Sunday, June 26, 2016

That's NOT The Only Answer!

I was reading in a magazine from a very well-known ministry recently (Sorry, not dropping any names!) annnnd … I noticed that they were giving an answer to a question regarding this individual's success with applying The Word to their life, or rather the obvious lack of success thereof.
The answer was simple: Just refer back to Mark 4, the parable of the sower, and see if your life is reflected in the part about the seed being choked out, by the cares of this life. The answer went on: You must focus your faith on The Word, confessing, believing and standing on it, without being distracted by things in this world that could prevent the Word from working, including whatever "satan" might throw at you.
At first, it seemed like a good answer. Good passage to draw from, good thing to do, you know, re-check yourself and all.
But then … there was a moment . . . I envisioned the letter-writer frustrated with the answer. It was as if they were saying back: "I've done all that. It isn't working for me. I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall here, and your answer seems 'hollow'. Perhaps I need to express my situation here. Perhaps I need to share what ALL I have done to believe … maybe you're right, but it just doesn't feel right! Something's missing. Something's afoot. Something doesn't feel natural."
Oh, I could relate with this scenario. I know because I have seen it dozens of times, ministering to individuals right where they are and watch their frustrations at how things are not working for them.

I'm not suggesting that the Word doesn't work. I'm not suggesting that the problem is "with their faith" or lack of faith.
I'm talking about real people who have tried real hard to get a victory, doing all they know to do and BOOM … nothing.

I've got an answer to this.
It has come by divine revelation, I believe, and I am humbled by knowing it, but also feel an obligation to share it. This revelation has come after over 20 years of observation, study and personal experience. I believe that there is another answer.
The best way to communicate this is with A LIST:

* Curses (spiritual blockers set up for someone to have defeat)
* Issuances (something negative decreed to also block growth)
* Assignments (being targeted by dark forces who think you a threat)
* Witches (secret operations designed to stop the purpose of God in someone's life)
* Witchcraft (networks of dark forces against someone)
* Masonic constructs (secret pacts set up to cause failure)
* Mind-control programming (secret works super-imposed upon an unsuspecting soul, in their subconscious realm)
* Generational curses (sins & evil perpetrated in a bloodline which have never been broken off)
* Principalities & Powers (dark forces, "demonic" elements)
* Secret Vows
* Secret Demonic Dedications
* Usurpation (the enacting of another's will over God's will)

And believe it or not, this may only be a partial list!
And as I have said before, "It ain't always 'satan'!
Even with the subject of curses, in some cases, folks have cursed themselves! Taming the tongue in order here.
Freemasonry alone, if found in someone's bloodline, has a plethora of curses that have to be renounced & broken, very insidious work, that network is.
(Strongholds, family doctrines, core belief systems that have been erected and protected over time and through the ages ... these all can get in the way as well. Not to mention pride, stubborn-ness, idolatry and spiritual ignorance.)
All of the dozen operations listed above, can have a deleterious effect upon someone's faith, life, etc. … and each one of these operations is designed in some sneaky way, to block, prevent, hinder, halt or otherwise thwart the purpose of God in a believer's life! Some of the operations listed above, work specifically in the area of blocking the hearing from God Almighty and blocking the effectiveness of God's Word.
How?? You may ask.
I thought that nothing can stand in God's way.
However … if there is a problem with receiving a victory, or traveling on to the next level of prosperity, or getting a release into further ministry, or a problem with healing or anything dynamic you may be believing for … then there HAS TO BE A SOLUTION. Something's in the way, and it ain't God!
Plus … in some cases, the powers of darkness have claimed "dibs" on someone's life, and calling all the shots, have pushed God out. They have legal grounds to operate. This cannot be ignored and it can't be removed by just a lot of "rebuking".

This is where Deliverance Ministry comes in. And yes, it is also a work of Calvary, a finished work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Deliverance anointing can discover the area where the problem is, unravel the mystery, uncover the lies and secrets and BREAK THE CURSES off the lives of those who have been so sorely affected! The gifts of the Spirit, "the spirituals" are necessary in solving the puzzle of all the defeat. And He, the Holy Spirit, does! He works! He can go to work on the problem and deliver the ANSWER. "By the name and Blood of Jesus", we always say when we are addressing a curse or issuance or whatever is standing in the way. THAT is how we Break The Curses. And binding & casting out the evil elements of the powers of darkness, after they have been exposed and dealt with … this is what brings the breakthrough.

So … to that letter-writer, who thought the answer they were given just wasn't cutting through … Cry out to God, and he will show you what is in the way. He will give you The Answer.
And even if there is no deliverance minister nearby to help aid in the discovery, God Almighty, Yahweh Himself can come down and blast you out of the problem because he has MORE THAN ENOUGH GRACE to do so.
Yes, I say … Cry Out to Him. And then, I see the Word working in your life. I see your Success in Life. I see you on your way to your Miracle.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

If You Have Kids, They Ain't Your 'Property'!

Children are a gift, blessing and heritage from the Lord God Almighty!
They are given to us, for a time, to raise and nurture and guide here, on earth.

I am astounded how many parents do not know this.
I would like to line up all parents that believe that their children are
a "burden" … or troublesome … or a "pain" … or their "property", something they own!
I want to line them all up in a room and say this to them:

"Your Children are NOT your property!! They are not something to control!
You do not "own" them … they are granted to you, on loan from God! Your
job is to bring them up in the way 'they' should go; i.e. according to their natural 'bent'.
So many of you want to fashion your children according to your image, or make them
all the same, if you have more than one. I tell you, right now,  STOP IT.  You cannot be
more wrong, in  your thinking, beliefs and actions."


You cannot expect your child to be successful if you are constantly cursing them!
I know some parents … all they say about their child is constantly negative, negative
to others they talk to, and even to their face! And … if you are putting SHAME on  your
child because they don't perform the way you think they should, then the shame should
be on you.  You can't demand that your child do or be a certain thing if  you have never
taught them how to do something. Nor can you train all of your children (if you have more than one) to be all alike! Children are different, just as different as DNA for each living thing. And you cannot put your failures on  your child, like they are your scapegoat.
Just stop.  Stop and go back to Proverbs. Get some wisdom.

I realize that parenting is tough, I am a parent.  It is an "on-the-job training Job". You
can even use resources such as James Dobson, or Dr. Spock, or even Dr. Phil and still
mess up. I know. Quite frankly, I myself have made some mistakes. I think in my later
years as a parent I have wised up and corrected some things. Not all of us have had
glowing & glittering examples to emulate. Me personally? I knew that I didn't know
what the heck I was doing, so I cried out to God … He made me into a "Father", and
I like to think a 'good' one. Not perfect.  NO.  Only He is a Perfect Father. But I know
that we can learn from Him. So, I have been learning, and I'm not done learning. I
even get taught things from my children. You should listen. You might even learn
something from them, too. You can learn things about your children by observing
and caring and just listening. You can learn some things even about your self.


If you're one of those parents that like to get periodic portraits of  your family,
then 'good for you'.  If you provide well for your family,  with food, clothing, shelter,
et al, then 'good for you'. But I'm not offering applause to you if you're just "all about
Image". You may dress up your family extravagantly just in order to parade them
down to the front pew every Sunday at church, LATE.  I'm not impressed.
If you pretend to love your kids, but are a "closet alcoholic" and beat on them,
I am most certainly not impressed! Stop the madness!  Get some help. Your children
are blessings from above, not for your target practice or experimentation.

It's amazing that I have run into this "I own you" philosophy lately, especially in
two particular families, that I am familiar with. You know that attitude:

"I brought you into the world, and I can take you out, too!"

No, you see right there, that is where YOU ARE WRONG.
That is the wrong attitude to have. And it is not just an attitude to some.
It is a mindset. A doctrine. A whole entire belief system, handed down through the ages.
*Sigh* -- that makes the whole thing a "doctrine of demons" and it is a STRONGHOLD.

Fortunately, God loves you all anyway, if you are this way, and he can deliver, change,
transform you and FORGIVE you!  I wonder sometimes if your children forgive you.
Some of them … maybe. Every day they may forgive … you. If you are constantly abusive, they may actually still love you! I don't know, everybody's different.
What I do know, after 35+ years of counselling, these children need therapy.
They have been traumatized.
They will need HEALING.
The amazing thing is, they probably do still love you.

What have you done? Have you "nurtured them in the fear & admonition of the Lord"
or have you raised them to be like soldiers with no feelings … or have  you stolen their innocence, and broken their spirit?  I bet some of you have  children that are just GEMS … precious treasures right in  your home! They need to be affirmed, encouraged, applauded, cheered, instructed, treated like "spirit beings" that are HUMAN, NOT  like animals going to a slaughter. Children are not animals anyway!
They are little versions of  YOU, which someday, will grow up to be ADULTS.
Do you want them to be monsters? Do you want them as "damaged goods"?
Or do you want them to turn out Beautiful?  3 cheers to all of the great parents
that know that their children are already amazing and continue to nurture 

them onto success in life!

Watch your words. Watch your thoughts. Wash your brain with God's super-soap if you
need it. Then … WATCH your children become ALL what God intended them to be.
Little walking, breathing, living MIRACLES.

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If you desire to support this work, there is a paypal button
up above on the right column. You may also subscribe by
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remember to subscribe. God bless you!

Saturday, June 4, 2016



Francis Schaeffer said:

If there are no absolutes by which to
judge society, then society becomes absolute.

Francis Schaeffer, a christian philosopher and author, produced a book & film series in the 70's known as How Should We Then Live?  In my estimation, the man is a prophet ... it seems he could look into the future and see what our civilization could or may become; and in this case, our own Nation.      

 "PC" today means  "political correct" ... it is an unwritten "national policy or mindset" that pervades many Americans and even some foreigners. It dictates what we can say, think and even act toward the populus or even how we address certain groups, politicians etc. It is a type of "thought police" or even "word police", and there is always somebody present to rebuke you if you get out of line.  
As you may have guessed, "PC" is the absolute of the day. It has replaced Free Speech.
Political Correctness has become the new "truth".  TRUTH is no longer an accepted commodity. Facts become blurred in the melee of public opinion. Just as the Bible warns
they "call evil, good and good, evil". It is truly the perversion. Twisted.

What society determines to be "the truth" is up for grabs.
It is administered by coercion, forced embarrassment and the use of slur names, such as "racist", "misogynist", "Islamophobia", "homophobia" and other seemingly "new" trigger words.

Although some folks with "clout" (position, platform, wealth, notoriety, following, popularity) might actually be able to get away with "speaking their mind" -- the rest of us, well, that's debatable. Better watch your P's and Q's buddy, or "I'm telling on you!"     

All of this mindset crept up on us ... it definitely has been adopted by many, as if it's another Constitutional guideline or something. You may try to reason with people who are so swayed, to no avail. They have accepted the brainwashing, drunk the kool-aid, swallowed the blue pill whole. Logic escapes them. Wisdom and understanding is alien to them. And rulers who are tyrannical can hypnotize the masses into believing almost anything; the method is really quite easy.
A president or politician or king can speak several partial truths, make several promises that entice the populus and THEN, when the timing is right, LIE. Yes, LIE. It's as if people start thinking, "Well, he accomplished these great things, and he fulfilled these promises, so why not believe the rest of what he says."  Hitler controlled the masses;  in-between applauses and cheers (during his speeches),  he would resume this "hypnotic stance", remain silent until the noise subsided, and then he would continue with his speech. It was very effective, and very powerful. By that time, it didn't matter what the man said or did, he could "do no wrong". 

In order to break through the hypnosis effect, you have to get folks' attention! They have to see and hear something shocking, because they probably aren't watching the same news sites you're watching ... oh no, they're not paying attention to all the wrongs their favorite leader is doing, no matter how atrocious. They are convinced that everybody is a critic, and their man is innocent. Treason? Not from their man.     

“If we as Christians do not speak out as authoritarian governments grow from within or come from outside, eventually we or our children will be the enemy of society and the state. No truly authoritarian government can tolerate those who have real absolute by which to judge its arbitrary absolutes and who speak out and act upon that absolute.” 
Another quote by Mr. Schaeffer. When anyone or everyone in the nation, of the citizenry of a nation, becomes wise to the deeds of such a tyrannical overlord, then watch how those "leaders"  are treated!
IF we will not bow down to their idols, we will not back down, and NOT BE AFRAID, then they (the tyrants) may actually turn and fear US.  But ... we must have resolve. We must treasure Freedom over security; we must act as one man, and be united.  Right now, our own nation is divided ... because someone divided us. Pitted us against ourselves. Perhaps We The People could actually unite, in our heart of hearts, to believe and agree and remove the evil rulers. We do have the right to do so, you know. We must refuse to believe the voices of the naysayers, the fear-mongers, the PC police. We must stop being distracted by every "false flag" event, every minor issue, every pathetic "cause". 

We have a known LIAR running for president, who also with her husband, have a long list of horrendous deeds in their wake … and the sheeple blindly follow her. We have a rich man running for president, who has never done the atrocities that politicians in government have done, and he gets blamed for riotous people who try to block him from his goal! We have blacks against whites, blacks against white cops, and "Black Lives Matter" and "Safe Place" students on campuses running around spouting social re-engineering doctrines as if they are truth! We have a president who gave Iran 150 BILLION dollars, so that they can fund terrorism. Forget it if you think they are going to use nuclear power for good, because they won't. And our Congress? They do nothing about our president, who has a list of treasonous acts a mile long. "Can't touch this!" And they probably won't. All because of those two funny letters:  P.C.

What is the answer? PRAY. Pray for your neighbors, pray for your friends, perhaps even your "enemies", for their eyes and ears and minds to be open to Truth and Reality. Pray for mental strongholds that block understanding to be torn down. Pray for hearts to soften so that pride stops getting in the way, for Truth to make way.   Start speaking the truth in love, and expose the evil deeds of darkness. Pray that evil men will be exposed and removed from power. Pray that their "protection" will be removed from them, so that righteous men can rise up and help take them down!
Remember: Just because a man gets a lot done, it means NOTHING if he is doing all the wrong stuff!!  As far as government goes, inept and do-nothing rulers aren't worth anything either! It is time to "clean house" up there in Washington, and we can't be afraid of the agents or companies or even "shadow governments" that try to block the change from coming. It is time for prophets to rise up again, and SPEAK OUT.  Speak forth a clear and concise message of TRUTH that cuts through all the crap!! Righteous men and women from the ekklesia should rise up and speak a timely word, without fear and without harsh judgings. Prayer Warriors should also jump in and address the forces of darkness, bind them and cast them out of D.C. and the rest of our nation!
We are in a War. But ... The Resistance . . . is HERE and NOW.
The "silent majority",  The "We The People" can all wake up to a brand new day, when this darkness that has so pervaded and invaded our great land shall once again be banished for good!

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God Bless You!!