Saturday, June 4, 2016



Francis Schaeffer said:

If there are no absolutes by which to
judge society, then society becomes absolute.

Francis Schaeffer, a christian philosopher and author, produced a book & film series in the 70's known as How Should We Then Live?  In my estimation, the man is a prophet ... it seems he could look into the future and see what our civilization could or may become; and in this case, our own Nation.      

 "PC" today means  "political correct" ... it is an unwritten "national policy or mindset" that pervades many Americans and even some foreigners. It dictates what we can say, think and even act toward the populus or even how we address certain groups, politicians etc. It is a type of "thought police" or even "word police", and there is always somebody present to rebuke you if you get out of line.  
As you may have guessed, "PC" is the absolute of the day. It has replaced Free Speech.
Political Correctness has become the new "truth".  TRUTH is no longer an accepted commodity. Facts become blurred in the melee of public opinion. Just as the Bible warns
they "call evil, good and good, evil". It is truly the perversion. Twisted.

What society determines to be "the truth" is up for grabs.
It is administered by coercion, forced embarrassment and the use of slur names, such as "racist", "misogynist", "Islamophobia", "homophobia" and other seemingly "new" trigger words.

Although some folks with "clout" (position, platform, wealth, notoriety, following, popularity) might actually be able to get away with "speaking their mind" -- the rest of us, well, that's debatable. Better watch your P's and Q's buddy, or "I'm telling on you!"     

All of this mindset crept up on us ... it definitely has been adopted by many, as if it's another Constitutional guideline or something. You may try to reason with people who are so swayed, to no avail. They have accepted the brainwashing, drunk the kool-aid, swallowed the blue pill whole. Logic escapes them. Wisdom and understanding is alien to them. And rulers who are tyrannical can hypnotize the masses into believing almost anything; the method is really quite easy.
A president or politician or king can speak several partial truths, make several promises that entice the populus and THEN, when the timing is right, LIE. Yes, LIE. It's as if people start thinking, "Well, he accomplished these great things, and he fulfilled these promises, so why not believe the rest of what he says."  Hitler controlled the masses;  in-between applauses and cheers (during his speeches),  he would resume this "hypnotic stance", remain silent until the noise subsided, and then he would continue with his speech. It was very effective, and very powerful. By that time, it didn't matter what the man said or did, he could "do no wrong". 

In order to break through the hypnosis effect, you have to get folks' attention! They have to see and hear something shocking, because they probably aren't watching the same news sites you're watching ... oh no, they're not paying attention to all the wrongs their favorite leader is doing, no matter how atrocious. They are convinced that everybody is a critic, and their man is innocent. Treason? Not from their man.     

“If we as Christians do not speak out as authoritarian governments grow from within or come from outside, eventually we or our children will be the enemy of society and the state. No truly authoritarian government can tolerate those who have real absolute by which to judge its arbitrary absolutes and who speak out and act upon that absolute.” 
Another quote by Mr. Schaeffer. When anyone or everyone in the nation, of the citizenry of a nation, becomes wise to the deeds of such a tyrannical overlord, then watch how those "leaders"  are treated!
IF we will not bow down to their idols, we will not back down, and NOT BE AFRAID, then they (the tyrants) may actually turn and fear US.  But ... we must have resolve. We must treasure Freedom over security; we must act as one man, and be united.  Right now, our own nation is divided ... because someone divided us. Pitted us against ourselves. Perhaps We The People could actually unite, in our heart of hearts, to believe and agree and remove the evil rulers. We do have the right to do so, you know. We must refuse to believe the voices of the naysayers, the fear-mongers, the PC police. We must stop being distracted by every "false flag" event, every minor issue, every pathetic "cause". 

We have a known LIAR running for president, who also with her husband, have a long list of horrendous deeds in their wake … and the sheeple blindly follow her. We have a rich man running for president, who has never done the atrocities that politicians in government have done, and he gets blamed for riotous people who try to block him from his goal! We have blacks against whites, blacks against white cops, and "Black Lives Matter" and "Safe Place" students on campuses running around spouting social re-engineering doctrines as if they are truth! We have a president who gave Iran 150 BILLION dollars, so that they can fund terrorism. Forget it if you think they are going to use nuclear power for good, because they won't. And our Congress? They do nothing about our president, who has a list of treasonous acts a mile long. "Can't touch this!" And they probably won't. All because of those two funny letters:  P.C.

What is the answer? PRAY. Pray for your neighbors, pray for your friends, perhaps even your "enemies", for their eyes and ears and minds to be open to Truth and Reality. Pray for mental strongholds that block understanding to be torn down. Pray for hearts to soften so that pride stops getting in the way, for Truth to make way.   Start speaking the truth in love, and expose the evil deeds of darkness. Pray that evil men will be exposed and removed from power. Pray that their "protection" will be removed from them, so that righteous men can rise up and help take them down!
Remember: Just because a man gets a lot done, it means NOTHING if he is doing all the wrong stuff!!  As far as government goes, inept and do-nothing rulers aren't worth anything either! It is time to "clean house" up there in Washington, and we can't be afraid of the agents or companies or even "shadow governments" that try to block the change from coming. It is time for prophets to rise up again, and SPEAK OUT.  Speak forth a clear and concise message of TRUTH that cuts through all the crap!! Righteous men and women from the ekklesia should rise up and speak a timely word, without fear and without harsh judgings. Prayer Warriors should also jump in and address the forces of darkness, bind them and cast them out of D.C. and the rest of our nation!
We are in a War. But ... The Resistance . . . is HERE and NOW.
The "silent majority",  The "We The People" can all wake up to a brand new day, when this darkness that has so pervaded and invaded our great land shall once again be banished for good!

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God Bless You!!

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