Sunday, July 10, 2016


I don't usually get "political" in my blogs, but I just couldn't
leave this one alone! So, if you want to bow out now, you may
do so … "Really don't mind if you sit this one out!"
I'm going to be very blunt in places here, so watch out!
I am fed-up with all the evil & darkness that has been
running rampant in our great land. Enough is ENOUGH.

Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin (lawlessness) is a disgrace to any people.
(Proverbs 14:34)
Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.(Matthew 24:12)

There is so much going on in our nation TODAY … a Nation
in Distress
, mind you. It has to be addressed. Everything
within me says "stand up, speak out" and thus I am doing so.


It is an election year. The lines have been clearly drawn now.
Yet, there is an inner "unrest" among The People of America …
they are witnessing a government running amok, and a president
acting all "rogue", and nothing seemingly being done about any of
it. To make matters worse, we have a former Secretary of State
who has made a career in LYING, and who was under investigation
by the FBI … which agency "let her go free" when she clearly broke
the law, again and again and again. Where is the rule of law now?
How can any laws in the land mean anything now, if someone like
Hillary Clinton gets off scot-free? Her attitude is "Laws are for poor
people, as for me, I am above it all!" Such is the attitude of many
such "elitists", who are only in power to get more power. Hillary's
agenda? Well, first she believes that she is "entitled" to be the
next president of the United States, but secretly she wants to
"steal" America, and destroy it. We know this by her actions and
her track record, and by what she believes. LAWLESSNESS.

I have a friend who states, "It doesn't matter what party it is (referring
to the main 2 political parties) … they are all corrupt and owned by
private interests, etc." Well, part of me believes that. The other part
disagrees. Hillary would never be part of the Republican party, the
"Grand Old Party" (GOP) as she can't stomach its conservative base.
YES, there are still some that uphold the beliefs, platforms and traditions
of the GOP, and are not RINOS (Repubs in name only). She embraces
the traditions of the Democrats, who have a history of loving slavery,
starting the KKK and supporting it and championing "gun control" and
throwing billions of dollars at every stupid cause they think is important!
It doesn't matter if it bankrupts the whole entire country, and enslaves
the populace, the more the better!  LAWLESSNESS.


Here is a man who won't address an enemy by name!  Rather it
appears that he protects it. And there is already a bundle of evidence
that he is behind the founding of ISIS. But he can't utter the words
"Radical Islam Extremists" or "___ ___ Terrorists" because he has
no intention of ever stopping them! He gets more angry at Trump
for his words, then he does exercising energy to rally the country
together and comforting the afflicted. When there is a mass shooting,
he uses the crisis as an opportunity to promote the idiotic gun control
agenda. At moments when Americans need a comforting word, a
beam of solidarity in the face of terror, the president stumps for political
rhetoric and repeating new world order CRAPLawlessness.

Don't even get me started on all the ways this man has engaged in
lawless acts … they are too numerous to mention. The American people
get duped, "the sheeple", by the lamestream media and voices that water
down the dastardly deeds committed by this Administration.
In his "community organizing" mode, he has instigated and aggravated
racial tensions between blacks & whites, and especially between blacks
& cops. You don't believe it? All you have to do is go to YouTube and pull
up one of the videos where it shows him making incendiary statements
against whites, against cops … it's all out there. Just like the videos that
he doesn't want you to see how he is so enamored with Islam, to the
total ignoring of AMERICA, and what we are really all about. I doubt if
he truly understands, and it appears that he has been programmed to
HATE what America stands for.  LAWLESS.


How many times would it take you to shun a "friend" or neighbor
or co-worker who lies to you? After a while, you won't accept anything
they say or do as factual. The Truth has long departed.
And how many times has Obama LIED, to the American People??
Lots! And don't say, "Well all politicians lie!" That doesn't excuse
the blatant propaganda and constant spinning and stretching of in
information, all designed to "throw us off" and get us to start fighting
with each other. OH! That's already happening! We should be fighting
THEM!! But, NO. We are too busy distracted by their "crises" and the
news, and by The Kardashians or our favorite reality shows or our
favorite singer on Vevo. And wait …
"We interrupt this story on corruption in government with another mass
shooting!" OOOH AHHHH Ohhhh, what now??? People better wake
up and smell the burnt coffee & donuts because it ain't about what your favorite
newscaster is telling you, it ain't about what the White House is telling
you, it is The Secret Agenda is going forth!  'Take down the Nation.
Subvert the Constitution. Stall the Elections. Time to Create another
Crisis to get folks' minds on what we want to tell them. They'll have to
listen to us when it gets really bad out there. They'll come running to us
because they will want to feel SAFE.'  LAWLESSNESS.
LIES.  All Lies. We can do something about all this.


"We have met the enemy, and he is us!"
Spoken by a famous cartoon long ago.
Have you been programmed enough??
Are you conditioned enough?
Then you can just "Ho-Hum" and roll your eyes at this blog and forget
that any of this is going on … it's just a bad dream, fall asleeeeeeeep.

So … you're hearing all these catch phrases:
"Hate Crimes".
"Racism … All whites are racists".
"Kill the Cops".
"White Privilege".
"Someone has to pay".
And … Others.

You can jump on the bandwagon, join the cause and think you are
bettering the human race. Man, you've been duped. It's a sham-scam, Sam.
The word is ANARCHY. Lawlessness. THAT has been trickling down from
THE TOP … Yes, from The Top. Mr. Obama with his blatant disregard for
Congress and the Supreme Court, and his cavalier position of having a
"pen & a phone" to try to enact his own laws! While breaking several.
NEXT … enter BLM, "Black Lives Matter". A front group that acts like
they care about "black lives" but really is about tearing at the fabric of
unity, all through racism and hate. This is documented. When Martin
Luther King was marching in his peaceful marches, he never promoted
or instigated riots, looting, thuggery or any thing of the like. How anyone
can call this groups' actions "protesting", are gazing through broken glasses.
Who is behind all this? "The Powers That Be" (TPTB), aka "shadow government".

You might also call them The Puppet Masters. Powerful 'invisible' entities.


I have sent out the call for intercessors and prophets to RISE UP
and come against this spirit of Lawlessness, and PRAY. These
"warriors" know what to do, I trust. I have seen the great results
of concerted and effective prayer, when properly directed and
energized by The Spirit of God. As for everyone else …
I think people should also "speak up" and stand up and take
a stand against the tide of evil that wants to destroy this nation.
It's TIME.
WE the PEOPLE must once again, RISE UP and be heard!!!
We can bring a "redress of grievances" to our representatives
and senators, those who still care about this nation.
It might look like Congress is doing nothing, and not caring.
But … I believe that God Almighty has people in places we
are not aware, and he has reserved for himself those who will
not bow the knee to the IDOLS of today.
Finally --


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