Friday, February 3, 2017

God's Formula for Healing!

God's Formula For Healing: 

He doesn't have one!
There is no such thing.
Not in the way most man=made doctrines would have some of us to believe! But know this one thing as Truth:
It is always in God's Heart to Heal!

We believe he wants to heal everyone!

Yahweh/Yeshua is The Healer.

Dr. Luke, who wrote one of the Gospels (and the book of Acts), seems like an intelligent and educated and professional guy, I think he knows medicine well, and writes with great detail on other topics. He was called "the beloved physician."
The Lord Jesus Christ IS "The Great Physician".
 You can call upon Doctor Jesus.

(The picture above is of Doctor Christopher. He created many healing herbal formulas in his day, and I greatly respect his work. I use his picture today only as an illustration.)

When it comes to healing, God Almighty is an expert in this area. He doesn't have a formula, because he doesn't need one. When it comes to what God does, it is as  unique as the Wind. Jesus tried to explain all this to Nicodemus, stating how the works and moves of The Spirit of God are like The Wind ... You can't predict them, and you don't know where it is coming from or where it is going.
You see this throughout the Bible, especially in The New Testament. The Lord is always doing something new, and his methods vary from person to person.
And you can't say, "Well you didn't have enough faith ..." because one dude had to be let down through the roof of a house, and his four friends who craned him down, they were the ones with The Faith.
And another fellow, Jesus pasted mud upon this guy's eyes.
And let's not forget good Ol' "Blind Bartimaeus".
He was yelling at Jesus, and when Jesus replied for him to come, Ol' Bart just threw away his blind man's cloak, and told Jesus, "I want to see!!" And he did. SEE??

So, the Lord is going to come to you to heal you, but it is not always how he does it the last time. He ministers to everybody, right where they are, and individually. Everybody's different, and God knows this. But I also think that The Divine likes to keep it fresh, and maybe always keep us guessing ... you know, kind of like "Surprised by God!"
It keeps men from creating doctrines and FORMULAS, trying to convince us, "this is the way God does things" ... but that takes all the WONDER out of it all. God knows this. He knows what He's doing . . . .

I just recently read Norvel Hayes' book, "How To Live and Not Die".  In one of the chapters he details how in some of his meetings, the Lord Jesus would appear to him and say, "I want to heal some people tonite". And with that, Jesus would line out how he wanted things done, mainly "stay outta my way and let me do my thing", and Jesus did. His thing.
And some of the healings were incredible. Norvel described things that were nothing short of supernatural. And not everybody was there clamoring to be healed. Sure, there were folks who were sick and even in wheelchairs. And some of them, I am sure, were not perfected in "their faith", but God has plenty of faith, and he was exercising his.
So, I'm not going to give you any spoilers.
You'll have to read the book yourself. True stories.

WOW. It was amazing.

Which brings me to my conclusion.
Jesus/God are still in the healing business.
Not just with medicine, and alternative healing formulas, but also in the supernatural. That is my focus today.

Even some of my so-called "cessation brethren" have to admit this. Although, one time, I wrote a well-known film-making company about their stories, and asked them, could they make some stories that deals with the power and miracles of God, instead of how God couldn't fix this or that problem in these people's lives. Yeah. Well, that went over like a lead balloon.
Some people think that just because healing didn't work for them, that God must have QUIT, and he's doing something else now.  PLEASE.
I don't believe that.

God is still healing folks, and he doesn't always do it the same way ... sometimes he uses PRAYERS of the Saints, sometimes he uses "gifts of healing" in certain individuals, and sometimes he just STEPS IN, so that he can get all the glory. 
God responds to FAITH.
He also responds with compassion because of great need.
(Remember the masses that Jesus fed??)
He responds to "the cry of the heart".

But he also healed this one Baptist lady who seemingly didn't have any faith, he healed her anyway. Well, guess what?
She believes now!
Can God do that?
Get to know HIS HEART, and that right there can change 


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