Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Exactly Who's Crazy Now??
Alice in Wonderland

I was just thinking about the new movie,  
Alice In Wonderland,
you know, the one with Johnny Depp 
(whom I thought his performance
was one of depth ... and a very adept performance,
I might add LOL) ...
Anyway, I watched it the other night (on cable). 
I loved it. 
I didn't think I would at first ... 
I don't know if it was Tim Burton's effect on it or what;
he always puts this almost dark and mysterious and eerey look to
his films; or maybe the typical Old English-ness you always find
in the other movies. Yes, I know ... 
it is important to follow the book.

Anyway, my favorite was a different, modern version
simply called  Alice  (LionsGate 2009 --  
 Everybody was always
asking "You mean The Alice? " That Alice was my favorite.

But I did love This Alice. This new one.
This was Alice 'coming-of-age'. 
This story picks up from the previous time(s?) 
she visited Wonderland before 
[interesting thought... the locals
called the place "Underland", 
which is probably more accurate. I actually
have read none of the books all the way through, 
just the Jabberwocky poem]. 
Even if there was much dispute on whether "this Alice" is 
"the right Alice", still her future is predicted on a scroll: 
She will defeat and destroy
the Jabberwocky (a dragon type beast)

on Frabjous Day.
One interpretation of "Alice" has said 

the story reveals a method 
of coping for a child who has D.I.D. --
(dissociative identity disorder), 
to deal with abusive people in the outside world. 
After viewing several different versions of Alice, 
and reading a little of the history of Lewis Carroll
I thought it was more about 'how to deal
with the crazy people in your life'.
Now... I see things a whole lot differently.
Now ... I see things through the eyes of Alice, 
not just outside of Alice.
Alice decides, after time and thought, 
she should control her own choices and destiny;
NOT let others always dictate to her what 
her next step should/will be.

Alice is NOT crazy. 
But a highly creative and vivid imagination helps.
A lot. 

No, Alice is sane ... and some others who seem crazy, 
are just 'misunderstood'. 
The ones who are really crazy 
are the 'insane' ones...
the ones who can do some real damage to people, 
the ones who don't love
anyone save themselves, and could just yell
"off with their heads"-- being
their way to deal with their own faults 

and weaknesses and insanity.
For quite a while, Alice was insisting she was in a dream.
I think she finally realized she was not in a dream, but in
an alternate reality. And she ... conquered her fear, 
and decided YES,
she would be THE ONE to battle the Jabberwocky. 
 And that battle was EPIC!
I loved it when she was in the air, and landed down on the beast with her Vorpal sword saying 
"Off with YOUR head!!" Great Scene.

Alice in Wonderland
Now we see the crazy ones fighting for a just cause ... even the
Mad Hatter himself, and Cheshire Cat! The righteous rule returns
to the rightful lady ... The White Queen.
Seeing the outcome after this defeat, 
it was made clear who was really
'the crazy ones'. The Red Queen and 
 her right-hand man/lover(?), Stayne.
So, really crazy, bad, really mean people 

are obsessed 
and just don't quit, do they? 
What do they understand? 
Well, those two were banished. 
I suppose you can bully back a bully ... or just
do what Jennifer Aniston did to Perez Hilton:  
"Why are you so mean??"
That straightened him out, for a while. Way to go, Jennifer.
And way to go, Alice, for taking out that beast, 

and helping restore some sanity in Wonderland.  
And I think, perhaps, that is part of our
job here on planet earth, to rid it of evil. 

Balance it out, so to speak.
And in some cases, it's gonna take a 
highly vivid and creative imagination.

Happy Summer!
TONY o|^_^|o music

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