Tuesday, November 22, 2016


           * A News Commentary Outlet After The Truth!*


There's a sense amongst Facebookers that feels like they want a break from all the political news. Can't blame them. Months and months have passed, and 75% of our newsfeeds are mostly political posts or the like. Some to be sure, eat it up, can't get enough. But for the rest, I can say that we all need a break. I intend to direct my blogs elsewhere after this. Not a promise, but my intentions are good.
However, some things still got to be addressed simply because these issues haven't gone away … yet.

We are in the business of seeking out the TRUTH.
We capitalize on The Truth, wherever we can find it, and the Truth exposes Lies. That's the reason for this blog, this article. Some information is just "the facts", and not the truth at all. With all the mainstream media guilty of "fake news", it is time for the alternative news sites to shine, so there can be accurate and truthful journalism once again.

I just spent some time on YouTube watching the news reporters and anchors, melting down at the news of Hillary's loss. And then I watched a montage of celebrities also have similar reactions. You would think, by their reactions, that they just lost their favorite pet or something. What amazes me is the Leftist Liberal mentality and narrative they all have bought into. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why they believe like they believe . . . and their entire belief system is built upon lies, fake news and false ideologies. Maybe we can offer to sell them the moon because, after all, isn't it made of cheese??

The whole negative reaction of the rioters/protestors to the Trump Win, is full of contradiction. They run around with signs saying "Love Trumps Hate" and they burn buildings and attack Trump Voters, acting out the very things they state they are against. They attack in the cities where the most people voted for Hillary. If I were to give them, the rioters a name, it would be "Wimpy Kiddy Baby Whiners", because that's all they really are >>> a bunch of sore losers.

BUT . . . there's a complete other dynamic happening here . . . a concerted effort by none other than groups hired by George Soros and The Left to continue to undermine and defame Donald J. Trump. They don't like what he stands for, it threatens them and their "new world order",  so they "make up" stories about him, fabricating concepts that just don't fit the man AT ALL. There's plenty of info & videos and history about The Donald, that refutes all the lies and labels that have been hurled against him. Actually, Trump has been in the public's eyes for over 30 years, and he was only accused of being "racist" when he announced  his bid for President on the Republican ticket.
Oh!! He's white AND Republican … Uh-Oh!!!
You know, at this point, I want to take a whole room of these Democraps and Liberals and ask them, "Why are you so afraid???"

We ALL know what Hillary believes, and yet there is this segment that feels so sorry for her . . . they ignore all of her crimes, her character, her tendency to blow up in anger, her diatribes like "baskets of deplorables", her repeated lying,  and all of her many, many scandals and investigations. One celeb said, "Oh I thought she should get the chance to become President …"
Oh Puh-Leeeze!! She DID get the chance -- Twice!
And she lost! Trump won fair and square, without rigging the polls and hiring dead people to vote.
When the Left gets on a tangent, they milk it and hang on the topic for all they can, for all its worth, and bombard us with it day and night! It's like this:
"If you don't vote for Hillary, you're sexist! You're a misogynist! If you don't like Obama, you're racist! If you disagree with our position, our opinion, then you are just plain Nazis!!" Again, I'm trying to figure out how they put that together in their brains, because all common sense and reasoning went down the toilet. Truth has escaped them . . . all that is left is this re-think of what is good and pure, to the point of insanity. And there is no other word for it.

Obama -- he continues to spew out his veiled but poisonous hate for The Law, for whites and for what I call Truth-In-Society, still LYING with a straight face, still propagandizing and still no-one stops him from his continual stream of disinformation. Because of his policies, which would have been continued and magnified with a Clinton presidency, racism and violence and lawlessness has increased exponentially over the last 8 years. It is for this very reason WHY the majority of hard-working patriotic Americans voted for TRUMP.  I want to yell at these news pundits and celebs and say: "Hey! Here's the reason your gal lost! We The People are tired of the corruption, the Lies, the hate going forth, the wrecked economy wrecked by the printing of trillions of fiat money, the bad foreign policy, the decimation of our military, the tolerance of terrorism in our own land, the violence against cops and truly racist-hate toward certain people in our cities, the failed "promises" of the Democratic party, leaving our cities in shambles; WE The People want our country restored, our AAA credit restored, our image restored, our people placed 1st, our Veterans cared for and placed first, The Constitution upheld and not undermined, and … if there's gonna be any "hope and change", then let it be what our Founding Fathers stood for -- the end of Tyranny from without or within and expression of Freedom for all of Our Peoples, not just a few! Not just for the Elite!" That's what I would tell them! I don't know if they would get a clue, but I would surely tell them, and tell them strong.
And Mr. Trump stands for all those concepts, and promotes those concepts and has been for them all of his life! We The People are tired of the status quo, the establishment of politicians doing the same old, same tired deeds that end in the destruction or defeat of our country. The Flag has been falling down, the Eagle has been sick, and can't even fly right.

That's what I would tell all of these Leftist Liberals. I may not argue with them to get them to understand me, they probably won't. But I would quiz them, try to reason with them logically. They may or may not change their mind … it depends on how steeped they are in "globalist thinking", which I have no desire for such nonsense. America used to be great, and respected and admired and emulated. It can and will be GREAT AGAIN. But that won't happen by letting the lamestream media being the leaders. The Left isn't about change and enrichment and greatness. They are just a bunch of crybabies who need pacifiers, pampers and the right "formula".  Don't try to nurse them naturally, for that substance is foreign to them. However, if one of them did turn and choose the healthy choice, there would be a major transformation.
That would be something. That would be a miracle, and the Beginning of The End of … The Left.

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