Sunday, November 13, 2016

WHAT is Truth??

With all the political news, pundits, prognosticators, so-called prophets and doom-and-gloomers speaking forth their ideas and "facts", I thought it apropos and perhaps even urgent to write upon the topic of TRUTH.  The Oxford online dictionary defines truth thusly:

The quality or state of being true:

1.  the truth:  That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality

2. A fact or belief that is accepted as true

Well, I choose to define truth like this:

"that commodity of life and concept that refutes and exposes LIES and cannot be disputed once all the factors and information has weighed in".

Another Time. Another Place. A volatile mix of politics and spiritual dynamic is in the story below. Interesting how there are parallels with today, and how the political climate goes.
Jesus Christ Himself stood before Pontius Pilate, as recorded in John ch. 18.  Watch this, I think you'll find this amazing.

"Therefore Pilate entered again into the Praetorium, and summoned Jesus and said to Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”  Jesus answered, “Are you saying this on your own initiative, or did others tell you about Me?”  Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered You to me; what have You done?”  Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”  Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”  Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?”  [Pilate then leaves the presence of Jesus and says "I find no fault in him".]

Pilate says these immortal words: "What Is Truth??"
Jesus once told his disciples, "I am the Way, The Truth and the Life!"
And here, "Everyone who is of the truth, hears my voice".
I'm sure that Pilate was thinking, "Man, I've got counsellors, advisors, reporters, spies, enemies and so-called loyal friends, I sure don't get much
'truth' coming from most of them! What is this thing "truth"???" Pilate's head was fried.

   As it is today, we've got a lot of opinions, ideas, doctrines, information masquerading as 'facts' and news reporters who claim to speak the truth, but their journalism lacks professionalism and reeks of shoddy research. Whilst the 2016 Election Campaign was underway, the majority of the lame-stream media seemed out to protect HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) at all costs, and malign Trump at every corner. Correspondents would go out of their way to take a sound-bite, a video clip or some word out of context, to build an entire case against Donald J. Trump, to defame his character and turn him into an evil person. Select women would come out of the woodwork and falsely accuse him of all sorts of atrocities. He became the poster-boy of the most negatively labelled political candidate to ever appear on the nightly news. And all the while, the networks just seem to be gleeful to lift up Hillary, and ignore her many, many scandals and criminal activities. During all this time, Trump enjoyed great support, and great turnouts for all his rallies. Some of his rallies were marred by violent protestors, but not of his doing, and NOT by his peoples.
It turns out, that The Donald was exonerated by the better news pundits, and video clips and speeches proved that all the info against him was ALL LIES.
It's at this point, I want to harp on. I would love to rant about … some would continue to call Trump by all those labels and be fearful of him, even after the news went forth to PROVE that the Left and the media, and Hillary were lying about him. As for Hillary, she would continue to lie, and lie about LYING, and lie to cover more lies. But because someone "heard it on the news", the ignorant public would swallow whatever they heard . . . without checking or re-checking the facts. Not to mention the daily propaganda coming out of the White House.
More Lies going forth.
And now, with all of the crazy so-called "protesting"
(which by the way, is just paid violent offenders causing mayhem), one has to wonder who or what voice do these people listen to??  I think a lot of it comes from the 8 years of listening to the doctrines, coming from Obama and the Clintons. There has been so much lawlessness, and it just trickled down to the unsuspecting sheeple. They listened to the lies and accepted them as the gospel truth.
You know, we all have been influenced, from birth, to follow some "voice of reason", some voice of authority or a voice that seems to have the "ring" of truth. But … not everyone has been raised to know the truth, and not everyone has been taught to discern between what is good and what is evil, and even our own children of this country … have been lied to and programmed to believe the perversion of the truth. Truth has been subtracted from their lives. Truth does not come into play, unless of course, you believe that this or that truth is "truth to you".  Even Adolph Hitler was a master of THE LIE. He is known for this quote:
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

There you go. That's the way to brain-wash the public … take some pointers from Ol' Hitler here and the sheeple are putty in your hand. I started to wonder, if anyone was seeking the truth during this election. I wondered if anyone cared. It's just so easy to listen to "the news" or your neighbors and repeat exactly what they say and believe. I try not to do that. I consider myself a "truth-seeker".  The truth is not always evident, sometimes it has to be sought out. Is it really that hard to do? I guess when the majority of folks are talking schmack about a public figure, it becomes almost like swimming upstream if you take a different view. And in the age of "PC" nonsense, you could even be "shot down" for having a different view!
I think it is hilarious how the news pundits and talking-heads all started to melt-down and become befuddled when Trump won the election. I also think it is remarkable how some major news outlets actually started to report on Clinton's evil escapades, instead of ignoring them.

Can I express an opinion to you? I think the truth will eventually come out … I mean, even Jesus said that things that are hidden will be shouted from the rooftops! I think of TV antennae and Dishes on people's roofs -- I think that all applies. The question remains:
Will the people, all the people, who have been lied to and believed a lie, when the truth is put forth as THE TRUTH and cannot be disputed, will they change their minds?? Will they change their behavior?? Will they come to their senses???
The truth has a way of penetrating through the confusion and crap. It is the "truth that you know" that will set you free. I hope that the sheeple will take in the truth, and be truly set free.
Tony DLivahh Prince
RisingStar NewsSource.
My sources are as follows:
*The Bible, New American Standard
* Oxford Online Dictionary
*Alex Jones … InfoWars
*Rush Limbaugh
*Western Journalism
Please feel free to "fact-check" anything I have said!

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