Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Here We Go Again!

* A Contemporary Commentary On The News*

( or The Press Never Seems To Get it Right!)

I wish to add my voice amongst the sane and intelligent ones who actually do report the news with TRUTH and accuracy.
But while it seems the whole country has gone bonkers, be it known that it is only one-third who are upset and protesting.
The lamestream media is in full-force, with its knee-jerk responses, as one who has been hypnotized and the trigger word has been uttered. It's like the fractured alters of a person with D.I.D. has surfaced, and they are just "reacting".

You know how frustrating it is when you are in conversation with someone, and they misconstrue your meaning, your words. They regurgitate it back in your face, but it's all messed up, perverted. So, then for the next hour you try to re-explain yourself, to nail down what you exactly said and meant, and they ... still don't get it.  They are bouncing off one word or phrase you used, and that's it. They go off on a tirade on how racist and bigoted you are. They take up an nonexistent cause, and champion it to the hilt. That is how it is with the national televised media. For the most part.

Couple that with all the disgruntled democrats who lost. I mean, the whole party LOST. Not only do you have the media, but celebs and news pundits and talking heads and democrat rebels and protestors having a major melt-down.
Why? Because Trump WON.
That's it.
Never mind his character and the feats he has accomplished already in one week as President . . . It's Donald Trump. 
(Not Hillary. Boo=Hoo).

The off-scouring of the elite and globalists and new world order rats can't let go without a proper melt-down.
And what exactly are the media and celebrities saying?
THAT isn't the news! It's what they ain't saying that should be paid attention to! They accuse Trump of doing this, and being that, when he has only done GOOD since he has been in office. He is doing EXACTLY what he promised The American People he would do >>> drain the swamp, rid government of corruption, and put America first again!
So ... why all the bitching and griping and accusing??

These people don't know Trump.
They just heard "this and that", and they decided to camp on those words. Every cotton-pickin' accusation and charge that has been hurled against the Man has all been debunked.
All coming from Hillary, Obama and a media-machine bent on a stupid, worn=out globalist agenda.
Here's the real scoop:

I believe that there is an anti-American spirit working in these people. Look at the riots. That's right. They are riots.
NOT protestings. Look how the media keeps spinning and spinning the facts, most recent of which is the travel ban, which many were calling a "muslim ban". WRONG.
Trump was just re-enforcing what Obama ordered back in 2011. And all for the PROTECTION OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Once again.

And don't get me started on "caring for the refugee".
Because in the Bible, New Testament, book of Romans, God made provision toward evil-doers, and the punishment that is to meted out to those who engage in evil deeds. Bringing thousands upon thousands of so-called "refugees" into this country, unvetted and turned loose into our public lives and streams ... well just look at Germany and other parts of Europe. IT HAS BEEN AN INVASION. Mayhem and crime and disaster coming forth from these so-called "refugees".
(More like "rapeUgees"!).
Our country takes in about a million new immigrants every single year ... they all have to come in "legally". Trump is only doing the RIGHT THING in vetting each and every "immigrant" who acts like they want to come in.

But the "bleeding hearts" out there, mostly the Leftist Liberal mindset has an agenda. And it is NOT an agenda you want.
You voted against them, because YOU The People became fed-up with their failed policies, rhetoric and hypocrisy.
The Left doesn't get it, probably never will.
They are always looking for a scapegoat ... they never seem to look in the mirror and get the Big Ah-Ha that they, and they alone are at fault. And blew it. Big time.

One of my neighbors walked by the other day saying, "Oh World War III is coming, and Trump is bringing it!" I asked him where did he get his info? "You've been watching the mainstream media on TV?"
"Oh no" he replied. "I get all my news on talk radio, AM (something something)." He said it even had Republicans on it etc. I told him in response:
"No, it's always been the democrats who are the war-mongers, like Hillary ... she was over there bombing Assad's country, and took out Ghadaffi over there in Egypt ..." And that was that, as I trailed off, because by that time, my friend had continued to go his course and walk away.
World War III???
How about all those people who have threatened to assassinate our new president?
This is all crazy.

Obama did some horrible, horrible things and committed multiple acts of treason, and bombed 27,000 times with drones, other countries (and innocents) over THE PAST 8 YEARS and nobody called him on the carpet, no impeachments and certainly no assassination attempts.
Not to mention some of the dirty deals involving billions of dollars ... where did all that money come from??
Besides having all of Congress in a tailspin, or headspin ...
Obama was courted by the media and made into a celebrity himself. The Left Liberals were free to do "whatever they pleased" and lawlessness reigned, and unfortunately, some of the populace LIKED that. When the Left and Hillary were "voted out", they got UPSET. As if. I mean, someone took all their fun and toys ... away.

So, in the end of this analysis, you can either believe the narrative spewed out by the daily pundits who call themselves "The News" ... OR ... you can choose to LISTEN and believe the facts, the truth, without the SPIN and without selective hearing or twisting what actually is being said and done. Mr. Donald J. Trump may be bold, he may be strong, but that is EXACTLY what America needs.

So, Michael Moore, sit down and shut up.
Go back to your film-making and stop lying about the President. Clooney -- and others in the entertainment field, focus on your craft, your acting etc. You are not the voice of politics, the voice of The American People or the voice of reason. The only "carnage" that is taking place is "in your head".  Trump is not in office to hurt anyone. If you listened to him, you would know that. Trump is in office because We The People wanted him there, and I think that God Almighty did too. After all he "puts one up, and another down" when it comes to national leaders.
Main-stream media? Report the news "truthfully", not some "fake news" you made up for ratings. Sheeeeeesh.

We The People wanted the madness and corruption in government to STOP.
We The People wanted a return to true American values, what made this country great before.
We The People wanted someone who was NOT a career politician, who actually cared about US ... The People.

If you cannot see that ... then you truly are blind and need the strongest Lasik known to man.

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