Sunday, August 14, 2016

Jesus IS King!

"The Kingdom of God is AT HAND."


"The Kingdom of God is in your midst."

He was called 'King of the Jews'.

"My kingdom is NOT of this world."

Jesus is not coming back to set up some "earthly kingdom".
He DID come back, through the coming and sending of the
Holy Spirit, who filled the apostles and disciples on earth.
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."  
Right now, not sometime in the future.

(Oh, and by the way, The Holy Spirit is still here on the earth!).

"The kingdoms of this world have become
the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ,
and He shall reign forever and ever!”
King of kings, and Lord of Lords.
JESUS IS KING, right NOW, not in the future someday. 
He's already there! He's already been coronated. Crowned. King!
You don't have to wait for his return,
you can fellowship with him NOW,
you can be close to him NOW,
you can get to know him NOW.

He is the King of Hearts.
He "rules" inside the hearts of men.
He IS The Reigning and Benevolent King AND 
He is The Prince of Peace!


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