Sunday, June 26, 2016

That's NOT The Only Answer!

I was reading in a magazine from a very well-known ministry recently (Sorry, not dropping any names!) annnnd … I noticed that they were giving an answer to a question regarding this individual's success with applying The Word to their life, or rather the obvious lack of success thereof.
The answer was simple: Just refer back to Mark 4, the parable of the sower, and see if your life is reflected in the part about the seed being choked out, by the cares of this life. The answer went on: You must focus your faith on The Word, confessing, believing and standing on it, without being distracted by things in this world that could prevent the Word from working, including whatever "satan" might throw at you.
At first, it seemed like a good answer. Good passage to draw from, good thing to do, you know, re-check yourself and all.
But then … there was a moment . . . I envisioned the letter-writer frustrated with the answer. It was as if they were saying back: "I've done all that. It isn't working for me. I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall here, and your answer seems 'hollow'. Perhaps I need to express my situation here. Perhaps I need to share what ALL I have done to believe … maybe you're right, but it just doesn't feel right! Something's missing. Something's afoot. Something doesn't feel natural."
Oh, I could relate with this scenario. I know because I have seen it dozens of times, ministering to individuals right where they are and watch their frustrations at how things are not working for them.

I'm not suggesting that the Word doesn't work. I'm not suggesting that the problem is "with their faith" or lack of faith.
I'm talking about real people who have tried real hard to get a victory, doing all they know to do and BOOM … nothing.

I've got an answer to this.
It has come by divine revelation, I believe, and I am humbled by knowing it, but also feel an obligation to share it. This revelation has come after over 20 years of observation, study and personal experience. I believe that there is another answer.
The best way to communicate this is with A LIST:

* Curses (spiritual blockers set up for someone to have defeat)
* Issuances (something negative decreed to also block growth)
* Assignments (being targeted by dark forces who think you a threat)
* Witches (secret operations designed to stop the purpose of God in someone's life)
* Witchcraft (networks of dark forces against someone)
* Masonic constructs (secret pacts set up to cause failure)
* Mind-control programming (secret works super-imposed upon an unsuspecting soul, in their subconscious realm)
* Generational curses (sins & evil perpetrated in a bloodline which have never been broken off)
* Principalities & Powers (dark forces, "demonic" elements)
* Secret Vows
* Secret Demonic Dedications
* Usurpation (the enacting of another's will over God's will)

And believe it or not, this may only be a partial list!
And as I have said before, "It ain't always 'satan'!
Even with the subject of curses, in some cases, folks have cursed themselves! Taming the tongue in order here.
Freemasonry alone, if found in someone's bloodline, has a plethora of curses that have to be renounced & broken, very insidious work, that network is.
(Strongholds, family doctrines, core belief systems that have been erected and protected over time and through the ages ... these all can get in the way as well. Not to mention pride, stubborn-ness, idolatry and spiritual ignorance.)
All of the dozen operations listed above, can have a deleterious effect upon someone's faith, life, etc. … and each one of these operations is designed in some sneaky way, to block, prevent, hinder, halt or otherwise thwart the purpose of God in a believer's life! Some of the operations listed above, work specifically in the area of blocking the hearing from God Almighty and blocking the effectiveness of God's Word.
How?? You may ask.
I thought that nothing can stand in God's way.
However … if there is a problem with receiving a victory, or traveling on to the next level of prosperity, or getting a release into further ministry, or a problem with healing or anything dynamic you may be believing for … then there HAS TO BE A SOLUTION. Something's in the way, and it ain't God!
Plus … in some cases, the powers of darkness have claimed "dibs" on someone's life, and calling all the shots, have pushed God out. They have legal grounds to operate. This cannot be ignored and it can't be removed by just a lot of "rebuking".

This is where Deliverance Ministry comes in. And yes, it is also a work of Calvary, a finished work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Deliverance anointing can discover the area where the problem is, unravel the mystery, uncover the lies and secrets and BREAK THE CURSES off the lives of those who have been so sorely affected! The gifts of the Spirit, "the spirituals" are necessary in solving the puzzle of all the defeat. And He, the Holy Spirit, does! He works! He can go to work on the problem and deliver the ANSWER. "By the name and Blood of Jesus", we always say when we are addressing a curse or issuance or whatever is standing in the way. THAT is how we Break The Curses. And binding & casting out the evil elements of the powers of darkness, after they have been exposed and dealt with … this is what brings the breakthrough.

So … to that letter-writer, who thought the answer they were given just wasn't cutting through … Cry out to God, and he will show you what is in the way. He will give you The Answer.
And even if there is no deliverance minister nearby to help aid in the discovery, God Almighty, Yahweh Himself can come down and blast you out of the problem because he has MORE THAN ENOUGH GRACE to do so.
Yes, I say … Cry Out to Him. And then, I see the Word working in your life. I see your Success in Life. I see you on your way to your Miracle.

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