Sunday, May 29, 2016

2 Fellows in the Same Ship!

KOINONIA is listed in the Strong's concordance with this meaning:

"(lit: partnership) (a) contributory help, participation,
   (b) sharing in,  communion, (c) spiritual fellowship, 
     a fellowship in the spirit."

Partnership. Fellowship. Communion. "In the spirit".  This is how I view
the term "fellowship". OR ... two fellows in the same ship! And you know,

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 
If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls 
alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep 
each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? ..." (Ecclesiastes 4:9ff NLT)

Well ... it's better to sail with a partner, than alone! I mean, especially if you need 
help in "bailing" water out of the boat! Or with the oars, paddling! OK. Maybe your boat
has a motor and all that, you don't need oars. But if you ever hit a storm on the sea,
you're going to wish for a "first-mate" if you are all alone!
There's a lot you can draw from this passage; but suffice it to say, fellowship is very
important! Yes, it is vital and necessary, but there have to be some guidelines.

"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. 
For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? 
And what communion has light with darkness?"
(2 Cor. 6:14)

Just imagine 2 oxen yoked together. One wants to go left, the other right. What???
You think that'll work?? No, not for a minute. You have to have the animals be
in the same mind, to work together.
"Unbelievers" doesn't always mean "non-christians",
like so many would like to believe. Nope. Paul is talking here to christians, and there
are "unbelieving christians" out there ... oh yes there are! People walking around with
UNBELIEF (a refusal to believe, not inability) in their hearts! You can't get anywhere
if you are yoked up with the like! Lawlessness, rebellious spirit that wants to "do its
own thing" *and* "light mixed in with darkness". Not happening. LIGHT dispels and
gets rid of and exposes darkness! So ... try to fellowship with some of that! But sadly,
christians all over try every Sunday or so ... to no avail. If you are in such a place,
where "unbelievers" dwell, and they prevent the move of the Spirit, and cannot grasp
your vision or understand your calling, I dare say you should seriously consider
"getting the heck outta Dodge" as soon as possible!

Two fellows in the same ship. They partner together for the voyage of a lifetime.
Their hearts are one, even though their ideas may be different. They want the same
goal ... to reach the destination. Safely. There are jobs that can only be done, by having
a partner ... do you really wanna try and do it all?? We need each other. As long as we,
who are working & sailing on the same ship, are all on the "same page".
In fellowship, there is Partnership. There is Intimacy. There is Sharing. There is
Communication. It's FAMILY. Not dysfunctional. But operating ... smoothly.
Like a fine-purring boat motor, a well-oiled machine.


"and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,  
not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, 
but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."
(Hebrews 10:24,25 NASB)

Now many church pastors & teachers will tell you, that you have to be "at the church"
... "everytime the doors are open" and coerce you to tithe and be present to be in good
standing with God. These same pastors & teachers may have a BIG problem with the 
present-day move or "Grace Message". Why? Because it hurts their doctrine of "jumping
through all the hoops"!
What exactly is "church"? Is it the building? NO. It is from a 
Greek word that means simply "called-out-ones". And we are "called-out" from the rest
of the world, to gather with Jesus. He said, "Wherever two, or more of you agree together on
anything, and are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst"!
So, this doctrine of "not forsaking", which is a complete and gross exaggeration from the 
original text ... AUDIENCE RELEVANCE  here, folks! The mysterious Hebrews writer
was talking to 1st Century believers who apparently, were former Jews. Because of the
"times" they lived in, because of the persecution, and that the time was getting close
to Jesus' complete fulfillment of all, they were exhorted and encouraged to "not forsake" ...
but NOTICE that some were in "the habit" of doing so! 1st Century believers just didn't
meet on SUNDAYS, but sometimes "day after day"! It was necessary for them THEN,
because of the need for encouragement, spiritual growth stimulation, etc. It wasn't a
LAW, or an edict to meet at the same old meeting house every Sunday!
When we lived in Branson, we would 'meet' other believers at WalMart! We could stand
there virtually for "hours", just having a good time in the Lord! Many christians worked
on Sunday mornings, so we would have to meet at a hotel or somewhere just to have
quality fellowship. Emphasis on QUALITY. Those were some great times.

This doctrine would never work if you lived on a desert island, and you and a few
others were "all there is". OR in a war-torn country where, if you profess to know Jesus
openly, could result in you becoming "toast".
We ... our family, have had house-church
meetings, right there at home, for YEARS. We fellowship with others, be it as it may,
rather randomly, but we run into believers EVERYWHERE. And we are no longer
involved in IC ... institutional church (many times which is fashioned after the Old
Testament construct, with the pastors being The Levites, etc.). Once a month, we
also meet with a brother who holds meetings in his house. It's an unusual group,
but we often feel at home there, and maybe even "fit in".
And also ... we have our Facebook Family. There has definitely been some great
fellowship there. Does it have to be "in person" to be real? You tell me! I have
been blessed by a post, a phone call many times, even sometimes better than
"face-time" with a friend. We can't get legal on this one folks.

THAT'S IT.  You have to go where you fit in. Where you are Loved. Where you can
contribute something, be a part of something. But ... the Church of Jesus is much
bigger than all of us, it is indeed "without walls". What I write today, it is in hopes
that you no longer come under guilt or condemnation if you quit "going to church",
or you don't do things the way everybody else does, in this matter.  You have to
obey and follow the Spirit. Jesus is the Shepherd. You have to obey him. And if
you are indeed one of the ones who are "called out" into ministry, then you really
gotta hear the Spirit, and FOLLOW JESUS, not men.

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God Bless You!

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