Monday, May 16, 2011



Strikes Again!! LOL

It's been a while since I posted anything here,
so today, to celebrate the 50th blog I've written
(thus far), I'm sending out a "Double Blog"
package. For all you "DoubleMint" fans LOL
Enjoy.  Mmm-mmm good!!


WELL, If you missed the two=hour Finale of Smallville, friends,
you missed an EPIC episode of Epic proportions!
Watching Kal-El/Clark fully come into his destiny
was just plain EPIC!!!
(ok, I think I got that outta my system lol)
Of course, we, as a family, have been watching
the show for the whole entire TEN seasons.
In this final episode, Clark finally learns how to Fly.
 Most of the fans were thinking "It's about time!"
One of the things I liked about Smallville, is
how you take this young boy from another planet,
plant him in a rural community on earth,
he discovers that he has all these amazing talents
under our yellow sun ...
then you mix the human element in his raising
(the love & compassion from an earthly mom & dad),
the making and losing of friends,
the guarded secret of his true identity,
the struggles AND mistakes he makes along the way,
the various trials and tests he endured,
the challenges of meeting new enemies and how
he decides to take them on, whether to destroy
them or convert them to the "good side",
learning to understand and get along with Jor-El
(his Kryptonian father);
 and couple all this with his journey to understand and accept
his ultimate destiny as 'savior' of mankind ... at least
on a small scale. Clark/Kal-El had to learn to work
with other "heroes" as they manifest,
had to learn how to hold on to his 'human upbringing'
while embracing his Kryptonian heritage,
had to learn how to control his great powers, how to stay level-headed though becoming more and more powerful.
He had to learn to rely upon the humans to 'have his back',
realizing that, although immortal, he could not 'do it all'
and he needed help from time to time.
All Heroes do.
There is a quote by Aunt May in Spiderman 2 that
always impressed me:

Too few characters out there, flying around like that, saving old girls like me. And Lord knows, kids like Henry need a hero. Courageous, self-sacrificing people. Setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People line up for them, cheer them, scream their names. And years later, they'll tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who taught them how to hold on a second longer. I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams.
Well. Back to our 1st story.
Clark was changing from "The Blur" to  . . . Superman.
He was getting closer and closer to his true calling, and NAME.
I can't help it. I remember how I felt when I watched him,
he flew UP from the Fortress and sped-changed
into his super-suit . . . you see, he never donned
it before, and didn't fly before (much, except for
a few isolated incidents, which could have been
labelled "leaping" or "falling with style").
When he discovered "the power has always been inside"
of him, he not only was able to FLY but vanquish 3 bad foes!
All in one episode!
I know, it all sounds silly . . . it's just a myth,
a fable, a story created by 2 guys to depict . . . ummm
hmmmm . . . there are  some parallels here.
But I'll just leave it with Aunt May's comments
(I know, different universe)
-- but she says it best.
Heroes inspire us.
There's a hero inside of us all.
If I want things to change in this world,
then I need to change my world first.
What could happen if everybody thought that way?
Up, up and away!

Christians Judging???

I originally did not plan to finish my 3-part
blog on "Judging" (anybody remember that?)
but this is a good place to insert it.
After all, I can then segue into the subject
of "darkness", next time.  Like the subject at hand,
this is also a misunderstood thing.

You have people running around today
predicting 'the end of the world'
(as if Nostradamus and Tim LaHaye needed
any help with this)
and you have folks labelling other folks
and telling them where they will spend eternity,
like they know. And if it's not enough, then
we have 'self-appointed' judges ... "fruit-inspectors"
they call themselves, who go around blasting anyone
who doesn't 'live like they do' and live different
lifestyles and such.
My good friend and renowned evangelist,
Bernie Cull, who is now with Jesus upstairs,
calls these folks "fruit-bruisers", because
they do NOT walk in the Love of God!
One thing I can say about Bernie:
He always walked in the love of God!
And THAT really is the crux here, I believe.
'Christians' running around judging others,
exhibiting hate, really believe in a god of hate.
Missing Ingredient: The Love of God.
They take some isolated scriptures, out of context,
and out of "audience relevance" and try to
apply them to people without fully knowing 
the motives of said peoples.

God knows the heart.

I remember a preacher once saying that "Yes, God looks upon
the heart . . . but He also looks upon the clothes and 
the hair and the ..."
Whoa. Lift the needle off that Vinyl!
I'll cut that off right there. Whew!
Man, talk about "adding to" the Word!
The apostle Paul said once that he doesn't even
judge himself ... perhaps he was leaving all judgment
to His Master Jesus, who I'm sure does a whole heck of a better
job than we ever can.
"Don't you know that we are to judge angels?"
Paul also wrote that, to the Corinthians.
But notice: It is all in the context of examining 
our own hearts 1st.
Once again, I refer to a song:
"I'm starting out with the Man in the Mirror".
Oh, I know, some could have a heyday just rippin' ol MJ
left and right, for supposed 'acts' he did.
Man. They were doing that when he died!
I said: Leave him alone! After all, he was exonerated,
and he is being honored for his life and his works and
his message, his music, the gift that he was.
See what I mean???
To some people, all I have to do is mention just the
right name, the right thing or event and something
in them goes OFF like a triggered time-bomb!

Jesus did not call us to be judges.
And that ain't one of our jobs!
(unless you work for the government as one of those type 
dudes in the black robe)
Jesus is the Judge.
And His judgment is done.
Read about it in John.
Read it about in Acts.
What is the judgment??
John 3:19
"This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.

And before Jesus was crucified:
John 12:31
" Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world 
will be cast out.

1 Corinthians 4:5
Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and then each man's praise will come to him from God.

Acts 17:31
"He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead."

Revelation 14:7 and 16:7

And he said with a loud voice, " Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters."And I heard the altar saying, "Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty, true and righteous are Your judgments."

Many places where believers are encouraged to engage
in "judging", the term in the original should be
more properly thought of as "discerning" or "deciding"
not a final proclamation of doom or negativity.
Likewise, many places where it speaks of God's judging
it is a corrective, refining and punitive course of action,
not resulting in utter destruction.
Revelation expounds upon it, denoting that the 'judgment'
was near and close at hand, i.e. within the specified timeframe
of the writings, to whom John was writing to.
Of course, if one wants to know the truth, he'll study it out. Right? 
James 2:13
For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy;
mercy triumphs over judgment.
That concludes my dual blog for this week.
This was a special "one-off" exclusive, brought to you by  
The Tony Blog.
I have "judged" that I am now tired, and need to take a break.
You all have a great week, ya hear?


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