Monday, July 11, 2011


Old Religious Programming Dies Hard

I very recently came out of a relationship that I was involved in
for just a little over a year. This person turned out to be quite
controlling, and even perhaps bipolar bear himself. I'm not really
rejoicing about this... no ... in fact, I was quite sad at how things
developed. I'm the kind of person that will usually go more than
the extra mile with you, be loyal to you and put up with a lot of
'flak', to even my family's chagrin. I seemed to be the last, often,
to see the flaws in a so-called 'friend', if they are using me.

It has taken me quite some time to process all this, especially
while dealing with a financial shake-up in my life (still going thru
that one) *AND* discovering that some of my enemies have been
those amongst my own kin or 'former' kin, as it were. So, yeah ...
there has been a LOT to process lately. I can be thankful for the
TRUTH being exposed, and for deliverance.
Speaking of which ... it is in deliverance that we have seen 'demons'
like to 'label' you what they are. It's the old "pot calling the kettle black'
sitch. And ... if you ever do get into a debate or argument with one of
these, about TRUTH, they will always stick with their "party line" -- like
the devout "company man", never wavering off their prized doctrine.
"My mind is made up ... don't confuse me with the facts". It doesn't matter
how much you "prove the truth" to these kind, they cannot and will not
give up their "programming". Although, they don't know they are programmed.
It goes OFF like a trigger! I've seen some try to evangelize  'solid christians'
AS IF their subjects are totally ignorant and have to be enlightened! Or perhaps
they will launch into a rather LOONNNNNGGG monologue, replete with scriptures
and judgments and dogmatic decrees and declarations.

"The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome,
but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged"
(2 Tim. 2:24)

They must have missed THAT verse in all their 'training'.
But so many 'christians' have been programmed to just
parrot scriptures and doctrinal statements, without giving
regard to the witness/leading of The Spirit, the situation/circumstances
of the listeners or even using compassion.
Reminds me of an event I went thru back in 2001. My Dad
had just passed away ... he was a God-fearing man, and I
do believe he loved God. I visited my neighbors for a moment,
when the lady of the house stepped to her front door, I blurted
out that I just lost my Dad 'yesterday' and that we were going
to the Memorial service. Then ... she blurted out "Well, it is appointed
for man once to die and after that the judgment." I was shocked!
I thought "don't enter into pastoral care, cuz you suck at it!"
Unbelievable. So ... is that how her church teaches her to respond
 when someone mentions "losing a loved one"?? And by the way,
that verse was pulled way out of context, and that's NOT how you respond
to the one bereaving. I am long over that shock, indeed ... but it does
make an illustration of what I'm speaking of.

People who are 'programmed' religiously are akin to those who have been
programmed by hypnotic triggers. It's another form of 'mind control' and
is nothing new. Hitler used it ... the military has used it ... and it is very
very sad when pastors and/or ministers use these methods to 'train'
(actually 'condition') their members. We should be allowed to question,
and seek or search for truth ... not just accept words simply because
they issue forth from a 'member of the clergy'. People who have been
thusly programmed NEED deliverance ... the signs and clues are clear.
IF you ever get to engage with someone who is 'programmed' ... they
are not likely to change their beliefs ... they are not likely to agree with
you (on much) ... they may not even be listening to you (not really) ...
and you may find them 'turning on you'.

“ Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." (Matt. 7:6)

What can you do about such a one?
Pray for the truth to be revealed and the
darkness in them exposed. Bind the 'triggers'
that may be there ... send those to 'torment'.
Matter of fact, bind ALL demonic influences.
Remember, the goal of the demonic realm is
to 'divide and conquer'. It starts with strife and
gets ugly from there.
Just like in computers, 'programs' have to be
"disabled, uninstalled and deleted". Make it so.
These captives really do need deliverance.
Don't we all 
 (from time to time).

Just passing on some 'words of wisdom' ... for what it's worth.


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