Saturday, April 15, 2017


* I rarely write solely about myself ... but April 18 is my birthday, and I thought it apropo to write this piece to further define and describe just what "The Music of DLivahh" is all about. So, my goal is that if you are a friend or fan of Tony DLivahh and my music, then you will be informed and entertained. 
Warning: I may actually get opinionated in this blog!*


"Different but Good!" Tony DLivahh's music incorporates his signature guitar sounds, which are very "classic rock" like,  and a flourish of keyboard/piano work throughout. The rhythms vary and the vocals are soaring.  The lyrics are often intense . . . designed to convey messages about Life, love, God, comedy ... and even pain.  The passion comes through with every song. The name "DLivahh" refers to being 'delivered' from darkness and other types of struggles one may endure in life.

Tony's musical influences are varied:
The Beatles, Deep Purple, Jethro Tull; and many prog rock bands, including Yes, ELO, Kansas, etc. Guitar players: Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, Phil Keaggy, Terry Kath (old Chicago), Tony Iommi, Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple, Mark II), Carlos Santana, to name a few. Christian artists: Keith Green, Michael Omartian, Chuck Girard, Russ Taff and Dallas Holm.
   Tony's musical influence runs deep, as does his spirit. After many years perfecting his craft,  performing in many different types of venues, including years of leading praise/worship in churches, Tony has returned to his rock roots. Before moving to Phoenix, AZ, Tony spent quite a bit of time honing his "new sound" in Branson, MO ... where he met many performers, and indeed got to perform there as well.  He has produced 8 studio albums, including some instrumental cds, all with a very strong prog rock influence . . . hence, the genre "Prog Spirit Rock", i.e. Progressive Spiritual Rock.

     The thrust of "The Music of DLivahh" is to hopefully "deliver" songs to the downtrodden, to those who have been through life's struggles, tried & failed, but still willing to keep on going to find freedom from a mundane existence.  Although the music ROCKS, the message is the same:  Delivering folks from darkness and dreary lives, to a sense of possiblility of Freedom and Victory.  
(From The Bio, ReverbNation).

I love music.
I love creating it. But I especially love and enjoy performing the songs
that I've been given by inspiration from above. It has been said about me that when I perform, a gift or spirit of JOY is released amongst the audience ... and I think that's very cool as I have a lot of joy to share, a lot of joy to express.
Today, I'm sharing the story of the journey, my journey to becoming TONY DLIVAHH.


Usually in christian testimonies, you will see the exact opposite. You know, how this musician was big in a rock band, got saved and then quit the band and started to do original christian songs. Well, that's not me. Nothing wrong with any of that, it's just my story is a little bit different.  I started out actually in 1974, when I wrote my 1st song for guitar, "Lord of My Life", a short little ditty. Later ca. 1984 I started writing original tunes about God & Life.  All of that, along with the times I played a coffeehouse or "sang for my supper" was just training for what was to come.  You see, the Spirit of God came to me one day and showed me that a certain personna I was trying to fit into, that wasn't really me. Now, I've seen that dynamic before ... where a guy who was pastoring and wearing 3-piece suits was told by God to grow his hair and beard out, buy a Harley and be the real self he was on the inside. Result: Biker Pastor. It was effective for him.
The Holy Spirit simply said to me, "I'm returning you to your 'rock roots'".  And along with that I received some prophecies about affecting or influencing the music biz and such. What I do know, is that I was frustrated just being "behind the keyboard". Even though, at times I was leading worship with my guitar. There were moments of spontaneity and "songs of the Lord" coming forth, but I still, deep inside wasn't satisfied. I knew that I was called to more.  "A high calling in music" doesn't only mean doing praise/worship and the like. It can be a minstrel who travels who touches many hearts who are out there in the crowds. And so, I wanted to be able to express my total creativity in writing and song-crafting in a genre that I loved: Prog Rock. It was about 2006 when I was developing the idea of DLIVAHH. It started when I was online, and I noticed that there were a lot of artists who had my last name, Prince. Well, I guess I wanted to try to avoid redundancy. What stage name would work for me, as a "one man band"?? I prayed. I thought hard. Then, I realized that I had some experience in "delivery", not just packages but also babies! AND I was an up-and-coming deliverance minister to boot.
So, through various tries and forms, I heard in my heart  the name "D'Livahh"! Play on words! And the slogan "Music that Delivers" (dual meaning). Well, there you have it. And after some time, thanks to my good friend and radio genius Allen Cox, I was dubbed "Tony DLivahh".  And it stuck. I like it. 

*partial discography of Tony DLivahh,
available on*


As my 1st banner above depicts, I created a new musical genre called, "Prog Spirit Rock" (progressive spiritual rock).  And the Lion has a dual meaning there, can you figure that out? It's a spiritual concept, from the Bible. Not to mention that Lions are BOLD.

So it's no mystery that I love rock music, and I had quite a vinyl collection growing up to prove that. And I also loved to go to as many rock concerts as I could. Even as a Believer, I tried to go to as many christian concerts and festivals as I could. Since my appreciation for music is quite broad (also dig me some jazz and some classical etc.), I desired to expand my musical "prowess" into some other genres. Like on "Behind The Mask", I experiment with Big Band style. But my goal is just to express each song with the musical style that fits each tune. It is not my goal to be a "utility player", just playing anything and everything. No, there is method to my madness. Then there are the instrumental albums ... working on one right now, as a matter of fact. Also put out a Christmas album, all public domain carols, with 3 originals attached. And I also have a "gospel archives" album that may sound like a bunch of demos, but I'm mastering it as well. Then, I have another surprise in the works, "Tony Delivers the Goods" (get it??). Yeah ... hope that one kicks some serious butt.  I've done a bulk of my work in my private tiny home-studio, and I may not be world-class quality, but I'm working on that, trying to get better and better at what I do.

"Deep Calls Unto Deep"
(from YouTube)

I don't know what your opinion is on christian music, but honestly I have listened to, and played a lot of it. I am thankful for the very great christian rock bands out there, throughout time. But when it comes to the daily fare on christian radio, and even in the praise/worship genre, I began to notice that a lot of it just sounds alike. I realize that everyone has their tastes and favorite bands and such, and radio stations have their formats. But it seemed, when I was starting The Music of DLivahh back in 2006, not many were shaking up the sounds, and being innovative. I could count them all on one hand, those that were. I think the music is just as important as the lyrical content. We should strive for excellence and play skillfully, and not be afraid to be creative and even "break the rules" occasionally.  The song above hopes to achieve that goal. Lyrically, it's an allegory ... musically it tries to push the envelope and be "different but good".
 Anyway, you can listen to it and enjoy it too.

*Here's an example of some of my "mad skills" on the electric guitar & keys*: 

"Awesome new tunes there brother Tony in the Dlivahh sound with 
some life breathed into them" -- Allen Cox, Cox Music
"I am listening to your playlist. For all the songs I hear from you 
I am a big fan of you" -- Robert Alan White, musician
KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK."  -- Abba Father, Artist/Musician
"You have a very original sound going here which mix the 
genres nicely, refreshing." -- Peter Burns.
"Tony's music is so awesome and different. Tony has "the wave of the future" Love "Electric Man" and "How Far His Mercy"" -- Lisa Beaumont

I often do not refer to what I do as "ministry" ... believing that my music is an overflow of everything else that God has me doing in life, but I think that the music does "minister" to folks. It's different not being in a church=scene, where the responses may be delayed or at least not always readily seen. Now when I'm doing a concert, I love to watch the faces of the people and I try to connect to them while I'm doing my thing. Which brings me to content. I write songs about God, for sure, but also about Life and things in creation ... basically whatever is laid upon my heart to write about. And that could be some "activist" thing or some issue that needs to be dealt with. The Music of DLivahh is meant to be BOLD and go where no artist has gone before! So, I can't be afraid to tackle subjects that may be controversial or stuff others wouldn't touch. Remember, the goal is, no matter the genre of music, to reach people where they live PLUS give their ears something they haven't heard before, but something they are hungry and thirsty for.

I'm thankful for the distance where I've come from, and all the experience in doing praise & worship, it's all good. It was enjoyable and fun and we had some great spiritual times. I wanted to make that clear, that I still believe that leading people into the presence of God, or at least helping them get there, is a worthy and honorable calling.  But I'm also glad that The Lord let me branch out and expand and thrusted me into what I'm doing now. No regrets. I love what I'm doing and I hope to be able to keep doing it for a long, long time.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Satan Ain't To Blame!

* I've been struggling with IBS, so that has delayed this from going forth a few days, but also ... I've also wondered how this blog would be received, understood or even read! It's radical (would you expect anything less from me?) ... and not conventional, not orthodox, but I personally believe it is revelation knowledge. So ... maybe you can open your heart and mind to see another point of view, in regards to the workings of "the powers of darkness" ... and that is the subject matter on this blog today. *


*NOT this time!*
Well, we gotta blame something, don't we??
We could blame ourselves, right? Just as the old comic-strip Pogo states, "We have discovered the enemy and he is us!"
So, I'm obviously talking about things going wrong in people's lives. And who is behind all of those dark works.

And if you don't live there, then you don't have a thing to worry about. Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

I'm talking about strongholds and problems that just can't be shaken. I'm talking about something more than just "punk demons" and garden-variety bondages. I'm talking about people who are STUCK in strange bad circumstances and can't seem to get free. I'm talking about the atmosphere being manipulated in your house towards darkness, because someone in your house has been cursed. You see what's going on, and you want answers.

I have written blogs explaining how Jesus destroyed the works of the evil one (Satan, the devil, etc.) ... and there is a very good reason why "he" (satan) ain't behind most of the bad things going on in the world today.
UNLESS ... you just want to group all the powers of darkness in one bunch, calling them "satan", or like Dave Matthews when he refers to someone as "some devil". Satan was a limited being. He couldn't be everywhere at once, and his powers were limited.
The scriptures describe how our battle/warfare is with principalities, powers, dark forces in high places etc.
And quite frankly, a lot of bad stuff happens because of "bad people", i.e. persons who are given over to wickedness and how it is grouped over time and handed down. There is evil out there. We should not ignore this fact. But what about individuals' lives? What about christians? There are some things going on that just seemed to go unexplained. Let me offer some possible sources.

There are witches. Dark entities or forces who work behind the scenes, manipulating situations or try to control people's lives according to an evil agenda.
There is a thing called "mind-control programming". Yeah, that really IS a thing. The CIA has been caught using these methods. There are different type of programming, as a matter of fact, more subtle and insidious than I can tell.
There is The Illuminati. Yeah, it really is a thing. They like to influence entertainers and secretly control governments. They also work in some families. They are insidious.
There is also the work of Freemasonry.  It's a sneaky, secret organization that purports to be of God, but in truth and fact, is bent on destroying true believers that it targets.
When these forces are in operation, they are often sophisticated, complicated networks and very very sneaky and insidious in their works.

So . . . IF there are strange things going on in your friends or family members, and they can't seem to get delivered ... or the church they go to don't know what to do for them >>> KNOW THIS! Most churches and ministers have not been taught, prepared or coached to deal with these type of "powers of darkness".  It simply isn't their focus. Can't really blame them for that . . . but often when someone goes to a big ministry for prayer or answers, how to break FREE from the clutches of curses or bondages or traps from "these devils", they are given "pat answers". They are given formulas. And you might be a minister of sorts. Maybe you have interceded for some of these "victims" or "targets". Maybe you have prayed, rebuked and bound & cast out whatever till you are blue in the face ... I sympathize with you, if you are one of those who have tried, with the love of God to set captives free, but to no avail.

KNOWLEDGE is a real plus here.
You have to "know your enemy".
You have to have a strategy for defeat.
Answer?? Plug into the gifts of the spirit,

seek God's mind and heart and cry out for wisdom.
When you find out who the culprit is, expose it and call it out.  Break its 'CIA' (curse, issuance, assignment), DISABLE/UNINSTALL/DELETE any mind-control programs involved that may be enslaving the "target". I know these are human beings you are dealing with ... but there are also dark forces who like to captivate certain individuals, and they work through "flesh and blood", even though your battle is NOT with flesh and blood! It's easy to get tricked, because these powers of darkness are sneaky! Break the power of witches and curses and get them to relinquish their hold and claim, and cast them to the Lake of Fire! That's right. I said, "Lake of Fire". Trust me. They will be destroyed and never come back.

As Always, we do everything using The Name & Blood of Jesus. That's where the Authority is! But ... it also is more effective when you yourself WALK in that authority. The powers of darkness will recognize you as a threat, something to be reckoned with. And you can cover yourself and be protected by God Almighty, operating in deliverance ministry WITHOUT FEAR. You never, ever, ever have to be afraid to address any one of the Powers of Darkness, they have to submit to you ... even if some of them are stubborn and not cooperative, if you play it right, eventually they will "bow the knee" to Jesus as LORD.
And as Paul the Apostle said once, I say here too:
I also believe that I have The Spirit of God.

-- Tony Prince

Friday, February 3, 2017

God's Formula for Healing!

God's Formula For Healing: 

He doesn't have one!
There is no such thing.
Not in the way most man=made doctrines would have some of us to believe! But know this one thing as Truth:
It is always in God's Heart to Heal!

We believe he wants to heal everyone!

Yahweh/Yeshua is The Healer.

Dr. Luke, who wrote one of the Gospels (and the book of Acts), seems like an intelligent and educated and professional guy, I think he knows medicine well, and writes with great detail on other topics. He was called "the beloved physician."
The Lord Jesus Christ IS "The Great Physician".
 You can call upon Doctor Jesus.

(The picture above is of Doctor Christopher. He created many healing herbal formulas in his day, and I greatly respect his work. I use his picture today only as an illustration.)

When it comes to healing, God Almighty is an expert in this area. He doesn't have a formula, because he doesn't need one. When it comes to what God does, it is as  unique as the Wind. Jesus tried to explain all this to Nicodemus, stating how the works and moves of The Spirit of God are like The Wind ... You can't predict them, and you don't know where it is coming from or where it is going.
You see this throughout the Bible, especially in The New Testament. The Lord is always doing something new, and his methods vary from person to person.
And you can't say, "Well you didn't have enough faith ..." because one dude had to be let down through the roof of a house, and his four friends who craned him down, they were the ones with The Faith.
And another fellow, Jesus pasted mud upon this guy's eyes.
And let's not forget good Ol' "Blind Bartimaeus".
He was yelling at Jesus, and when Jesus replied for him to come, Ol' Bart just threw away his blind man's cloak, and told Jesus, "I want to see!!" And he did. SEE??

So, the Lord is going to come to you to heal you, but it is not always how he does it the last time. He ministers to everybody, right where they are, and individually. Everybody's different, and God knows this. But I also think that The Divine likes to keep it fresh, and maybe always keep us guessing ... you know, kind of like "Surprised by God!"
It keeps men from creating doctrines and FORMULAS, trying to convince us, "this is the way God does things" ... but that takes all the WONDER out of it all. God knows this. He knows what He's doing . . . .

I just recently read Norvel Hayes' book, "How To Live and Not Die".  In one of the chapters he details how in some of his meetings, the Lord Jesus would appear to him and say, "I want to heal some people tonite". And with that, Jesus would line out how he wanted things done, mainly "stay outta my way and let me do my thing", and Jesus did. His thing.
And some of the healings were incredible. Norvel described things that were nothing short of supernatural. And not everybody was there clamoring to be healed. Sure, there were folks who were sick and even in wheelchairs. And some of them, I am sure, were not perfected in "their faith", but God has plenty of faith, and he was exercising his.
So, I'm not going to give you any spoilers.
You'll have to read the book yourself. True stories.

WOW. It was amazing.

Which brings me to my conclusion.
Jesus/God are still in the healing business.
Not just with medicine, and alternative healing formulas, but also in the supernatural. That is my focus today.

Even some of my so-called "cessation brethren" have to admit this. Although, one time, I wrote a well-known film-making company about their stories, and asked them, could they make some stories that deals with the power and miracles of God, instead of how God couldn't fix this or that problem in these people's lives. Yeah. Well, that went over like a lead balloon.
Some people think that just because healing didn't work for them, that God must have QUIT, and he's doing something else now.  PLEASE.
I don't believe that.

God is still healing folks, and he doesn't always do it the same way ... sometimes he uses PRAYERS of the Saints, sometimes he uses "gifts of healing" in certain individuals, and sometimes he just STEPS IN, so that he can get all the glory. 
God responds to FAITH.
He also responds with compassion because of great need.
(Remember the masses that Jesus fed??)
He responds to "the cry of the heart".

But he also healed this one Baptist lady who seemingly didn't have any faith, he healed her anyway. Well, guess what?
She believes now!
Can God do that?
Get to know HIS HEART, and that right there can change 


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Here We Go Again!

* A Contemporary Commentary On The News*

( or The Press Never Seems To Get it Right!)

I wish to add my voice amongst the sane and intelligent ones who actually do report the news with TRUTH and accuracy.
But while it seems the whole country has gone bonkers, be it known that it is only one-third who are upset and protesting.
The lamestream media is in full-force, with its knee-jerk responses, as one who has been hypnotized and the trigger word has been uttered. It's like the fractured alters of a person with D.I.D. has surfaced, and they are just "reacting".

You know how frustrating it is when you are in conversation with someone, and they misconstrue your meaning, your words. They regurgitate it back in your face, but it's all messed up, perverted. So, then for the next hour you try to re-explain yourself, to nail down what you exactly said and meant, and they ... still don't get it.  They are bouncing off one word or phrase you used, and that's it. They go off on a tirade on how racist and bigoted you are. They take up an nonexistent cause, and champion it to the hilt. That is how it is with the national televised media. For the most part.

Couple that with all the disgruntled democrats who lost. I mean, the whole party LOST. Not only do you have the media, but celebs and news pundits and talking heads and democrat rebels and protestors having a major melt-down.
Why? Because Trump WON.
That's it.
Never mind his character and the feats he has accomplished already in one week as President . . . It's Donald Trump. 
(Not Hillary. Boo=Hoo).

The off-scouring of the elite and globalists and new world order rats can't let go without a proper melt-down.
And what exactly are the media and celebrities saying?
THAT isn't the news! It's what they ain't saying that should be paid attention to! They accuse Trump of doing this, and being that, when he has only done GOOD since he has been in office. He is doing EXACTLY what he promised The American People he would do >>> drain the swamp, rid government of corruption, and put America first again!
So ... why all the bitching and griping and accusing??

These people don't know Trump.
They just heard "this and that", and they decided to camp on those words. Every cotton-pickin' accusation and charge that has been hurled against the Man has all been debunked.
All coming from Hillary, Obama and a media-machine bent on a stupid, worn=out globalist agenda.
Here's the real scoop:

I believe that there is an anti-American spirit working in these people. Look at the riots. That's right. They are riots.
NOT protestings. Look how the media keeps spinning and spinning the facts, most recent of which is the travel ban, which many were calling a "muslim ban". WRONG.
Trump was just re-enforcing what Obama ordered back in 2011. And all for the PROTECTION OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Once again.

And don't get me started on "caring for the refugee".
Because in the Bible, New Testament, book of Romans, God made provision toward evil-doers, and the punishment that is to meted out to those who engage in evil deeds. Bringing thousands upon thousands of so-called "refugees" into this country, unvetted and turned loose into our public lives and streams ... well just look at Germany and other parts of Europe. IT HAS BEEN AN INVASION. Mayhem and crime and disaster coming forth from these so-called "refugees".
(More like "rapeUgees"!).
Our country takes in about a million new immigrants every single year ... they all have to come in "legally". Trump is only doing the RIGHT THING in vetting each and every "immigrant" who acts like they want to come in.

But the "bleeding hearts" out there, mostly the Leftist Liberal mindset has an agenda. And it is NOT an agenda you want.
You voted against them, because YOU The People became fed-up with their failed policies, rhetoric and hypocrisy.
The Left doesn't get it, probably never will.
They are always looking for a scapegoat ... they never seem to look in the mirror and get the Big Ah-Ha that they, and they alone are at fault. And blew it. Big time.

One of my neighbors walked by the other day saying, "Oh World War III is coming, and Trump is bringing it!" I asked him where did he get his info? "You've been watching the mainstream media on TV?"
"Oh no" he replied. "I get all my news on talk radio, AM (something something)." He said it even had Republicans on it etc. I told him in response:
"No, it's always been the democrats who are the war-mongers, like Hillary ... she was over there bombing Assad's country, and took out Ghadaffi over there in Egypt ..." And that was that, as I trailed off, because by that time, my friend had continued to go his course and walk away.
World War III???
How about all those people who have threatened to assassinate our new president?
This is all crazy.

Obama did some horrible, horrible things and committed multiple acts of treason, and bombed 27,000 times with drones, other countries (and innocents) over THE PAST 8 YEARS and nobody called him on the carpet, no impeachments and certainly no assassination attempts.
Not to mention some of the dirty deals involving billions of dollars ... where did all that money come from??
Besides having all of Congress in a tailspin, or headspin ...
Obama was courted by the media and made into a celebrity himself. The Left Liberals were free to do "whatever they pleased" and lawlessness reigned, and unfortunately, some of the populace LIKED that. When the Left and Hillary were "voted out", they got UPSET. As if. I mean, someone took all their fun and toys ... away.

So, in the end of this analysis, you can either believe the narrative spewed out by the daily pundits who call themselves "The News" ... OR ... you can choose to LISTEN and believe the facts, the truth, without the SPIN and without selective hearing or twisting what actually is being said and done. Mr. Donald J. Trump may be bold, he may be strong, but that is EXACTLY what America needs.

So, Michael Moore, sit down and shut up.
Go back to your film-making and stop lying about the President. Clooney -- and others in the entertainment field, focus on your craft, your acting etc. You are not the voice of politics, the voice of The American People or the voice of reason. The only "carnage" that is taking place is "in your head".  Trump is not in office to hurt anyone. If you listened to him, you would know that. Trump is in office because We The People wanted him there, and I think that God Almighty did too. After all he "puts one up, and another down" when it comes to national leaders.
Main-stream media? Report the news "truthfully", not some "fake news" you made up for ratings. Sheeeeeesh.

We The People wanted the madness and corruption in government to STOP.
We The People wanted a return to true American values, what made this country great before.
We The People wanted someone who was NOT a career politician, who actually cared about US ... The People.

If you cannot see that ... then you truly are blind and need the strongest Lasik known to man.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Prosperity IS Freedom.

Prosperity IS Freedom!
Freedom is a special commodity that only a
  Freedman can appreciate.
Prosperity covers many issues of LIFE.
Wealth, health, liberty, happiness, fulfillment,
Freedom of expression.
Freedom to Create.
Freedom to explore.
Freedom to re-invent oneself.
Freedom to pursue higher callings.
Freedom to pursue great endeavors.
Freedom to choose quality relationships.
Freedom to gather with people who are
   "of your tribe", who get you and have
   your back.
Freedom to take vacations when needed!
Freedom to go mobile.
Freedom to splurge on yourself, recreations.
Money is not an issue.
Dreams can unfold & be realized.
Satisfaction is a real deal.
People around you rejoice at your successes.

Last but never final . . .
Prosperity is Freedom from:
The CURSE -- Poverty, Sickness & Death.
Not just death physical ... But death of dreams,
death of hope, death of destinies and the ravages
of SIN. The cleansing & sanctification from the
Holy Spirit is prosperity OF THE SOUL and spirit.
The ensuing PEACE is The richest commodity a
person can acquire.
When a nation of people follow the righteousness
of God, pursue His peace and His Ways, their very
enemies can be at peace with them. This is prosperity and freedom INDEED.