Sunday, June 12, 2016

If You Have Kids, They Ain't Your 'Property'!

Children are a gift, blessing and heritage from the Lord God Almighty!
They are given to us, for a time, to raise and nurture and guide here, on earth.

I am astounded how many parents do not know this.
I would like to line up all parents that believe that their children are
a "burden" … or troublesome … or a "pain" … or their "property", something they own!
I want to line them all up in a room and say this to them:

"Your Children are NOT your property!! They are not something to control!
You do not "own" them … they are granted to you, on loan from God! Your
job is to bring them up in the way 'they' should go; i.e. according to their natural 'bent'.
So many of you want to fashion your children according to your image, or make them
all the same, if you have more than one. I tell you, right now,  STOP IT.  You cannot be
more wrong, in  your thinking, beliefs and actions."


You cannot expect your child to be successful if you are constantly cursing them!
I know some parents … all they say about their child is constantly negative, negative
to others they talk to, and even to their face! And … if you are putting SHAME on  your
child because they don't perform the way you think they should, then the shame should
be on you.  You can't demand that your child do or be a certain thing if  you have never
taught them how to do something. Nor can you train all of your children (if you have more than one) to be all alike! Children are different, just as different as DNA for each living thing. And you cannot put your failures on  your child, like they are your scapegoat.
Just stop.  Stop and go back to Proverbs. Get some wisdom.

I realize that parenting is tough, I am a parent.  It is an "on-the-job training Job". You
can even use resources such as James Dobson, or Dr. Spock, or even Dr. Phil and still
mess up. I know. Quite frankly, I myself have made some mistakes. I think in my later
years as a parent I have wised up and corrected some things. Not all of us have had
glowing & glittering examples to emulate. Me personally? I knew that I didn't know
what the heck I was doing, so I cried out to God … He made me into a "Father", and
I like to think a 'good' one. Not perfect.  NO.  Only He is a Perfect Father. But I know
that we can learn from Him. So, I have been learning, and I'm not done learning. I
even get taught things from my children. You should listen. You might even learn
something from them, too. You can learn things about your children by observing
and caring and just listening. You can learn some things even about your self.


If you're one of those parents that like to get periodic portraits of  your family,
then 'good for you'.  If you provide well for your family,  with food, clothing, shelter,
et al, then 'good for you'. But I'm not offering applause to you if you're just "all about
Image". You may dress up your family extravagantly just in order to parade them
down to the front pew every Sunday at church, LATE.  I'm not impressed.
If you pretend to love your kids, but are a "closet alcoholic" and beat on them,
I am most certainly not impressed! Stop the madness!  Get some help. Your children
are blessings from above, not for your target practice or experimentation.

It's amazing that I have run into this "I own you" philosophy lately, especially in
two particular families, that I am familiar with. You know that attitude:

"I brought you into the world, and I can take you out, too!"

No, you see right there, that is where YOU ARE WRONG.
That is the wrong attitude to have. And it is not just an attitude to some.
It is a mindset. A doctrine. A whole entire belief system, handed down through the ages.
*Sigh* -- that makes the whole thing a "doctrine of demons" and it is a STRONGHOLD.

Fortunately, God loves you all anyway, if you are this way, and he can deliver, change,
transform you and FORGIVE you!  I wonder sometimes if your children forgive you.
Some of them … maybe. Every day they may forgive … you. If you are constantly abusive, they may actually still love you! I don't know, everybody's different.
What I do know, after 35+ years of counselling, these children need therapy.
They have been traumatized.
They will need HEALING.
The amazing thing is, they probably do still love you.

What have you done? Have you "nurtured them in the fear & admonition of the Lord"
or have you raised them to be like soldiers with no feelings … or have  you stolen their innocence, and broken their spirit?  I bet some of you have  children that are just GEMS … precious treasures right in  your home! They need to be affirmed, encouraged, applauded, cheered, instructed, treated like "spirit beings" that are HUMAN, NOT  like animals going to a slaughter. Children are not animals anyway!
They are little versions of  YOU, which someday, will grow up to be ADULTS.
Do you want them to be monsters? Do you want them as "damaged goods"?
Or do you want them to turn out Beautiful?  3 cheers to all of the great parents
that know that their children are already amazing and continue to nurture 

them onto success in life!

Watch your words. Watch your thoughts. Wash your brain with God's super-soap if you
need it. Then … WATCH your children become ALL what God intended them to be.
Little walking, breathing, living MIRACLES.

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