Monday, March 7, 2011

A Lesson From BOROMIR

THERE ARE JUST CERTAIN WEEKS  that one finds himself
so entirely busy, so bogged down with a workload, bogged down
with news from this front and that front, so feeling bombarded
on all sides ... like you're Boromir in Lord of The Rings, taking
arrow shot after arrow shot ...

Ever had one of those weeks? 
Well, I've had several! 
And when you have "news" hit you, like a wave, 
"news" that may be a 
'heavy revvy' ... an enlightening but shocking truth ... 
or you just found out
that your best friend or favorite relative 
has been lying about you ...
It can be devastating.
No. I am not going to tell you what I have been 
through the past several months. 
Not yet.
Perhaps when I collect it all, 
sift through it all, "digest" and analyze
it all with the proper words, in the proper setting, then. 
In the meantime, 
I will forge on.
I will continue to do the music that God gives me, do the video
work that I'm assigned, produce the artistic endeavors and assist
up and coming talent, write amazing and thought-provoking blogs
and still love my family and raise my kids and receive love from my
wife and be used by God to be a LIGHT to people all around me,
I trust ... continue to TRUST My God, the one and only True Living
God, and preach the Gospel of Grace, that God does NOT live or
dwell in edifices made by human hands but IN HIS PEOPLE.
We ARE the Temples ... We are the CHURCH, we don't "go to it".
I WILL CONTINUE to tell people that GOD IS LOVE, in spite
of wars and rumors of wars, in spite of the economy up and downs,
in spite of the price of gasoline, in spite of who is in the Oval Office,
in spite of some wicked despot ruler's activities across the pond,
and in spite of tons of religious, so-called "well-meaning" christians
who want to send the majority of the earth's population to judgment
and wrath for all eternity!

No, NEVER ever, ever, ever FAILED ME.
I may have failed Him, but never He to me!
Sooooo, some believe that God and Jesus failed, somehow.
I can soundly say that THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD
DID NOT FAIL when He reconciled ALL MANKIND and set them ALL FREE
from SIN.  Yes. That's what I said. FREED ALL from SIN.
You see, the religious world wants you to believe that God tried ... He just didn't
quite succeed in getting all reconciled, and sadly, "all won't be saved". Puh-leeeze.
Folks need to read their Bibles again, and reading in context.
Romans.  2 Corinthians.  First John.  That's just for starters.

Folks start saying junk like, "Well then, everyone is going to have a license
to do as they please and just keep sinning and then go to heaven, right?"
They say it like it's some kind of joke.
GRACE is a power from God, it is the opposite of license!  Sheesh.
Some don't even understand GRACE, and want to keep you from
knowing about it and "wielding it." Me O My O.
The WHOLE WORLD is now dead to sin. Because Jesus took sin,
nailed the whole thing to the cross, took the rap sheet, took the
punishment, and satisfied Almighty God and satisfied wrath.
The whole world goes free ... because of Calvary.
"Dead to Sin" ... Alive in Christ. Only problem is, they all don't know it yet.
Did you know that "the free gift of righteousness" is available to all??
Go Back and read The Book again. Read it with the "glasses of Jesus".
IN THE END,  Boromir fought to protect Merry and Pippin, and indirectly, Frodo
and the Ring.  He once was tempted to take the Ring. He later said he
did not understand. He once rejected the idea of Gondor having a king,
and certainly rejecting Aragorn as that potential king. Now with "many arrows"
in his body, he did get over himself, having fought the good fight ... and he finally
recognized the True King (Aragorn).
I love his last words:

"I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king!"

And with that, I'ma sayin' that Ima gonna keep following Jesus, my captain, my King ...
regardless of what the rest of the world does, regardless of preachers
denying his deity, regardless of folks telling people lies, or folks lying
on others or folks giving up and lying down! Doing nothing is not
the answer!  Giving in to discouragement or depression accomplishes
nothing! The LOVE OF GOD constrains me, motivates me, drives me
to fulfill "my density", er, I mean MY DESTINY and by that 
(I mentioned earlier) 
I WILL reach my goal!

It's just ...
I like to travel that road with no arrows 
stickin' in me.



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