Sunday, July 24, 2016


Last week, I posted a "commercial" blog about our ministry.
This week, I'm expanding and expounding on the topic of "ministry",
to include a vision/dream I had about that . . .


I want to share with you, my readers, a DREAM. A dream in my mind and heart.  It is about The Churches of America. I see them totally revamped. There are many, many changes, all good. The main thing is, IS that there is a true and powerful dynamic that did not exist before. There are transformed lives and communities. It is like nothing we have seen yet or before.

First, the churches have "walked away" from the OT construct of The Levite ministry, or "the ways of the Temple". No more cajoling or begging or teaching of "the tithe". That has been a real corrupted teaching in many places. People rather, are GIVING from their hearts, and are never coaxed or forced or embarrassed or battered into giving. Money, food, clothing, and other resources just POUR IN. No need is left unmet. No worries about the ministers, your needs are being met too!
No more guilt-tripping people to come "to church", get involved or sit on this or that committee. People are finding their place, and connecting as the Spirit of God leads. Pastors and leaders are sensitive to The Spirit and can "see" differing callings on folks, and encourage the same to follow their heart, their call and gifts.
The "love of money" which has been a stronghold in many churches is a thing of the past. Money is seen as a "tool" and an effective asset to help people. Money in the church takes on a whole new meaning, as the selfishness and hoarding spirits are all gone. The goal is no longer "how big a building we can build", but "How does God Almighty want us to use this surplus of money?" And "How can we be a blessing to our city?"

Next, the pulpit is GONE. Instead, there sits a high-back chair,
like a padded stool, along with boom-mic and possibly a side lectern for a Bible or tablet. The teacher/preacher may also be wearing a wireless, so he can roam whilst teaching/preaching. The "audience" feels more of a connection with the minister up front "on stage", as that big hunk of furniture is gone. Instead of standing "over" the congregation, the leader is "sitting" while he teaches. The need for standing and pacing and theatrics in the pulpit area are no longer "a thing". The leader is free to express himself in God, in his gifts, without the traditions of men limiting him or her to a "pulpit".

After the message is through, the whole gang is adjourned to the "sitting area", where all may discuss and ASK QUESTIONS about the message = and where there can be training of individuals who are eventually being raised up for various ministries. This is a place where there are many ministers, teachers, preachers, helpers, giftings, services, administrators, and various talents.
I see the churches raising up fresh and radical musicians for the Glory of God. Rock bands are being raised up and sent forth. Jazz bands are being trained and raised up. Ministries are being birthed, trained and raised up and SENT FORTH. No more of this, "Well this is your church, and you are part of it, and you have to stay put. Bloom where  you are planted." No more latching upon people who are proven to be effective ministers of the Gospel, and Jesus is raising them up and about to send them Himself.
Church is no longer just about "the pastor" or one man, one woman. Gifts of the Spirit are functioning in order, and there are many who could be "pastors", many who are doing the work of the ministry, the works of Jesus. With -- no jealousy.

The poor, working-poor and homeless are being fed, clothed, and housed. They were being counseled, delivered, taught and brought into their right minds, with the help of The Spirit and proper nutrition/supplements  and cleansing and healthy diet.
There are FREE STORES popping up, where goods are provided to families with very little "red tape". Resources are just pouring in, people are donating their time and talents and treasures to the benefit of all. Similar to the NT model of The Church … The Ekklesia, The Called Out Ones.

I realize that "church" is not the building, not the facility, but THE PEOPLE. These people are going forth with the Love of God and The Glory of Jesus; they're out there in the world, "church without walls", shining with the Light of Jesus.


But I also had … a dream. A dream I woke up from yesterday morning. It was very vivid. And memorable. With the dream came a definite directive from The Spirit of God. I was starting a church!  Now, I have pastored a few churches before, and started and conducted Bible Studies, but never really "started a church" (except for our House Church, which is really a work of the Holy Spirit). 
In this dream, I found a building, a facility for a "meeting house". People started to come. The pulpit there was also moved. There was a high-back padded stool/chair on which I sat, where I did a bulk of teaching. I had a boom-mic on the side. I had a small lectern/stand (lucite, I think) that could hold a Bible or tablet. We had a "sitting room" with nice furniture, where we would "adjourn" and go there for refreshments and Q & A's.  Nobody felt threatened but more at ease in the fact that questions were OK! I told the people that nobody has to take my word for anything, they can come to truth on their own, with the help of the Holy Spirit. I was like a "guide", a teacher, YES, but more than that. A Friend. One who was there also to help, to stand beside and encourage. The prophetic gifts were being utilized and in operation.
A lot of the things I listed above were happening in this new work. I suppose the 2 "dreams" are one, ONE VISION.
From this place, the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ was being proclaimed.
The faces & countenances of all were glowing.
Revelation Truth & Knowledge was coming out, and all were
benefitting from the teaching.

I also made it clear, that at no time, would I ever allow any guest speaker to come and unload a message with manipulation, condemnation, hell-fire/brimstone and the like.
Our thrust in this body is GRACE. And there were many revelations in teaching coming forth to destroy the traditions of men and false teaching that has been so rampant in the churches. There has been way too much division.
And … The ministry of deliverance is being brought forth, out of the shadows, back rooms and tents! We desire to have weekly or monthly meetings with real deliverances and healings taking place.

SO NOW … I'm looking for a building. Because . . . it's important to a lot of folks to have a "center" or headquarters of operations, to get a lot of kingdom work going, and done.
It's something we got to believe in, believe for and also believe that God's people want to "come with". I think they will.
I think many will catch my vision, and want to be a part.
Key word: WANT TO.
So I'm okay with having a building. The most important thing here is … all the people we can help, all the transformations that can happen, and The Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ going forth!!

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