Sunday, February 12, 2017

Satan Ain't To Blame!

* I've been struggling with IBS, so that has delayed this from going forth a few days, but also ... I've also wondered how this blog would be received, understood or even read! It's radical (would you expect anything less from me?) ... and not conventional, not orthodox, but I personally believe it is revelation knowledge. So ... maybe you can open your heart and mind to see another point of view, in regards to the workings of "the powers of darkness" ... and that is the subject matter on this blog today. *


*NOT this time!*
Well, we gotta blame something, don't we??
We could blame ourselves, right? Just as the old comic-strip Pogo states, "We have discovered the enemy and he is us!"
So, I'm obviously talking about things going wrong in people's lives. And who is behind all of those dark works.

And if you don't live there, then you don't have a thing to worry about. Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

I'm talking about strongholds and problems that just can't be shaken. I'm talking about something more than just "punk demons" and garden-variety bondages. I'm talking about people who are STUCK in strange bad circumstances and can't seem to get free. I'm talking about the atmosphere being manipulated in your house towards darkness, because someone in your house has been cursed. You see what's going on, and you want answers.

I have written blogs explaining how Jesus destroyed the works of the evil one (Satan, the devil, etc.) ... and there is a very good reason why "he" (satan) ain't behind most of the bad things going on in the world today.
UNLESS ... you just want to group all the powers of darkness in one bunch, calling them "satan", or like Dave Matthews when he refers to someone as "some devil". Satan was a limited being. He couldn't be everywhere at once, and his powers were limited.
The scriptures describe how our battle/warfare is with principalities, powers, dark forces in high places etc.
And quite frankly, a lot of bad stuff happens because of "bad people", i.e. persons who are given over to wickedness and how it is grouped over time and handed down. There is evil out there. We should not ignore this fact. But what about individuals' lives? What about christians? There are some things going on that just seemed to go unexplained. Let me offer some possible sources.

There are witches. Dark entities or forces who work behind the scenes, manipulating situations or try to control people's lives according to an evil agenda.
There is a thing called "mind-control programming". Yeah, that really IS a thing. The CIA has been caught using these methods. There are different type of programming, as a matter of fact, more subtle and insidious than I can tell.
There is The Illuminati. Yeah, it really is a thing. They like to influence entertainers and secretly control governments. They also work in some families. They are insidious.
There is also the work of Freemasonry.  It's a sneaky, secret organization that purports to be of God, but in truth and fact, is bent on destroying true believers that it targets.
When these forces are in operation, they are often sophisticated, complicated networks and very very sneaky and insidious in their works.

So . . . IF there are strange things going on in your friends or family members, and they can't seem to get delivered ... or the church they go to don't know what to do for them >>> KNOW THIS! Most churches and ministers have not been taught, prepared or coached to deal with these type of "powers of darkness".  It simply isn't their focus. Can't really blame them for that . . . but often when someone goes to a big ministry for prayer or answers, how to break FREE from the clutches of curses or bondages or traps from "these devils", they are given "pat answers". They are given formulas. And you might be a minister of sorts. Maybe you have interceded for some of these "victims" or "targets". Maybe you have prayed, rebuked and bound & cast out whatever till you are blue in the face ... I sympathize with you, if you are one of those who have tried, with the love of God to set captives free, but to no avail.

KNOWLEDGE is a real plus here.
You have to "know your enemy".
You have to have a strategy for defeat.
Answer?? Plug into the gifts of the spirit,

seek God's mind and heart and cry out for wisdom.
When you find out who the culprit is, expose it and call it out.  Break its 'CIA' (curse, issuance, assignment), DISABLE/UNINSTALL/DELETE any mind-control programs involved that may be enslaving the "target". I know these are human beings you are dealing with ... but there are also dark forces who like to captivate certain individuals, and they work through "flesh and blood", even though your battle is NOT with flesh and blood! It's easy to get tricked, because these powers of darkness are sneaky! Break the power of witches and curses and get them to relinquish their hold and claim, and cast them to the Lake of Fire! That's right. I said, "Lake of Fire". Trust me. They will be destroyed and never come back.

As Always, we do everything using The Name & Blood of Jesus. That's where the Authority is! But ... it also is more effective when you yourself WALK in that authority. The powers of darkness will recognize you as a threat, something to be reckoned with. And you can cover yourself and be protected by God Almighty, operating in deliverance ministry WITHOUT FEAR. You never, ever, ever have to be afraid to address any one of the Powers of Darkness, they have to submit to you ... even if some of them are stubborn and not cooperative, if you play it right, eventually they will "bow the knee" to Jesus as LORD.
And as Paul the Apostle said once, I say here too:
I also believe that I have The Spirit of God.

-- Tony Prince

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