' the truth!!
GOD ALMIGHTY does NOT hate people!! Period!!!
His Judgments, although for the most part are OVER,
those that are IN the Earth, are "righteous altogether".

{ I will be writing upon this subject further.
There is a lot to say, and the record must be set ... STRAIGHT.}

HELMETS are something people wear upon their heads, 
to protect their heads from HARM.
They also represent MINDSETS, and 
STRONGHOLDS of thinking, that people
want others to think HATE and JUDGMENT and 
thoughts that are WICKED.
The HELMETS have got to come off!!
Quick! If someone has placed one upon your head,

You might think this is crazy, but it is TRUE.

DO YOU really think that God 'hates':

*Other Races
*'Your Tears'

I hope that your answer is a resounding  NO.

Next week I will be discussing more on the subject of JUDGING.

peace be with you

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