Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The DLivahh STORE

I Tony, aka The Artist DLIVAHH
present to you (below) my STORE, where
my music CD Albums  are ON SALE for
the Holidays ... also available @
The Store are downloadable mp3s,
ringtones, t-shirts and other merch !!
Happy Shopping and Happy Holidays!
As always, there are over 20 streaming
tunes by DLivahh on ReverbNation,
some FREE downloads *and* 62 mp3s
available in The DLivahh Store!!
Thanks for Shopping ... and 
Thanks 4 Listening!!!



Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Deeper Deliverance, Part Two

Programs, Bondages & Other Demons
(Deeper Deliverance, Part 2)

To Continue ... this topic we began 2 weeks ago ...
I must also include this 'disclaimer' --
which is really just a blurb to protect me:
I intend to discuss the effects of the powers
of darkness. I realize that there are those
who don't believe in any of this, and
those who don't believe any sort of 
and that is not my purpose to discuss that here.
I believe in JESUS.
But after 35 years of counselling,
and 11 years of solid deliverance ministry,
I can attest that these things I am discussing are REAL.
Names have been left out because we are all
declared innocent under Jesus' righteousness.

Most All Have Been Programmed

Having observed over time, the dynamic of people being "programmed",
and the effects that it has upon their lives, and listening to many
others report that they too feel that their lives have been, to a large extent
"programmed", I have concluded that nearly ALL have suffered the
abuse of programming. Notwithstanding, I suppose there is "good programming"
as well as "bad". But to say that all these things are just "in your head",
relegating the whole concept as "mental cases", is a wee bit on the harsh side,
I must add. Of Course, I don't believe that. And I was focusing on the "bad
programming" that has done so much damage and hurt to people's psyches.

Many Have Been Affected
Last time I wrote and detailed the effects and definition of "programming".
Today, I will be discussing the influence or effects of the powers of darkness,
in a broader sense. There has just been too much outer stimuli to ignore,
what is going on? It seems the whole world has a fascination with the
paranormal, haunted buildings and houses, ghost hunters, apparitions
of dead people ("I see dead people") . . . and other strange phenomena.
But for now, I will leave aliens & ufos out of the mix.

I have read how one man was tormented years ago,
while in the military, but later he dismissed this activity
as just something that was happening in his mind, a state of fear.
But fear, depression, intimidation, confusion, torment and defeat are also spirits.
After dealing with several cases over the years, these were almost, shall we say "controlled"
by dark forces giving them super-natural strength, and at the time, that was NOT a good thing.
I can't deny what I saw, that it indeed was REAL.

One girl we knew, could literally not control the things she did, which were evil,
she was programmed to do them. When the "demon" manifested, it was definitely
what we would call a "possession", for it controlled her will. It took every tool
we knew to get her will set free. We had to help her with her will. It was a very
strong and very stubborn issuance against her. Although somewhere along the
line, she came into agreement with the thing, she was programmed to this by
someone that we classified as a "witch" (one who specialized in spells and trances
and curses and hypnotic triggers in order to control). This girl was programmed
from birth. It took a great amount of wisdom, and years to get her totally set free.


Now I think I really got your attention here, because the truth is,
many have "demons" (dark forces characterized by the works of the flesh == Galatians ch. 5).
There is a major portion of the population that are what we would call "demon-infested".
The actual Greek word in the New Testament could be transliterated as "demonized" ...
one who is oppressed only, perhaps, or "possessed", being the severe degree.
Then again, there are the rest of mankind, who are "demon-free" for all practical purposes.
They, for one reason or another, have no dark elements in their lives. Wherever they go,
they light up the room, and bring joy & happiness to other people's lives. Let's just say
that either they are truly FILLED with the Spirit of God, or they have righteous bloodlines.
We can at least say that they have chosen to be pure of heart.

But ... back to the subject at hand. Every one of us have been tempted by
evil. That alone does not make us evil. Even Jesus Himself was tempted to do evil or sin.
Fortunately for Him and all of us, He succeeded at totally resisting ALL temptation!
But the fact remains that christians have and often get "touched" by the effects of darkness,
and to say that it cannot ever touch all christians is a misconception. The misconception lies
at the understanding, or lack thereof, where does darkness work? Where does it try to penetrate?
Is it not in the MIND? Joyce Meyer says that the mind is the BATTLEFIELD. So, I will go to great
lengths here to say, that it is really quite HARD to penetrate the will, for an evil spirit to "possess"
ANYBODY.  But ... it does happen. All one has to do, is "invite evil in" ... or someone "invites it in"
for them (like a parent for a child). This was verified by a local Catholic priest, who is known
and does actual exorcisms. Oh, don't get me wrong. The enemy cannot possess the spirit of
a person, usually. They go for the jugular, the WILL. They figure, if they can control the will,
they can control the speech, the choices, the behavior, etc. That is the sense in how they
"possess". But as Bro. Carlos from San Jose has strongly pointed out, most deliverance
ministers are AFRAID of demons, so their success rate is poor. You see, "demons" like to hide,
they are often cowards, they like to work in numbers (networks), and they often blow themselves
 out of proportion. That's why I tell folks, you can rebuke all day long, but they don't have to
listen to you, if they don't recognize you! Anyway, once again, "possessions" happen, more
often than not, because of some trauma, sexual abuse, or hypnotic plants placed by wicked
people targeting innocent souls. Even those who have been "saved" have found themselves
battling dark forces, which were issued "retro" (before the day of salvation), and the torment
has been severe. A skilled deliverance minister, using the name & blood of Jesus Christ,
and wielding the weapons of warfare, the Sword of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, can
set such a one FREE!!
*NOTE* NOT Every manifestation of infestation of a demon or evil spirits equals a
"possession". I am simply trying to make a point, that for a long time has kept a lot
of people in confusion. Folks expect twirling heads & green vomit. It's not always like that.

This one guy I used to correspond with, was a molestor at one time, who became a christian.
He had a whole story that he published about it. I thought that God can forgive anybody, so why not
give him a chance for fellowship. His story was quite horrendous. And after "getting saved", the
acts of molestation didn't stop, in fact, they got quite worse. He took me to task one day for
suggesting that "christians can have demons". Well, I felt like saying, "and what in the world
did you think was influencing YOU when you did what you did?" But ... I didn't say it.
I thought it. I mean, really. The dark elements inside of him, regardless on how they got there
(root of bitterness?), worked inside of him, and just hid, for a time. But then, when jealousy
of another kind started to get the best of him, the evil hiding became the evil lurking.
I'm not sure he understood this dynamic, for he was kinda hard on another brother who
was struggling with lust. Man, his experience should have taught him humility, and compassion,
because he suffered greatly for his mistakes. Oh well, we are all learning.

Henry & Sally Star Are Dealing With Their Demons
See, even Hollywood understands some things about darkness working in a life,
because that's what they say. "Johnny, after winning against his own demons,
has a new contract with Warner Bros." Or "Leslie, after years of fighting off
her demons, now has 2 lovely daughters and a new movie in the works."
Some very GOOD people have had to fight off demons. Some very spiritual
people have had to fight off demons. And these dark forces may try to
bring into people's lives manifold maladies and disorders and diseases
and all manner of confusing and disheartening conditions that just don't
make any sense at all. I personally know a man, a minister, who after listening
to one of Bro. Carlos' videos, fell to the floor, practically screaming due to the
fact that "childhood trauma' was revealed, and it hurt ... like hell.
But, healing came. And the power of the satan was BROKEN.
I also know a family that, reasons unknown to them, have been suffering financially
for the past 4 years. This family has been doing all they can to alleviate the problems,
including giving to ministry, fasting, seeking God diligently and even assistance as well.
There has been some relief, periodically ... but then, just like a cycle, something occurs
to bite them in the butt, and this episode is worse than the last. Some teachers on TBN
(sorry no offense here, I do appreciate TBN)
will advise this solution and that, but very few of them mention "witchcraft curses".
(Love offerings were sent, by the way, but the lack & financial distress still remained.)
Once all these hidden and debilitating curses were unveiled and BROKEN, deliverance
started to manifest in their lives. There are REAL SPIRITUAL BLOCKERS out there,
and they are not just POVERTY and LACK. Some of these "blockers" are 'demonic
issuances', with an agenda to destroy the work of God, to hinder prosperity, due to
the nature of the issuance. They are diabolical and it takes wisdom to unravel them.
They all don't go just because you sent a love offering to someone.

Now ... I know there are some out there who will think I'm crazy, especially about "curses".
They will say I'm crazy for thinking there are "witches" and "demons" and such.
But, I do not apologize for saying any of this. I know what I have seen. And I must
tell, to set captives FREE. There are THOUSANDS out there that need the info on PROGRAMS
and need to know that they can get set free from witchcraft issuances! Heck, the majority
of those so afflicted don't even know what's going on ... they spend most of their time
scratchin' their heads, listening to this preacher and that preacher, with no relief.
Granted, it is also my belief, that the majority of christians are protected from the
powers of darkness, but that is mainly because they have been blessed with prior prayer coverings,
trained to stop "satan" in his tracks.  And I must say, some christians are just TARGETED,
and others NOT. Those who are not targeted must truly be thankful for all the
righteous blood in their bloodlines, and for all the personal victory that they have
been awarded due to the Blood of Jesus!

Jesus came to destroy the works of darkness and the evil one. Everywhere he went,
it seems they often "showed up". I guess you could say the anointing drove them to the surface.
That is why God has laid it upon my heart to explain this, in a manual, for the believer
and the budding deliverance minister, to wield the weapons of warfare correctly, and
know how to ISSUE those "demons" to obey The Authority, and thus be CAST OUT!!
IF I had the space, I would list the many works of the powers of darkness ... suffice
it to say, that they are many. There's a pretty good list in Galatians 5 ... and plenty
of other dark occultic works that can be added to that list. But the most important
thing I can say is that THEY CAN BE AND ALL ARE DEFEATED as we ENFORCE
the VICTORY of Christ over them.
To View Bro. Carlos video on deliverance from demons, here is the site.
We recommend viewing the 29 min. video with his "face up front" first.
I guarantee, if there's ANYTHING there that don't belong, there WILL be a manifestation:

Programmed ... Deeper Deliverance, Part One


This topic is something that I have personally experienced
and in deliverance counselling sessions, I have seen first=hand.
I believe it is highly important to spell it out the best I know
how, with the info I have been privileged to have received.
I also want to state, that I firmly believe the things I'm writing
today. I firmly believe that much of what goes on in 'deliverance
ministry' today is unfortunately, sadly lacking in these revelations.
Hopefully and humbly, it is my desire to pass this information on
to you, my friends, who many of you are either ministers or at
least operate in a ministering sort of way or you operate in the
gifts of God to the betterment of mankind. And if, as always,
this does not apply to you at all, then, it is for someone else.
Maybe someone you know, or love, or are acquainted with.
You would be amazed at how the little helpful gesture of
passing along a little helpful 'advice' can help make a BIG
It is evident that I will not be able to address this subject
fully, but I will be able to tackle it completely in my book
when it is finished. I am writing a 'deliverance manual',
which I hope many of you will find enlightening.

I am talking about PROGRAMS. And like their computer
counterparts, they run behind the scenes, in people's lives.
Programs are inserted, or planted by "handlers", those who
are 'skilled' at dropping "trigger suggestions" and making
family doctrines and mantras stick inside of an individual.
When a child is young, the handler can achieve the programming
quite easily by conditioning and indoctrination. When we are
speaking of a grown=up, then other means must be used,
such as addiction to drugs, and other stimuli. Handlers begin
to instruct their subjects by persuasive words, LIES, commands and
edicts designed to control the subject, to influence them to a
particular end ... such as total mind-control, or to punish them
for the way they have been living (it has been stated by many
that Michael Jackson was a victim of such type handling, and hence
could not sleep because of all the torment his "handlers" inflicted
upon him).

This is one type of programming that is being done and has been
done by very sinister and dark forces, dark agencies.

There is another type of programming which is just as sinister,
but often hidden and difficult to detect. It is when someone is
dogged by the powers of darkness, under a "curse" perhaps,
cycling often through one defeat or disaster after another,
without any real victory. I want to make it clear that, in these
cases, pastors have literally thrown up their hands in frustration
due to the lack of seeing any change or progress in the ones
who are suffering. And ... it does NOT matter how many sermons
are preached, how many scriptures are read, how many prayers
are prayed, IF one does NOT deal with the real issue, exposing
and getting rid of the program! Yes, these ones are suffering
from programs that have been planted in them ... and programs
have to be "disabled, uninstalled and deleted" just like any computer
program that has become corrupted, or it's just time for that thing
to go!  You may say, well, if that person just had enough FAITH, or
just knew who he is IN CHRIST, or can just RISE UP above it all, he
would not be so affected and afflicted!
I disagree.
A program dictates to a human being, through his subconscious,
a set of instructions to fulfill a certain path or destiny. The subject
does not often know what he is doing or going the direction he's going.
He cannot often explain what is happening in his life. He is usually
not aware what is going on, in his mind, or why people are treating him
or responding to him in a certain way ... only that there are negative
things occurring, with no explanation and no solid reason.
IF everything else has been done (for freedom), all else has been tried, and there
is STILL bondage, still no victory, more repeat performances of the defeat,
and it seems to get worse with every cycle, then I say SOMETHING

IF you pray for an answer, and that answer is: "So and So has a program"
then you have to deal with the program! That's the answer! That problem
will not go, it will return until you get rid of the thing, the program  is
getting in the way! So many times in deliverance, we deal with what is
apparent to us, like poverty for example. Well, just suppose for an instance,
that the poverty is there in a brother or sister because they might have
a program designed to BLOCK their prosperity, and that stronghold is
robbing them, and punishing THEM every time they try to break free!
And The Program has an agenda all its own, bigger than the symptoms
and involved and working far more than the human eye can see!
The Program has a name, and functions and a directive. That is
why you can't go by the symptoms, they are just the tip of the iceberg.
Many programs have been planted in people when they were young,
therefore that would be known as "retro" ... like, before Christ came
into their lives as LORD. I know of some cases where a parent or sibling
dedicated the child to Satan, and then that child, when grown, always
always always was having struggles because they could not see that
they were caught in a spiritual TUG-OF-WAR! Believe it or not, upward
to 90% and above, most "demon possessions" happen because some
"witch" (family member operating in witchcraft, secret or otherwise) sent or
issued the so-called "loved one" to come under such a spell/curse
or malady. These things happen due to hate & spirit of bitterness.
Or perhaps through a "blood-line curse".
The other small percentile are of those who actually invite the dark
entities into their lives. Christians have been taught for ages that
they cannot be "possessed", but that is a misnomer, for "possession"
does not mean a literal and total "take-over" (except in a few cases
like the Linda Blair "Exorcist" types) ... demonic forces operate in the
soulish or physical realm, they usually cannot possess the spirit of a
person. "Possession" means, they own a portion of a person's will.
The demon would like to make us believe that they own the WHOLE
person, but that is often not entirely true. The REAL PERSON is somewhere
"down under", oppressed and trying to get free. There is also the concept
of "demonized", but that is another discussion altogether.
But I digress.
I simply want to point out that anyone "enslaved" to any kind of dark
program, planted by someone with hate, either is acting out the dictates
of that program (like "trouble-maker") *OR* are doing every thing they
can to NOT act out the dictates of the program, and they get punished.
Hence, the poverty attacks. Or unexplained events of wierdness, such as
things breaking after purchasing, or unusual physical health attacks or
$money$ seemingly disappearing into thin air.  Yes, there are "punishers"
attached to every program, you can bet your old Bible concordance on that.
These punishers operate so subtly and sneakily. Folks who are so tormented
think that they have somehow displeased their Lord. Religious folks will tell
them they have to go to church more, read their Bible more, or just question
their spirituality. They ('christians', so-called) say things like, "I don't understand
why this or that teaching doesn't work for you, it's working for everybody else."
Or "Are you sure you shouldn't fast?" Or how about, "Maybe you have been
sinning or are in rebellion. You know, God can't bless you when you're sinning.
You need to turn your life over to Jesus. And get your heart right with God."
Wow. God is not even reckoning anyone's sin against them, and the whole sin
issue has been dealt with at the cross, and this is not what is going on here!
This person, believe me, wants to be free!! They are NOT in rebellion, or whatever.
They probably have done more than you know to get free. They are being TARGETED,
and there needs to be an answer ... what the hey is going on???

I must add here: Sometimes the subject/candidate has been programmed
to be abusive in their words, tearing their own family members down. This
program is actually very destructive, bent on the destruction of that specific
family unit. Now whether or not you believe in "demons" per se is immaterial;
we must all admit that abuse is a dark and negative energy. If someone has
been programmed to wreak such damage upon a family or individual members
thereof, then we are talking about a MONSTER. It cannot simply be 'shoved
under the rug', or just "rebuked". It is also a program.

Those of you who do operate in the gifts of the Spirit, pray in tongues, etc.,
will need to rely upon the word of knowledge here. Perhaps the 'candidate
for deliverance',  as I prefer to call them, has a VOW spoken over their lives,
holding them in check, and freezing them from any kind of deliverance.
BREAK THE VOW! Break all curses that are known. Use the Name & Blood
of Jesus the Christ, don't back down. Do it with authority.
Also, you may be ministering to a precious one who has been
traumatized or victimized or from a dysfunctional family. I guarantee
you that 9 times out of 10, they have been programmed.
It kinda comes with the territory, if you know what I mean.

Programming happens on the SUBCONSCIOUS level, an area
which is unknown to many ministers, and sadly, precious few
tend to try to minister here. THIS is where the battle is, and
that is why I always pray thusly:
"By the name & blood of Jesus, I break the _______ off of
_______'s subconscious mind, mind/will/emotions and body
and life, NOW ... BREAK!!"
And ... after the removal of the programs, as I have lined out,
there will be a marked difference, and there will be a CHANGE!

Folks, I hesitate to say this, but I do know what I'm talking about.
I have been in deliverance ministry solidly for over eleven years.
This is the way that the Holy Spirit taught me, and I can even
say I learned in the classroom with Him, even on the job training.

This is for those of you who want to do deliverance.

Rebuking satan & demons just doesn't cut it.
Besides, they don't have to listen to you.
If they recognize and respect you, they will come
under submission to the authority of Christ.
But you have to enforce that.
I take nothing for granted. I enforce the authority.
I make those dark forces submissive.
And ... some of them are stubborn.
They like to HIDE, some of them.
They like to LIE also, but you can make them NOT lie.
Don't ever be afraid to talk to any demon, just use wisdom.
There's probably an 'informant' there, a "blabber-mouth"
if you will, who will spill the beans. Jesus was never afraid,
neither do we have to be afraid. Demons and the like, some
of them are way too inflated, not as big as they seem.
Just be aware, if you ARE dealing with a principality
(large and ancient spirit), don't be stupid and walk in pride.
A principality is usually huge in what it encompasses and it's
been there a whole lot longer than you & I.
"Call for back-up" is a saying we have.
Call for Angels. Call for the Holy Spirit.
And call for intercessors, who ain't afraid to take on such things.
By the way, I have called on intercessors a lot, especially ones
who specialize in taking on "witches" (those who control people
and circumstances around them, and do it while "hiding behind
the curtain" as it were).

*And* if you are dealing with PROGRAMS,
then God will show you, and if you listen
you'll know what to do. I throw them to
the Lake of Fire, they'll burn up real good there
and never return. HA!
I'll write some more on this subject again, soon.

Deliverance can be a dirty job,
someone needs to do it.
But the rewards and outcome can be glorious!!

Till next time,
TONY '@-@ search me

Monday, October 31, 2011


Yes, my dear friends, it's that time
of year again ... and I thought for
a moment, should I really blog on
this, or just skip it. I seriously
considered just skipping the blog
altogether and just say "have a
happy FUN DAY" or something like that.
BUT ... no, I decided to include a post
I wrote way back in 2005, which was
supposed to have been on the web somewhere,
but not sure it was ever published
(at least couldn't find it anywhere).
With some necessary editing, I present it to you.
And My Comments will be below the asterisks.
Trust Me, you may disagree with me.
And that's perfectly fine.
But, I think it points out some finer details
of Halloween that some may overlook.


  Halloween is quickly becoming a day, or rather, a night of unbridled mischief and unlimited mayhem. It's not really a celebration of fun, as much as it is an "anti-celebration" of all
that is good. Why is it on this day, and this day alone, that all
rules can be broken, and all guidelines can be relaxed? 
Do we really have to have a special day, like Halloween,
to dress up, load up on candy and have tons of fun and a real good time?
      Today, October 31, 2005, (Kansas)
      this is how it
      all went down.
A spook house in the area lures all kinds of people, but especially
the youth. The older ones are fascinated by it, and everybody thinks it is good, clean fun. However, some of those kids are
cramming the spook house, and terrorizing the inhabitants, and even the "monsters" within.
Parents then come along and FORCE their babies and infants to go inside, most against the child's will. Children, especially little ones, are very sensitive to evil vibes and images. Most
parents would not let someone evil enter their house and scare their child. But parents, every year, are "causing their child to pass through the fire" by subjecting them to FEAR, and spirits
of fear. And then when they are older, they have been sufficiently
de-sensitized to evil, not realizing that it is wrong.
In the Old Testament, parents who worshipped other gods made their children "pass through the fire" in sacrifice to those same gods. And so, at the spook house, the children were being tormented. And my daughter, who works at the particular
establishment where the spook house sat, was feeling tormented in her spirit. 
She said it felt like 'hell'.
One 6 or 7 year old child, was coerced into the spook house by her mother ... the child came out clearly traumatized. There seemed to be noone present to comfort and console her, although some  who were there tried to do so. Where did the mother go?
Oh ... she went to get some burgers ... she wasn't far, just right inside the restaurant where the spook house sat. When she came out, she was laughing. Right. People laughed. The management/owner laughed. Those who were with the child were not laughing.

And thus it doesn't really matter what people
do on this day, because it is all in "good clean fun", and it's for
"the kids". Wow. And when we get home, if we're christians, we
run all the strife out, all the mayhem out, yell at our kids when the music is too loud, tell them not to read certain books, and watch certain movies, not play certain video games, and positively stay away from strangers.

And what about the spook house? Well, it is small, but still forboding. Its images inside and out represent ages of wickedness and evil.  Tiny children should not be forced to enter such a structure against their will ... no wise and good parent would

want any harm to come to their child!

 What are we doing to our children, and what kind of mixed messages are we giving them? That one day of the year it is alright to  celebrate death & darkness, 
but the rest of the year it is not alright?
I won't give space here to discuss the origins of Halloween, that
is not my purpose here. I do believe there have been dark energies involved which alone may affect the atmosphere of a community. And we glorify and give massive amounts of attention to demons, witches, ghosts and worse -- without even realizing what we are
doing ... it is de-sensitizing our youth to actual darkness, and then
causing a blurring of lines between good and evil.
Most godly parents do not want their children to be rebellious. They go to great lengths to train them and discipline so that they turn out well.  So why should we train our children to become enamored with images and objects that only represent
rebellion. "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft", it states in the
Scriptures.   There were  definite signs of rebellion in the youth that night, and nobody standing up to correct the problem. But then I ask myself, how can they, when the adults themselves are celebrating -- for years now --
the same kind of rebellion.

Well, as you can tell, this happened
several years ago, and the truth is,
I was present. I was asked to visit
the "spook house" upon request,
and I was there also to console the scared child.

As believers in Christ, we are free to
observe days however we choose.
I simply put forth this concept:

Redeeming the month of October:
Throw out all "Judgment Houses"
Throw out all "Heaven's Gates/Hell's Flames"
Throw out all Horror flicks.
Throw out all Spook Houses, and anything
... else that torments, traumatizes, terrorizes or instills
the spirit of fear in people, especially little children.
Throw out anything that glorifies death & darkness.
After all, the majority of us have "thrown out" HELL.
Hmm, makes sense to me.
Have a "happy halloween"

 Art Image:
"The Scream" by Edvard Munch
Year 1893Courtesy of Google Images                                                      

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Tony Blog REPORT

(from the PDF file)

Well, sometimes you’ve just gotta
grow! And so with this first-ever
“Report”, which will be periodical
or as much as we can stand to do it,
we will present THE TONY BLOG in
a format where we can cover several
subjects at once! How cool is that?
*And* we are announcing a fund-
raising project (don’t ya just love
that? Haha, I do LOL) ... ! Our
dear friend Dr. W.R. Meeks has off-
ered to grant us half of the proceeds
from the sale of his Health manual
book! Yes!  These much needed
funds will go toward the counselling
ministry and its greatest needs. We
have need of a vehicle, and several
other needs. IF any of you want to
contribute, you can either paypal us,
or just email us for details:

Dr. Meeks is a highly trained ‘chiro-
path’ who specializes in alternative
medicine. He has been busy for over
30 years, and has created his very
own formulas for optimum health
and emergency care.
The link for Dr. Meeks book:


Ministers Out There !!

There’s good mechanics, and then
there’s bad mechanics. There’s good doctors, and then there are bad doctors. There’s good lawyers, and then ... you get the picture.  And quite frankly, if I get a chance to RANT, then this one, this topic would be it.  Ok, let’s give the men and women of God a break, right? Those who do the work well, and feed the flock of God, do this as their living, and according to scripture, are worthy of their wages. They are worthy of support!  There are so many  folk who seem to have a problem with the ministers getting paid, or getting paid too much! What? Don’t they have a right to enjoy life, and support their family, and spread some of the wealth around? I know the good ones, they got there because they were BIG GIVERS to begin with. And now, they are reaping reward in the here and now, 
and I don’t have a problem with that.
Now, if you’re talking about oppressive ‘ministers’ who feed themselves and not the flock, and drain the body of Christ DRY, then you may have an argument there, and I might agree with you. 
Otherwise, people, stop picking on the ministers of God. If they indeed are preaching the gospel and are raking in millions (souls and dollars), don’t get jealous. Or just be picky who you support. 
We usually like to support our favorite causes,
don’t we?  ;)

Education experts don’t always see that children are all different,
and they learn differently. Some kids are ‘right-brained’ learners,
whereas some are ‘left-brained’ thinkers, seeing the world as a matter of formulas and lines and everything in scholastic order.
I like visuals. I like things illustrated to me, it helps me learn. Although, I’m more of a geek than some, I am also very artistic and some subjects just bore me to tears (like Algebra), and I shy away from that stuff. My son is autistic, and he is brilliant with computers. And, he excels in several subjects. He loves cartoons and cartooning. My daughter is “an ARTIST” (her words), and she could just do art all day long. And cartoons. So, why do educators, think they can put all children in a box, and train them like Pavlov’s dogs, or like Pink Floyd’s song “The Wall” depicts? The best educators today are discovering that there are many ways to learn and so-called “Special Ed” kids just need to learn things a bit differently, because this big old world is full of stimuli, and they have to deal with all day long.
NO, I’m not talking about a famous Bible translation by a well-known minister. 
I want to nail down, just what IS The Message.
The little ‘epistle’ of First John tells us:
”God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” 
(I John 1:5) 
John goes on to tell us later that God sent His Christ to “destroy the works of the evil one”.
Jesus Himself said, “I have come to seek out and save the lost”. He came to SAVE men’s lives, not destroy them. He also declared his messiahship when he read from Isaiah 61:
”The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ....” And He “went about doing good and healing ALL who were oppressed by the devil” 
(Acts 10:38).
Our message is the same as the One who sent us: To set captives free, to cast out demons, to heal the sick, to open blind eyes, to bring folks GOOD NEWS and to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord! That’s right now, people, and we need to make it straight ... Christ came to reconcile ALL to God, and God loves all and His Love CANNOT FAIL! And ... it won’t. “His Mercy Endures Forever” and his anger has been satisfied, the price has been paid. No need ...
to charge the populus twice.

 is The Voice of
Copyright 2011 Royal Writings

 and this publication is produced
 under the auspices of The Holy
 Spirit ... The Ruach Ha Kodesh.

 THE TONY BLOG is available       
through personal subscription to  
the email address of Mr. Tony Prince:
*and* is also available here
on Blogger/Blogspot.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


A Labor Day Power Thought:

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
   Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls." (Matt. 11:27-29 AMP).
Now please re-read that passage above. Very Very Cool.

Jesus said, in effect, 'lay your burden down'. We were never meant to
be or live as 'pack-mules'. HE's the burden=carrier, the burden=lifter.
He encourages all of us 'laborers' to 'take it easy' and take a REST.
Lay it all down, upon Jesus. All the cares of this life, all the turmoil,
all the pain, all the struggle, all the stress and all - all - all of the 'Labor'.
How more appropriate words for a day like today?

Also, In the book of Hebrews, the unknown writer states that some in Israel
missed out on "entering into THE REST". They missed out because of 'unbelief'
(a refusal to believe the promises of God).
We are being called to, being given a chance to hear this message.
And even today, we are
exhorted to "enter into The Rest". What IS The Rest??
The moment YOU cease from 'all your labors', all of your so=called
'works in God', all of your strivings, all of your great so=called
'spiritual feats', and all of your struggle with 'sin' and all of your
pursuing after 'perfection', and simply let THE HOLY SPIRIT
take the helm, and work His Works THROUGH YOU. That, my
friends IS The Rest. And it is marvelous. Try it Today. On this
day of 'rest' for laborers. Yeah. 
I trust that you, as I did way back in 2001, will be amazed as
the power of God courses through you to accomplish great things.
I simply said, "Today, Holy Spirit, I make myself available for you
to flow through me!" And to see the hand of God, and know you
are a partner with Him, but you had little to do with the results
and the works ... at the end of the day, it's an amazing feeling.

And I know, you'll like how it feels.  :) happy


Fascinating, JIM!

A friend asked me the other day if I went to school
or studied to be a "deliverance minister". My answer,
was "No, not really" (without the Sulu impersonation).
That ministry was 'dropped' upon Renee & I, in 2001,
back when we were in Kansas ... and that was a time that
I was trying to 'leave' the ministry as such (now ya'all
don't freak right here, it happens a lot. Sometimes ya
just gotta move on, and ya have to follow Jesus!). Anyway,
I was done with a 'pastorate' and outside of some 'evangelistic
preaching', I wasn't seeking another ministry. But God knew
what my callings and giftings were, how I was 'groomed' for this.
Oh, I don't see droves wanting to sign up for this one, as I liken
the deliverance ministry or counselling as "taking out the garbage"
(which btw, I have done since I was ten years old) ... demons and\
witches and split personalites and trauma dealings etc. were not
my idea of a choice from youth ... "Oboy, I can hardly wait to
sign up!" No. It didn't happen that way for me. There's a lot of
suffering and preparation and unexplained s__t , that comes to
one who has been similarly called. And oh, it's not my "livelihood"
right now, but it IS my ministry. The music and the videos, those
are OVERFLOW. Ministry FLOWS in and out of a person, or it
doesn't ... plain and simple. The day I "ceased striving" in my own
works, and let the Holy Spirit govern my day, I saw HIS works!
And so, I entered into "The Rest". Yep. That day. You should try
it ... makes a HUGE difference.
See, I think that even Mr. Spock would be fascinated by deliverance,
in action. He would probably look at Captain Kirk and say something
like "Curious, Captain." And then, with one eyebrow raised, he
would examine all the angles and with his keen Vulcan mind then
respond, "Fascinating, Jim!" His mind would be overwhelmed with
the demonstrations of The Spirit.
Anyways, I'm just being real. This is real life here, friends, and it
almost doesn't get any real-er than this (except if you get to go
to your favorite dream destination, that might be very real).
The "bang" I get out of all this is to SEE the reaction of somone
SET FREE. Yep. That really turns me on. To see the transformation,
after the process of deliverance, then someone gets 'unbound' from
the thing that has been holding them captive for years. And trust me,
there's a whole lot more junk binding folks then just drugs & alcohol.
Or abuse factors. There's a lot of junk ... but Jesus died & resurrected
to set folks free from ALL OF IT. "Ain't No Mountain High Enough!"
Jesus will break thru the WALLS and totally DELIVER peeps, in their
minds, subconscious minds, bodies, etc! And that is because HE IS THE
Deliverer ... but Hey! We get to get in on this thing, as His co-workers
and be 'deliverers' too! It's in the Word, ya know. I love the anointing
for deliverance ... cuz when it strikes, you know that the devil's kingdom
is gonna fall! Right then! I love to walk in that authority, cuz then you
see that even the meanest, biggest, nastiest demon or witch has to bow
the knee ... to Jesus! So ... I'm dealing with Witch #13 Tonite ... and
there may be a FIGHT, but it will be a good one. The fight of faith,
that's the fight YOU WIN.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Greetings to all you people far & wide,
hope your summer was awesome, and
even if you had a "staycation" like we,
hope it was good. Back from my "vacation"
of sorts, just long enough to get some fresh
inspiration, and write some great new stuff!
So, dim the lights, cue the saxophone and
jazz piano (in a soft contemplative mood),
and we'll get underway!


Picture yourself years ago, oh say about 10 ... looking forward
to your future ... and then, suddenly ... you see a vision of your children, 
perhaps yet unborn,
but not unborn in the vision ... they are reality, and they are 9 & 17, 
and they are shopping.
They are conversing, perhaps in Spanish to each other. It seems that, although you
recognize they are standing in WalMart, the locale is not as familiar. Perhaps you
find that you're in a whole different State. Perhaps, you have children now, very
young, but in this vision, they are 9 & 17. And then, just as sudden as the moment
you saw this vision, the vision is gone. It's done. But, you saw it, it was very, very
real to you.
Well, actually my wife Renee had a similar vision like this, about 2 or 3 of our
children. It seems that, she was seeing into the future. I really really really believe
that God does things like this to encourage us. Like the child-less woman who was told she
only had a year to live, but who had a vision of having a child, ten years old, who
ran up to her and cried out, "I Love YOU, Mommy!!" Like Rod Parsley, who years
ago, was told that his autistic son would never be normal, never grow up to be a boy
like other boys, and will always be stuck with his "problem". But God! That boy not
only grew up, but graduated from college and became a successful game creator.
You think Rod & Joni gave up hope, or chose the evil report? No! He and his wife had
an internal "vision" of what their son should be. You go guys!  Or how about the
Chinese lady that was at the bus stop, here in Phoenix, who told me to "never
apologize for your son"  (Nicholas, my 'special needs' boy, who is now 13.)
We were both waiting for the bus home, after school ... I used to take him to
school every day, whether by van, or bus, I did every day for 2 years solid.
Every day (that was a few years ago). Anyway, she went on to say, "From now
on, you call Nick your 'happy lucky normal boy' ... and I said "Yes, Ma'am."
I have taken her advice, and he IS.  I no longer look at him as 'different, wierd,
strange, abnormal, broken etc.' or whatever other folks tried to make me feel
towards him. Oh yes, he had his share of outbursts publicly, escalations, and
I had my share of restraining him, and all the stuff they train you to do with
someone who is autistic, but my boy was mild in comparison to some. I know
some autistic kids who can't go out into public, period. And I have a whole
testimony concerning Nick ... there's a 'lot to tell' ... but suffice it to say that
HE is just plain AMAZING. I love him. And he loves me, and he's a great boy.
And did I mentioned smart? Talented? Wow. I have learned so much just by
being his father, and I am grateful, yes grateful that I am.
What about my 17 yr old, Sara? She's an actress. No, not a budding or 'wannabe'
I mean really. The real deal. It's amazing ... after a year of almost 'knock-down,
drag-outs', we now have more in common than ever, and she loves my music.
My Sara talks to me, and loves rock music of my era. Who would have thunk?
Gloria, my 15 yr old, she's a people person. She's a comic. But she gets bored
with us, so just put her with a bunch of her friends at her favorite mall, and
she's fine. She's also one of great character.  Thanks God. I feel we maybe
did something right. 
Tiffany. Our 9 year old. I'll let her tell you what she is:
"Dad, I AM AN ARTIST!!"  Yep. Got it. No doubt about that,
not only THAT, but she writes & illustrates her own "books"
and wants to have her own bookstore someday. She loves
Cartoon Network, and can draw many of the characters. As
a matter of fact, she has her own gang of characters she has created.
Best of all is this child's tremendous capacity for LOVE.

I want to include my 29 yr old daughter Celia here, as, against many
great odds and trials and temptations and even wars against her very life,
she has been a National Guardsman (including a deployment to Afghanistan
for a year), a framer @ Hobby Lobby, and now
has been enrolling in school again, to pursue her dream and career as
a journalist with the Walter Cronkite School here in Phoenix. She was
awarded Journalist of the Year through her army unit in Kansas. She
has been accepted to transfer to the unit here in Arizona, and welcomed
to pursue her career through them as well! She will have the soon opportunity
of being very close to National Geographic (due to further training), another
closely held dream of hers.
Renee started home=schooling years ago (about 2001). She never has thought
of herself as a teacher, and for years thought she sucked at it. I told her
differently. She fought and fought God on this I think, but we won ... hehehe.
She laid the groundwork for Sara & Gloria's scholastic success (they attend
a performing arts school and do very well there).
Now, she's the 'learning coach' for Nick & Tiffany, utilizing K12's online
program, Virtual Academy. She's good at it. She still doesn't believe me,
because she never saw herself doing that.  Haha.  Life Changes.
Oh, and I think Nick & Tiffany do quite well with it, too.

I have found myself, in a new career in this season of life. Did I think
10 years ago that I would be doing music now (hoped!!) or even producing
VIDEOS at this stage of my life?? Or blogging? Wow. That would have only been by
a dream ... but God had it in a vision already.

Some people make plans for their lives ... some say that they'll always
be doing this or that forever. I tend to believe in LIFE Changes, 
and that they can be good ones!

For all of you who have found yourself in new careers in your 40's and 50's,
raising kids (again) or raising your grandkids...maybe...To All of You Who
consider yourself  'late-bloomers', and maybe for the 1st time, can step into
your dream, walk in it, because all of the hinderers and hindrances have
been removed,  THIS BLOG IS FOR YOU.
Abraham didn't give up on life, nor did he throw in the towel when Sarah
died. Nope. He remarried and had more kids, and started producing again!
You ain't too old to begin. Or begin again. You ain't too old, God saved
the best wine for last. So, go forth with all the wisdom that He has given
you, and produce something amazing, world=changing.

I applaud you.
Your Friend,
TONY   B-) cool

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Exactly Who's Crazy Now??
Alice in Wonderland

I was just thinking about the new movie,  
Alice In Wonderland,
you know, the one with Johnny Depp 
(whom I thought his performance
was one of depth ... and a very adept performance,
I might add LOL) ...
Anyway, I watched it the other night (on cable). 
I loved it. 
I didn't think I would at first ... 
I don't know if it was Tim Burton's effect on it or what;
he always puts this almost dark and mysterious and eerey look to
his films; or maybe the typical Old English-ness you always find
in the other movies. Yes, I know ... 
it is important to follow the book.

Anyway, my favorite was a different, modern version
simply called  Alice  (LionsGate 2009 --  
 Everybody was always
asking "You mean The Alice? " That Alice was my favorite.

But I did love This Alice. This new one.
This was Alice 'coming-of-age'. 
This story picks up from the previous time(s?) 
she visited Wonderland before 
[interesting thought... the locals
called the place "Underland", 
which is probably more accurate. I actually
have read none of the books all the way through, 
just the Jabberwocky poem]. 
Even if there was much dispute on whether "this Alice" is 
"the right Alice", still her future is predicted on a scroll: 
She will defeat and destroy
the Jabberwocky (a dragon type beast)

on Frabjous Day.
One interpretation of "Alice" has said 

the story reveals a method 
of coping for a child who has D.I.D. --
(dissociative identity disorder), 
to deal with abusive people in the outside world. 
After viewing several different versions of Alice, 
and reading a little of the history of Lewis Carroll
I thought it was more about 'how to deal
with the crazy people in your life'.
Now... I see things a whole lot differently.
Now ... I see things through the eyes of Alice, 
not just outside of Alice.
Alice decides, after time and thought, 
she should control her own choices and destiny;
NOT let others always dictate to her what 
her next step should/will be.

Alice is NOT crazy. 
But a highly creative and vivid imagination helps.
A lot. 

No, Alice is sane ... and some others who seem crazy, 
are just 'misunderstood'. 
The ones who are really crazy 
are the 'insane' ones...
the ones who can do some real damage to people, 
the ones who don't love
anyone save themselves, and could just yell
"off with their heads"-- being
their way to deal with their own faults 

and weaknesses and insanity.
For quite a while, Alice was insisting she was in a dream.
I think she finally realized she was not in a dream, but in
an alternate reality. And she ... conquered her fear, 
and decided YES,
she would be THE ONE to battle the Jabberwocky. 
 And that battle was EPIC!
I loved it when she was in the air, and landed down on the beast with her Vorpal sword saying 
"Off with YOUR head!!" Great Scene.

Alice in Wonderland
Now we see the crazy ones fighting for a just cause ... even the
Mad Hatter himself, and Cheshire Cat! The righteous rule returns
to the rightful lady ... The White Queen.
Seeing the outcome after this defeat, 
it was made clear who was really
'the crazy ones'. The Red Queen and 
 her right-hand man/lover(?), Stayne.
So, really crazy, bad, really mean people 

are obsessed 
and just don't quit, do they? 
What do they understand? 
Well, those two were banished. 
I suppose you can bully back a bully ... or just
do what Jennifer Aniston did to Perez Hilton:  
"Why are you so mean??"
That straightened him out, for a while. Way to go, Jennifer.
And way to go, Alice, for taking out that beast, 

and helping restore some sanity in Wonderland.  
And I think, perhaps, that is part of our
job here on planet earth, to rid it of evil. 

Balance it out, so to speak.
And in some cases, it's gonna take a 
highly vivid and creative imagination.

Happy Summer!
TONY o|^_^|o music

Monday, July 11, 2011


Old Religious Programming Dies Hard

I very recently came out of a relationship that I was involved in
for just a little over a year. This person turned out to be quite
controlling, and even perhaps bipolar bear himself. I'm not really
rejoicing about this... no ... in fact, I was quite sad at how things
developed. I'm the kind of person that will usually go more than
the extra mile with you, be loyal to you and put up with a lot of
'flak', to even my family's chagrin. I seemed to be the last, often,
to see the flaws in a so-called 'friend', if they are using me.

It has taken me quite some time to process all this, especially
while dealing with a financial shake-up in my life (still going thru
that one) *AND* discovering that some of my enemies have been
those amongst my own kin or 'former' kin, as it were. So, yeah ...
there has been a LOT to process lately. I can be thankful for the
TRUTH being exposed, and for deliverance.
Speaking of which ... it is in deliverance that we have seen 'demons'
like to 'label' you what they are. It's the old "pot calling the kettle black'
sitch. And ... if you ever do get into a debate or argument with one of
these, about TRUTH, they will always stick with their "party line" -- like
the devout "company man", never wavering off their prized doctrine.
"My mind is made up ... don't confuse me with the facts". It doesn't matter
how much you "prove the truth" to these kind, they cannot and will not
give up their "programming". Although, they don't know they are programmed.
It goes OFF like a trigger! I've seen some try to evangelize  'solid christians'
AS IF their subjects are totally ignorant and have to be enlightened! Or perhaps
they will launch into a rather LOONNNNNGGG monologue, replete with scriptures
and judgments and dogmatic decrees and declarations.

"The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome,
but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged"
(2 Tim. 2:24)

They must have missed THAT verse in all their 'training'.
But so many 'christians' have been programmed to just
parrot scriptures and doctrinal statements, without giving
regard to the witness/leading of The Spirit, the situation/circumstances
of the listeners or even using compassion.
Reminds me of an event I went thru back in 2001. My Dad
had just passed away ... he was a God-fearing man, and I
do believe he loved God. I visited my neighbors for a moment,
when the lady of the house stepped to her front door, I blurted
out that I just lost my Dad 'yesterday' and that we were going
to the Memorial service. Then ... she blurted out "Well, it is appointed
for man once to die and after that the judgment." I was shocked!
I thought "don't enter into pastoral care, cuz you suck at it!"
Unbelievable. So ... is that how her church teaches her to respond
 when someone mentions "losing a loved one"?? And by the way,
that verse was pulled way out of context, and that's NOT how you respond
to the one bereaving. I am long over that shock, indeed ... but it does
make an illustration of what I'm speaking of.

People who are 'programmed' religiously are akin to those who have been
programmed by hypnotic triggers. It's another form of 'mind control' and
is nothing new. Hitler used it ... the military has used it ... and it is very
very sad when pastors and/or ministers use these methods to 'train'
(actually 'condition') their members. We should be allowed to question,
and seek or search for truth ... not just accept words simply because
they issue forth from a 'member of the clergy'. People who have been
thusly programmed NEED deliverance ... the signs and clues are clear.
IF you ever get to engage with someone who is 'programmed' ... they
are not likely to change their beliefs ... they are not likely to agree with
you (on much) ... they may not even be listening to you (not really) ...
and you may find them 'turning on you'.

“ Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." (Matt. 7:6)

What can you do about such a one?
Pray for the truth to be revealed and the
darkness in them exposed. Bind the 'triggers'
that may be there ... send those to 'torment'.
Matter of fact, bind ALL demonic influences.
Remember, the goal of the demonic realm is
to 'divide and conquer'. It starts with strife and
gets ugly from there.
Just like in computers, 'programs' have to be
"disabled, uninstalled and deleted". Make it so.
These captives really do need deliverance.
Don't we all 
 (from time to time).

Just passing on some 'words of wisdom' ... for what it's worth.