Saturday, April 30, 2016

Deliverance 101, Part TWO


[O]ur struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.  -- Ephesians 6:12 

For though we walk in the flesh (i.e. our human bodies), we do not war according to the flesh,  for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ -- 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

(addressing the Corinthian believers regarding the apostle's ministry)
... in the word of truth, in the power of God; by the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left -- 2 Cor. 6:7

DELIVERANCE  is a FINISHED WORK of Calvary! Jesus IS The Deliverer, and he also anoints
"deliverers" to accomplish his work on the earth. However, as far as Jesus is concerned, what
he did on the cross was a "completed work", i.e. there is no deficiency in his power to deliver, no fragmentation that we have to worry about, no lack of power here. It is through
Jesus' BLOOD and NAME that anyone can be delivered!  The most important element in
wielding the ministration of deliverance ministry, is that the deliverance minister(s) must know what exactly they are dealing with. And use the right tools.


When early on, I was just getting started in this awesome and holy work, I was around some believers who, perhaps well-meaning, ran their mouths at demons, rebuking them and silencing them etc. We may be called to "be like Jesus" and we walk as he did on the earth but "we ain't him!" When it suited the Son of Man, he would interrogate a demon (in the case of the Gerasene demoniac, many foul spirits there!) ... or Jesus would just silence the demon and tell it to shut up. His anointed presence drew them around, or "up" and his authority drove them out! But I went to school "with Jesus" on this one. We discovered that there was more to learn, and I'm willing to learn new things and chuck old stuff, especially if it isn't working!
So, there was this lady who ended up on the floor, in the basement of a church, and this brother or sister just kept rebuking the demon. I sensed there was something else going on, and I kindly asked them to stop, and I addressed the demon, to gain "intel" in order to cast it out. The "host", i.e. person who was so "demonized" was glad that I was trying to help.
That lady left and ran off, but I think that was because there were "too many cooks" in the kitchen, ya know? She was confused.  Since then, I have had training from the Holy Spirit how to get to the bottom of an issue, for the purpose of insight, change and genuine deliverance.


There are so many people running around just "rebuking" demons left & right, until their
rebuker is worn out, and to no avail. Jesus gave us a method. It has to be adjusted accordingly to each person's needs (at times), and according to what has the person ("host") in bondage. Here is a synopsis of that "method".

a. When it is clear a demonic entity or stronghold is manifesting, you first have to 
     bring it under the authority of Jesus Christ. You can issue that it cannot lie to you also.
     You can issue that it has to be civil. Once you do this the 1st time, it gets easier following
      after. The powers of darkness will eventually recognize your authority in Christ.
b.  Command the spirit to give its name.
c.  This is like an interrogation. Find out its operations, if that is not clear to you yet.
d.  Command it to tell you its origins, what bloodlines, or "who sent it". Remember,
       most demons/witches are rogue, although working with other factors etc. they
       aren't "sent by satan", and didn't come "from hell". So don't assume this.
e.  IF a spirit is argumentative, you may "send it to torment".
       IF a spirit  seems impossible to deal with, it may be a possession.
       You HAVE TO divide between "soul & spirit" on this one ... we usually 
        do this by running our Bible across the belly of the host saying, "I break   
        this possession, dividing between soul & spirit, by the name & blood of Jesus".
f.  There are different ways to "wear down" a demon. You can preach to it the TRUTH.
     You can read scripture to it. Remember, somewhere, the host is there, even if he or she
      is buried beneath the thing, they should be fighting with you. You can solicit them to
      fight with you, for THEIR freedom.
g.  When it is clear that the demon has no more grounds to stay (you may have to break
      curses, ungodly vows, or help renounce its works), then you can begin its expulsion.
h.  You have IT say its name, and renounce its hold & claim on the host, breaking off  their "mind/will/emotions, subconscious mind, body & life" . . . 
i.  YOU SAY, "By the Name and Blood Jesus, loose them, leave them and go to the Lake of
      Fire!" Why the Lake of Fire, you ask??? Because everything burns up there. And that's
       how the Holy Spirit taught us.
j.  Minister the Healing Grace & Love to the host, and pray in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit
     will show you just what they need
[Remember: It is best to call up an "informant" (tattletale, blabber-mouth), there usually is
  one in any given network. They represent and inform regarding the operations and agenda

  of the evil network. Do this until you are more comfortable dealing with "powerful" spirits.
  And especially, if you are dealing with a "principality"]


They are nasty. They are evil. They come in different sizes and types.  Some are just plain
wierd, some sophisticated (like political demons), and some are ancient, and some are horrid "gutter rats". They don't play nice, and don't get along with others! There are some spirits, believe it or not, they respect children . . . while others don't respect God, or men or women! Anything that is in the list of "things under the ban", i.e. "the works of the flesh" (Eph. 5), there can be a demon presence attached to that.
How do possessions happen? Good Question. By observation, after 23 years, I have to conclude that typically, possessions appear because someone, in the bloodline, was operating in some form of witchcraft, cloning/channelling, and even in some cases dedicated the child "to satan". Now whatever you believe about "satan", let's assume that once he was a real entity. Regardless of what you believe, I can tell you that he was NOT some "fallen angel" that used to be the music minister in heaven! NOOOOOOO! Jesus said,
"he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning". IT ALSO SAYS in 1st John, "For this purpose Christ was revealed, to DESTROY ALL THE WORKS of the Evil One"! So in our minds, "satan" is history. What has been left over, are "practitioners" of darkness who desire and issue to destroy people's lives, especially GOD'S PEOPLE!!! Otherwise, why are so many christians today "targets"?? It is no coincidence that there are evil forces at work, and some have to be snatched out of the fire.


"Witches" . . . are responsible for a lot of damage in people's lives. What are they?
Well, get rid of the Harry Potter images, and black pointy hats & black cauldrons.
They are dark entities that work primarily on the subconsious level.
We have run into anti-compassion, anti-gospel, anti-prosperity, and all sorts of "blockers",
hindering spirits, secret-keepers, guards, spies, and other workers who do all they can

to block someone's destiny. A literal plethora of evil operatives in an evil network.
"Secret witchcraft" works on the subconsious of the afflicted ones, and also through
mind-control programming, family mantras, false doctrines, "doctrines of demons"
(just imagine the stupidest ones), and the whole thing is done "behind the scenes".
Hey. Demons like to HIDE. Witches do too. They want to stay "behind the curtain"
or "behind the mask" and go undetected. Their works are insidious and diabolical.
DO NOT TAKE this lightly, for their operations are of a serious nature.
How does one blast through this web of deceit and evil?? THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT.
We totally rely upon the anointing and The Gifts of The Spirit, The Holy Spirit.
Particularly with these gifts:

1. Word of knowledge
2. Word of Wisdom
3. Discerning of spirits
So, First . . . The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, in  your life.
Tongues help one generate the flow ... remember, we NEED the Holy Spirit, he KNOWS
how to "crack the case" or even "crack the code". Once we know that we are "in the Spirit",
we can "see" or even "hear" what needs to be said or told, and all hidden secrets can be revealed, because the powers of darkness love secrets! That is how they keep many in bondage! Visions and prophetic words are also of great value when endeavoring to unlock the prisoners, so they can be FREE.
I can only touch on this point here briefly, but there are some cases where there are not so
much demon activity or witches at work, but there is PAIN due to trauma, thereby causing a "split" or "alter" in a person. These have to dealt with "kid gloves". Totally different ball of wax. D.I.D. (disassociative identity disorder) may be a problem in some, this requires extra training on the part of the deliverance minister, how these ones should be handled. The Gifts of The Spirit will help here as well, immensely.


I have been told on more than one occasion that I should write a book. On this topic.
I feel that some,  if they had the experience we have been blessed with, may go and hold
a seminar somewhere and charge mega-bucks for it. Today, I am giving freely. But
you can either glean from what I am saying, or choose to not believe it. I KNOW that
I know that the Holy Spirit taught us, from the beginning, when he dropped the 
anointing for deliverance on our lives, all those years ago, in that little house in Kansas.
It has been an education ever since. A lot, I mean A BUNCH of ideas and doctrines
had to re-thunked and even kicked out. We learned also that sometimes, the one who was
in bondage to a particular stronghold, they had to be re-taught. "Teach them to be good", the Lord would tell us. "Teach them to love, and not hate". Or "teach them to think right thoughts" etc. What we always look for though, is THE TRANSFORMATION.


Even if someone said once, "there are more than one behind every bush", we don't go 
looking for them. They manifest, when their time is UP.  Or else, someone calls us 
over to their home, to deal with a loved one who is being abusive or they act enslaved
by an evil entity. Strongest medicine? PREACH THE TRUE GOSPEL OF GRACE OF 
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! Plead the Blood on your loved ones. Anoint your house
with oil in the name of Jesus. Let the Praises of God ring out in your home. Rejoice and 
sing and dance, with JOY JOY JOY like little children. And do this, if you have kids,
do it with them!
And . . . if you do have devils jump on your car, while you are trying to drive away
from a day of shopping (like Tracy Thurman had happen to her), you can thank God
Almighty that those buggers recognize you, and when it is time, you can "take them
out!" BIND, cast out, by the NAME and BLOOD of Jesus, and don't ever forget that
this is not a "game" and these enemies, they play for keeps, so you smash up their
kingdom and declare that JESUS IS LORD over them, and watch the Victory in 
people's lives, watch for the Transformation and Glory!! Amen.

*IF you believe in this blog, this ministry, please respond by supporting this ministry.
There is a paypal button at the top of this page. God Bless you!*

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Deliverance 101 ... Part One.

*** This blog article shall be a two-parter >>> so much information to share, it will have to
come in 2 installments, 2 weeks.  Don't forget to comment at the bottom of the blog!
This one promises to  be "quite radical" ... TONY ***


I have been involved in "direct deliverance" ministry for over 23 years! To say that it
has been an "education" would be an understatement. What I find sad about all of this
is the amount of people who don't believe in deliverance, as such, or don't see the need
for it, or actually speak "schmack" about that which they don't understand.
First of all, all deliverance is a "done deal", thanks to what Jesus did on the cross!
After all He is the True Deliverer, the "Doctor" and he is the one that inspires and empowers
his chosen vessels who have "stumbled" upon this ministry. Yes, I said stumbled. I surely wasn't looking for this kind of deal, nor did I stand in line when they were "passing out" certificates for this ministry! That story, is really quite a unique one. 

Renee & I were ministering in Kansas when one day, she prayed this prayer: "Lord, show us everything that is blocking us from total prosperity". The Lord's answer? "Get ALL witches out of your life!"  Well, it was a surprise to us, that we had any "witches" around or near us ... but turns out, we did. Through the bloodlines, relatives and family curses. This was the beginning of a long trek into the spiritual "unknown", as we haven't met many who have actually tread where we have. I can add that we did glean some valuable teachings from Bob Larsen, who at the time had a show on TBN entitled, "What I Have Learned from Satan".  Ummmm, ghastly title! But, it did make a point, as the intel he got on the subject of the powers of darkness, and on deliverance was a true eye-opener.
Since then, Renee & I have developed our own "style" and beliefs regarding deliverance, and the sheer power of it. More later.


I discovered through time, that there were many practicing deliverance ministers out there, but mostly operating through smaller churches/ministries. And they did believe many things that we also learned about ourselves. But the differing kinds of ministries goes something like this:
A. Deliverance from addictions (such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, soda pop, soap operas, etc.)
       This is indeed a valid ministry, but we don't focus on this so much. We have seen
       some completely delivered from smoking, though!
B.  Exorcists. Now Hollywood has done plenty to muddy this one up, but suffice it to say,
      it includes the expulsion of demonic possessions, and also cleansing of houses. When
      I was in the early stages of learning deliverance, I got to engage in the house cleansing
      thing. It actually was pretty cool.
C.  Inner Healing groups. These are part of the bunch that does the "healing rooms" and 
      gathers together individuals or even one at a time, to focus on healing people in their
      mind and soul.
D.  Ministering deliverance by the anointed preaching of the Word.
       Actually, Milton Green was known for this. He was famous for 
       casting demons out of church members just by the teaching of The Bible.
E. Last but probably not all, "Direct Deliverance".
      This includes the breaking of curses, masonic constructs, witchcraft effects,
      de-programming of mind-control programs, etc. This involves some heavy-duty
      giftings and powers and intel, relying upon the gifts of the Spirit, and also 
      the restoration of any damage done on "subconscious level". There are "alter"
      manifestations, due to traumatic events, where a person becomes "split", and
      that is whole different ball of wax.                                                                                                 
      We have noticed that many ministries, if they do any type of deliverance at all, 
      do not deal with the subconscious realm. Either because of lack of knowledge, 
      or unwillingness, not sure which.


I have alluded to the fact that some think all deliverance ministry is "unnecessary" or even
"bogus". They do not believe there are "demons" or "giftings" or special anointings, yada, yada yada. I dare say that they speak from ignorance, and they just don't live there. They should be glad they don't have to get their hands dirty with this stuff, as I can tell you 9 times out of 10, it can be very, very unpleasant. But ... we are always looking for the TRANSFORMATION, after the fact! That is what Jesus died for ... folks' salvation! And that word "salvation" from the Original Greek, it packs a punch!

I need to stress at least 2 facts here, and I may be tearing down some sacred cows.
1st of all, "demons" don't work "for satan" and all of that mess. They are in actuality "personality impressions" that are born in someone given over to some kind of evil, and they have been handed down through the ages. This revelation may be hard to swallow, but that has come through YEARS of observation by 2 witnesses, in examining the work of "evil spirits" and the like. They are created in the mind by wicked people. Yeah, I know it says "our battle is not with flesh & blood" etc. but here's the kicker: You're going to have to deal with flesh & blood, because that is where they reside! LIES . . . strongholds ... stupid and insane doctrines . . . works of the flesh, PRIDE . . . and anything "under the ban" as it were.
Truth of the matter is, there are more "issuances" and "curses" and things evil created (such as "possessions") that come from WITCHES than not! We have also observed that many times when a pastor or bunch of christians can't cast something "down & out", or at least "bind" a thing, it's because of this dynamic ... Witches! What are witches? They are devilish constructs that manipulate, control and hide information, troubling individuals that they have hold captive, and they usually work in fives or pairs.

2nd point. "I thought christians couldn't be possessed" etc.  That is the one very prominent misnomer amongst believers today, as they think possessions take place "in the spirit" of a man or woman or child. WRONG. Possessions take place in the WILL, and are sometimes usurped over someone by violating means or mind-control. A "possession" does not always appear, like the Linda Blairs of Hollywood. Those are very extreme cases. A possession "takes over" the mind, the vocal cords, and sometimes the behavior of its' "host" ... but it can be fought!!! Do I need to cite the example where someone was being confronted about their need for deliverance, and they replied in a loud shrieking voice, "Demonsssss! I don't have demonsssss!" Yeah, let's get that one back to the "Tent" right now, and we can continue our service "un=interrupted"!  There is a way to set people free from all of this.


I have been told on many occasion that I should write a book on this subject. I have 
written books ... and started to write on this, but after 23 years, that work would have
had to be revised over and over again, because you just don't stop learning, once you
get going in this type of ministry. Next week, I will be sharing our tried-and-true
"method" for helping people get set free from any type of evil manifestation.
And YES (prepared to be shocked!), I have talked to "demons". Most of the time,
they weren't "demons" as such, but "informants". "But Tony, don't they LIE???"
Yes. BUT you have authority in Jesus, you can make them "not lie". Jesus did talk
to them on a couple of occasions ... not often. But there is a lot to learn, and I will
explain why.  When ... Next We Meet!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Prosperous and Phosphorus and The Preposterous.

Science says that (white) phosphorus glows when exposed to oxygen. The red variety of
phosphorus is essential to the human body. It exists in the bones and teeth primarily. But ...
it is still essential. You got to have it.
Scientists and experts also state that your human body must have 20 essential minerals
to live. Twenty minerals to support all bio life.  Some say, we should have 80-90 minerals working inside of us everyday, for "optimum health".
So, what's wrong with prosperity?  Huh? Why is that some people try to diminish it, and
others just water it down a little by defining it with "safe journey"? While still others seem to search and yearn for it like it is a pot of gold?
I dare say that prosperity is necessary for "optimum health" in life, and for success. Now some want to define "success" as non-important, while others have to put a dollar amount upon that.  Then, what exactly is prosperity?
I got a scripture for that, for starters. It goes like this:

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper 
and be in good health, 
just as your soul prospers.

John the apostle is desiring that his readers all PROSPER, and are in GOOD HEALTH,
just as their "soul prospers". Well, it must be a good thing for the soul to prosper. I take
this for more than a greeting, once you see all the places in "The Word" where it talks
about "prospering". Here's some more, just a taste:

For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.  -- Jeremiah 29:11

So the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks and female and male servants and camels and donkeys.  -- Genesis 30:43

The Lord will make you abound in prosperity, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your beast and in the produce of your ground, in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you.  -- Deuteronomy 28:11

“See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity ... 
   Choose Life!  -- Deut. 30:15Now I have to agree with Jesse DuPlantis when he said, "I tried poverty ... I didn't like it!"

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. -- Joshua 1:8

 David was prospering in all his ways for the Lord was with him.  -- I Samuel 18:14

"Now, Tony, those are all from the OT, don't ya know??"  Yeah, yeah, yeah ... but even the apostle Paul stated (in Phillipians) that he knew how to handle prosperity! Maybe some people are afraid of  (wait for it!) ... W E A L T H !!! 
We got well-meaning (?) christians running around, trying to instruct others that the so-called "prosperity gospel" or "prosperity message" is false. These very ones also have really great cushy jobs, with 2 cars, big house, and maybe a boat (for fishing, at least) and speak against evangelists who "are rich"!  I'm not here to blast evangelists that "are rich", and quite frankly, that really needs to stop! Jealous much?? What difference does it make what Bro. Joe Bloe drives, or how big his house is, or what his yearly salary is? I think you should be glad you don't have to pay the wait-staff that they might have, or the house-cleaning bill every month, etc.!  Besides all that . . . I know for a fact that many of the famous "household name" evangelists didn't start out "rich", as a matter of fact, they were quite poor, but were huge GIVERS. And some even take a modest salary from their church or ministry, and make the rest of their moneys from book royalties or businesses on the side, etc.  Too many judges in the body of Christ, methinks!!

Honestly and frankly, I think we need some actual millionaire and billionaire christians out there, who can fund the gospel going forth, feed the poor and house the homeless and shoe the children, et al.  There are projects that "big dreamers" have, that can only be accomplished with the big bucks. And me ... I'm not afraid of it! To coin a very over-used and sometimes misused saying, "Money, Come to Me!" Now. I can put it to good use. Because after all, money is just a tool. In the right hands, with folks who are pure of heart.

Back to those "christians" who like to rag on the "prosperity message". They don't have any problem going to concerts or baseball games or movies and shelling out all kinds of dough-ray-me for those expenses ... and don't  forget the food trucks at the fair! Sheeesh. To talk like you are poor, when you are doing "quite well-off" is preposterous.  Perhaps you need a real primer about what prosperity is all about! It ain't just about "being filthy rich" ... it's having an abundance, so you can be "rich enough to be generous"!
I mean, wow ... we watch shows on TV, glamourizing the lifestyles of the rich and famous underworld crime-lords, and drug-dealers, no problem there! But oboy, if someone wins the lottery, the big one ... or someone all of a sudden hits big because of an investment or business venture and "they are a Christian" >> look out!  All of the judges come out of the woodwork saying how so-and-so "doesn't deserve all that wealth" and blahbity blahbity etc. etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseam.  Hey judges! Give it a rest! Take the 2x4 outta your own eyes before you start poking around at someone's splinter! 

Many of those same people, teach others to "have a balance"; they also have a hard time with the HEALING message. Well, I stand with Carman on this one: "You shut your face, I wrote the book!" (God telling satan off in "The Champion").  Or this one: "We lay hands on the sick and they recover, so OUT THE DOOR!" ("Satan, Bite the Dust!").  I started to wonder if these people who are so down on prosperity, are also the ones who believe that Jesus stopped healing everybody after the 1st Century. And the "sickness comes from God to teach you a lesson" bunch. Oh, Puh-leeeeze!  "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever" and God ain't dead, He ain't even sick!  He didn't lose some of his power or desire to heal us, and those that believe that need to go back and read the 4 Gospels again. Especially paying attention to Jesus' words. You know, "the ones in red"?

Poverty is part of the curse. We can't have part poverty, and part prosperity, anymore than we can let blessings and cursings come out of our mouths at the same time!! God isn't schizophrenic ... but the way some teach about him, makes you wonder . . . .
No!  My God, and I ... we have a relationship. We have an understanding. He wants me WHOLE. He wants me "saved" (there's a LOT in that word, don't get me started, that's another bloggie altogether!). And God wants me to "prosper in all l do", and whatever I find in my hand to do it with all my might, and "prosper in the work of my hands" as well! Man, I spent a lot of time in Proverbs, and you would be amazed (unless we are on the "same page", pun intended) how many places it COMMANDS us to PROSPER!  And so ... what does it mean? It means, that I am experiencing the abundant Zoe' Life that Jesus promised, and all is well, and I have victory, and success in what I accomplish and do, my children are blessed, my wife is blessed, and I am OVERTAKEN by the Blessings of God! I have all my needs met, my family's needs (and desires) are all met, and we all walk in healing and divine health,  and then >>> we can go forth and "share the wealth"!

Now, I might not need some cattle, and flocks and camels and donkeys ... but something else might do! I'm not gonna go stupid-crazy with some kind of "list", rattling off to the Lord all sorts of ridiculous things that I want, that he knows that I really can't use or need! And that's just the thing ... God Almighty knows my needs, my desires, what turns me on and even things that I haven't asked him for, he has blessed me with! Because He is a Father, he knows how to bless and even surprise his children. Now ... I may not exactly be there yet, or even "have arrived",  but I believe that God Almighty is an Extravagant God, and pours out blessings, just as he has poured out his magnificent grace upon all of us.

You like poverty? You can have it!  No, seriously  . . . you should really choose Life and Prosperity instead! It's much better! Believe me, I tried poverty ... I didn't like it!

Thank you for your time and for reading my blog.
God bless you. Please support this ministry.
There is a paypal donation button up above. 

Saturday, April 9, 2016


*OR* Your Family Thinks You're Crazy!

I like the Hawaiian concept Ohana, meaning "Family", or
as depicted on the cartoon "Lilo & Stitch": "No-one gets left
behind, or forgotten!" Yeah, that's a great thing, when it works
in real families, that is! Unfortunately, not everyone on the 
planet has had that grace, that blessing in their lives. And Today,
I'm talking about "family", not just in the sense of "flesh & blood" ... but whatever you plug into, where you feel safe and loved,
being with your "tribe", where you can hang your hat, and be
yourself. That could be a workplace. That could be a church.
It could also be a community, or some kind of club or group
that you have functioned in for years, and felt "well-liked" or
understood. In short, somebody "gets you".

Now, in the church, with Believers in Jesus, there is a dynamic
known as "The Family of God". I'm a part of this family ... HOWEVER, it does not meet in one place! It is all over the world,
and I have "brothers & sisters" in lots of places. You see, I left "family" for the kingdom of God. And I got Jesus' promise, just like he said: "Mothers, sisters, brothers, etc." And some of them have been more close to me than my own flesh and blood. Except for my "anointed" family here in Phoenix ... they love me so much!
(*Warning: I'm about to become very personal in this blog!*)

I come from a somewhat "dysfunctional" family ... the door only swings one way with most of them. I used to go and reach out, every chance I got, every holiday, every celebration ... for years. Until, one day, I said, "That's it. Enough. I can't do this anymore. They just don't appreciate me for who I am, can't accept me for who I am, and they are constantly persecuting me. I'm done." That wasn't easy to do ... but you see, nobody should be coerced to visit or "pay tribute" to a clan where you are just going to be a scapegoat for your entire visit.  
"We're not gonna take it anymore", a song I heard on the radio today, reminds me of this decision. But ... there is more.

When I was very young, I felt that I was different. And I used to cry myself to sleep at night, because I also felt misunderstood. 
I liked to talk. I guess, I liked to talk A LOT.  I had something to say! And my siblings made me feel low, because they used to call me "Speech". Yeah. Whenever I felt like I had something to say, they would just respond, "Yeah, whatever, Speech, there you go again!" They could not see that THIS was part of my gifting! And later on in life, when Jesus found me and became my Lord and Savior, it was even more pronounced. They just couldn't get it ... I wasn't trying to be "holier than thou", I only wanted to share what I found! New Life in Christ. But I was rejected and just tolerated for years. My Dad was truly, the only one that got me. But not right away. He was swayed by "popular opinion".

As I was growing up, I heard WORDS, particularly from my mother, saying things like: "You're not good enough. You'll never amount to anything worthwhile. You're weak. You are just spinning your wheels. Stop that banging on the piano, etc." Now, some may be able to "shake it off" etc. but NO, I was very young. I was hurt, as these words sunk down into my subconscious -- and I have had to deal with them over time, for years. They have taken their toll. I've had to fight back ... Yes, words can and do hurt!  I have just recently recognized this Wall of Words which was erected around me by several family members, over the years, over and over and over again. I have had to take a Holy Ghost sledge hammer and Tear Down This Wall!!!  Wasn't easy, especially today, as for the most part, honestly, I felt like crap. I was fighting off some "infirmity" which was, I think, an "attack" from the enemy against my health. The enemy doesn't want me to WRITE. The enemy doesn't want me to SPEAK. And surely the enemy doesn't want me to write songs and sing them either! But I won't stand for it. I'm a fighter, and I'm fighting back!!!


Well, in case you haven't figured it out, these people have been listening to "the accuser of the brethren" and he (it) is a liar. The things that have been said about me (shudder!) ... I can't even begin to go into detail about that, but there has been one particular LIE that has been repeated for years. It has to do with me, being a MINISTER of the Gospel. Yeah, you know, I've been in the ministry for a long, long time -- in and out of full-time ministry, and I've been ordained and I've been a "pastor", a bible-teacher, a "music-minister" etc. but these family members, they get confused. Some of them think of me as a "priest" (e.g. Catholic), and think, "he shouldn't be married and have children" ... ohhhhhhh-ho!
In fact, truth be known, I have been married 3 times. The first 2 wives left me, turns out they were into heavy-duty witchcraft, and I was young & naive back then. Yeah, and maybe duped and impressionable! But, hey, I've been with the woman I have now for over 23 years, and it feels RIGHT, and I know that I'm forgiven etc. but ... not by "the family". No.  They think: "The only wife that counts is the 1st one, and we don't recognize this woman you're with". Sheeeeesh.

Talk about "legalism". And hypocrisy. So, it's ok for some of you to have been married before, divorced and remarried, maybe even multiple times, but not Tony!! "We must hold you to a higher standard". Truthfully, I am leaving a bunch out of this blog, I could write a train-load more ...  just suffice it to say that I have put up with a gehenna of a lot of dung from these who pretend to be "family", and say stuff like, "Come on back, All Is Forgiven!" Whaaaaat?? I know that is a trap, since I didn't do anything wrong.
I think what I really sense from them is jealousy. I am not 'poor little brother' that I used to be; like Spock in Star Trek VI am no longer "outcast", and I have indeed "found myself" and have grown up to become something much different than what they would like to keep me in. I have changed, and they don't like it!

I am a man of grace and mercy. I could not do what I do if not for the fact that I have gone through both God's mercy and grace to get where I am today!! I will NOT be brought under any laws, doctrines of men, to place me under bondage, and so I say, "Lies, BEGONE!" And ... SO SHOULD YOU

Has the "voices in your head", the labels, the slanderous names echo in your mind, making you defeated before you start? Or maybe your manhood or womanhood is under attack, because of the incessant lies told about you?  If any of you have to deal with similar type "perils" as a christian, then I say, cry out to God. Or you may find someone skilled in deliverance ministry to "tear down the walls" if need be. Whatever the case, do not continue to dwell in prisons built for you by men. Prisons of the mind and soul, the worst kind!

I realize that I'm not throwing a lot of scripture into today's blog, and it sounds kind of "personal" ... but I am really writing to express my FREEDOM from a Wall of Words that has tried to curse me and hold me back, hold me captive, keeping me from fulfilling ALL the things God has placed in me to do! But I'm really writing for all the ones out there who have been likewise, oppressed as I have been. Do I forgive them? Of course. But sadly, a lot of them won't understand what has been going on until they take a hard look in the mirror, and get rid of their spiritual and religious pride etc. Those things can blind a person, and even more sad, can help harden someone's heart to the point where they don't even feel natural love toward a son, brother, father etc.

It is my prayer that those of you who are persecuted, cursed by words, harassed, belittled, told to "be silent" or gossiped about maliciously by friends/family, let it be known, that your day of vindication is at hand! You can be delivered, you can be healed, you can be set free from all the negativity that has been heaped upon you, so that your LIGHT has come and your full day can come to fruition.
I actually wrote a song, it's on my Behind The Mask album, it's called, "All I Ever Wanted" -- I wrote it, for them. It tells of the
heartache that I went through for years trying to reach out to
them, and what I was really about ... LOVE. You can listen to
that song here:

I'm closing with a snippet from one of my fave bands, 
TEARS FOR FEARS, and their song, "Shout":

Let it all out
These are the things I can do without
Come on
I'm talking to you
Come on

In violent times
You shouldn't have to sell your soul
In black and white
They really really ought to know
Those one track minds
That took you for a working boy
Kiss them goodbye
You shouldn't have to jump for joy
You shouldn't have to shout for joy


Thank you for your time and for reading my blog.
God bless you. Please support this ministry.
There is a paypal donation button up above. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016


     Bernie Cull, a local evangelist who lived to be 98 years young, was an amazing man.
Whenever he greeted you he would always say "Heaven-O", because he believed
no-one should end up in "Hell". Well Bernie, the name of his org was "Jesus Fire Department" with the slogan "Keeping People From The Flames". He told people far & wide, "Jesus Paid Your Debt at the Cross" and he passed out "tickets to Heaven".
 Bernie was a wonderful "old saint", and I had the pleasure of knowing him for a while ... I got to film him and I viewed his little message videos he made, and even got to edit a few myself. The thing I loved about Bernie the most, was of course, his love for Jesus, his wife (who went on to glory before him), and he absolutely LOVED people! 

One of the things he shared with me, he frequently ran into
"false brethren", he referred to them as "fruit-bruisers". These were folks who liked to "examine fruit" but were mean-spirited and harsh. They went around, targeting the young & the innocent, sensitive ones, perhaps ones with weaknesses, to see if they measured up to "their christianity". These full of "christian pride" ones, these so-called "under-shepherds" and "sheriffs to the body of Christ" would often grill others with many questions, be very legalistic and even challenging to see if these "little ones" were genuine --
or not!

Bernie did not like them, he wanted to see Jesus "straighten them out". Quite frankly, I never saw him so bugged about anything else.
 I wanted to call this blog "The Backstabbers" because the topic reminds me of this song
by The O'Jays:
      (What they do)
(They smile in your face)
All the time they want to take your place
The back stabbers (back stabbers)
(They smile in your face)
All the time they want to take your place
The back stabbers (back stabbers)

Copyright © 1972
Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Released in 1972)
*You can listen to the whole song here:   The Backstabbers Song 

BUT THEN, I realized that some of these yahoo characters actually will stab you right in the front, in your heart!  You meet them, and they pretend to like you and be your friend.
Later, as time wears on, they become "familiar" with you, your personality, your "quirks" and your lifestyle. And then one day, suddenly, they POUNCE! They become "another person" and totally not Christ-like or loving. All of a sudden, they are your JUDGE.
Now to all of you who have never experienced anything like this, consider yourself
very, very fortunate. Very blessed even. And I will give some examples of this soon.
But remember Bernie? He wasn't the only one that had to deal with these "Fruit-Bruisers".

Jesus had the Pharisees & Sadducees. Brrrrrr! They were "cold as ice" and many of them
were blind, and they were the Top Fruit-Bruisers. In Luke 11:53, The Pharisees began to
bombard Jesus with many questions:
When He left there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be 
very hostile and to question Him closely on many subjects,   
plotting against Him to catch Him in something He might say.

Jesus had to put up with The Parasites, er, I mean Pharisees, for most of his ministry years here on the planet. They were constantly challenging him, all of the time. It was hard to get away from it. But each time, he handled himself brilliantly! I love the way he would answer questions with more questions! There's a lot of record of this in Matthew ... by the time chapter 23 rolls around, Jesus exposes them real good!
What about Paul the Apostle?
I'm glad you asked!

Paul talks about having dealt with "false brethren". He gives a scathing rebuke here:

[M]en will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,  unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power;  Avoid such men as these.
(2 Timothy 3)

Paul also had a run-in with a certain "Alexander the Coppersmith".
His response to this episode goes like this:

          Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm; 
the Lord will repay him according to his deeds.
(2 Timothy 4:14)

Not sure what all happened here ... but suffice it to say, Paul left the judging up
to God, who alone brings righteous vengeance.
Now ... I would like to focus on the 2 Timothy 3 passage above -- NOTICE how all these characteristics are very anti-christ behavior, anti-christian, anti-fruit of the Holy Spirit! I do not fathom how "christians" can operate like this, claiming to be "saved", even some "spirit-filled" and "holy" etc. but they seem to be full of snakes, hate and SELF! Notice also where Paul says "holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power"!!!  When you stop to realize that it is IMPOSSIBLE for someone to know God if they are devoid of God's LOVE (1st John, epistle) >>> And then you realize that The Love of God is a "power" of God; The Grace of God is a "power" from God; The Holy Spirit (including the FRUIT, not only the gifts) is the power of God AND The Glorious Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ is the power of God!! >>> You REALIZE that some people are just "religious" and have "religious pride" and indoctrination, programming, "spiritual pride" and are just plain F A L S E.  They come to you proud of their church-going, with an air of religiosity and sometimes superiority, and look down upon you ever so condescendingly!
Paul says "Avoid such men (or women) as these"!

There is a "true-blue" nature of The True Believer. He has surrendered any "jackass" nature he or she might have had to JESUS ... and in return we have a brand new HEART, brand new MIND and a brand new NATURE, by the power of the gospel, the faith of God, the righteousness of Jesus, and by The Spirit of God! There is TRANSFORMATION.
We are CHANGED!!!
Don't agree? Just read Romans 12. It's in there. Paul uses a Greek word, where we get our word "metamorphosis", describing the process of change, from a lowly caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. That's part of the transformation when we believe the Gospel, and receive that free gift of righteousness, and the infilling of The Holy Spirit. We start to feel like Jesus feels, think like Jesus thinks, and we WANT to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. It happens in the Heart, our spirit. Some people want to bring up the "old man" verses, without realizing that we are supposed to be something UNIQUE by that transforming power! And we do. We will. Unless we don't get delivered from some of the junk mentioned above.


*These things actually happened to me or to some of my friends*
• My Dad just passed away, and my "christian" neighbor responded,
      "Well you know after death comes the judgment ..." I wanted to 
     drop through the floor. Or hit them with a watermelon. One of the two.
• A friend loses his son, and "christians" come out of the woodwork, either 
      to judge or just be plain "cold as ice". Where's the comfort of the Holy Spirit there??
      (which is supposed to be IN christians???)
• A wife gets a phone call from an old friend. Out of the blue, she starts quizzing her
      on how her husband makes money, and for whom does he work? The spirit 
      in which the questions are asked  are "interrogating". Is it any of your business, really?
• A man tries to win a daughter's affection, but by "forcing his will" upon her
      so that she will become "his wife". What planet did you drop off of? Is that
      anyway to win a girl, or better yet, to win her parents??
• A neighbor mows a yard for a man. The next day, he comes over and says,
      "God told me to stop helping you". Really? Which God again??
• An old friend shows up after 25 years ... she wants to take out her friend
       for a "good time". She then spends the next 24+ hours gossiping, asking
       all kinds of personal questions, and in short, making the other friend feel
      very uncomfortable.

Now ... couple this with some wierd voodoo-type witchcraft and some mind-bending
control, manipulating emotions and circumstances, solely for the purpose to enslave
and make "them" look good ... well, it's time to "call it quits"! Get away from them. 
Sound crazy? Well yes it is, in fact, insane. But there is deliverance from all the 
effects of the powers of darkness or from ungodly, unsavory people.

God has called us to PEACE, not to strife, and not to slavery or mind-control or 
anything that will bump us off of His Destiny for us. Please realize that not everybody
that is sent your way, comes "from God". There are handlers, programmers, and false
believers out there who are like PREDATORS, and they just want to screw up your
life!  DON'T LET THEM. And Jesus, the master of "The Question" can surely give you
an amazing answer to any and all of your "opponents". It's time to shut them up,
and expose them for what they really are.
Be Free in Jesus' Name, and don't let yourself become the
slaves of men.