Saturday, April 23, 2016

Deliverance 101 ... Part One.

*** This blog article shall be a two-parter >>> so much information to share, it will have to
come in 2 installments, 2 weeks.  Don't forget to comment at the bottom of the blog!
This one promises to  be "quite radical" ... TONY ***


I have been involved in "direct deliverance" ministry for over 23 years! To say that it
has been an "education" would be an understatement. What I find sad about all of this
is the amount of people who don't believe in deliverance, as such, or don't see the need
for it, or actually speak "schmack" about that which they don't understand.
First of all, all deliverance is a "done deal", thanks to what Jesus did on the cross!
After all He is the True Deliverer, the "Doctor" and he is the one that inspires and empowers
his chosen vessels who have "stumbled" upon this ministry. Yes, I said stumbled. I surely wasn't looking for this kind of deal, nor did I stand in line when they were "passing out" certificates for this ministry! That story, is really quite a unique one. 

Renee & I were ministering in Kansas when one day, she prayed this prayer: "Lord, show us everything that is blocking us from total prosperity". The Lord's answer? "Get ALL witches out of your life!"  Well, it was a surprise to us, that we had any "witches" around or near us ... but turns out, we did. Through the bloodlines, relatives and family curses. This was the beginning of a long trek into the spiritual "unknown", as we haven't met many who have actually tread where we have. I can add that we did glean some valuable teachings from Bob Larsen, who at the time had a show on TBN entitled, "What I Have Learned from Satan".  Ummmm, ghastly title! But, it did make a point, as the intel he got on the subject of the powers of darkness, and on deliverance was a true eye-opener.
Since then, Renee & I have developed our own "style" and beliefs regarding deliverance, and the sheer power of it. More later.


I discovered through time, that there were many practicing deliverance ministers out there, but mostly operating through smaller churches/ministries. And they did believe many things that we also learned about ourselves. But the differing kinds of ministries goes something like this:
A. Deliverance from addictions (such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, soda pop, soap operas, etc.)
       This is indeed a valid ministry, but we don't focus on this so much. We have seen
       some completely delivered from smoking, though!
B.  Exorcists. Now Hollywood has done plenty to muddy this one up, but suffice it to say,
      it includes the expulsion of demonic possessions, and also cleansing of houses. When
      I was in the early stages of learning deliverance, I got to engage in the house cleansing
      thing. It actually was pretty cool.
C.  Inner Healing groups. These are part of the bunch that does the "healing rooms" and 
      gathers together individuals or even one at a time, to focus on healing people in their
      mind and soul.
D.  Ministering deliverance by the anointed preaching of the Word.
       Actually, Milton Green was known for this. He was famous for 
       casting demons out of church members just by the teaching of The Bible.
E. Last but probably not all, "Direct Deliverance".
      This includes the breaking of curses, masonic constructs, witchcraft effects,
      de-programming of mind-control programs, etc. This involves some heavy-duty
      giftings and powers and intel, relying upon the gifts of the Spirit, and also 
      the restoration of any damage done on "subconscious level". There are "alter"
      manifestations, due to traumatic events, where a person becomes "split", and
      that is whole different ball of wax.                                                                                                 
      We have noticed that many ministries, if they do any type of deliverance at all, 
      do not deal with the subconscious realm. Either because of lack of knowledge, 
      or unwillingness, not sure which.


I have alluded to the fact that some think all deliverance ministry is "unnecessary" or even
"bogus". They do not believe there are "demons" or "giftings" or special anointings, yada, yada yada. I dare say that they speak from ignorance, and they just don't live there. They should be glad they don't have to get their hands dirty with this stuff, as I can tell you 9 times out of 10, it can be very, very unpleasant. But ... we are always looking for the TRANSFORMATION, after the fact! That is what Jesus died for ... folks' salvation! And that word "salvation" from the Original Greek, it packs a punch!

I need to stress at least 2 facts here, and I may be tearing down some sacred cows.
1st of all, "demons" don't work "for satan" and all of that mess. They are in actuality "personality impressions" that are born in someone given over to some kind of evil, and they have been handed down through the ages. This revelation may be hard to swallow, but that has come through YEARS of observation by 2 witnesses, in examining the work of "evil spirits" and the like. They are created in the mind by wicked people. Yeah, I know it says "our battle is not with flesh & blood" etc. but here's the kicker: You're going to have to deal with flesh & blood, because that is where they reside! LIES . . . strongholds ... stupid and insane doctrines . . . works of the flesh, PRIDE . . . and anything "under the ban" as it were.
Truth of the matter is, there are more "issuances" and "curses" and things evil created (such as "possessions") that come from WITCHES than not! We have also observed that many times when a pastor or bunch of christians can't cast something "down & out", or at least "bind" a thing, it's because of this dynamic ... Witches! What are witches? They are devilish constructs that manipulate, control and hide information, troubling individuals that they have hold captive, and they usually work in fives or pairs.

2nd point. "I thought christians couldn't be possessed" etc.  That is the one very prominent misnomer amongst believers today, as they think possessions take place "in the spirit" of a man or woman or child. WRONG. Possessions take place in the WILL, and are sometimes usurped over someone by violating means or mind-control. A "possession" does not always appear, like the Linda Blairs of Hollywood. Those are very extreme cases. A possession "takes over" the mind, the vocal cords, and sometimes the behavior of its' "host" ... but it can be fought!!! Do I need to cite the example where someone was being confronted about their need for deliverance, and they replied in a loud shrieking voice, "Demonsssss! I don't have demonsssss!" Yeah, let's get that one back to the "Tent" right now, and we can continue our service "un=interrupted"!  There is a way to set people free from all of this.


I have been told on many occasion that I should write a book on this subject. I have 
written books ... and started to write on this, but after 23 years, that work would have
had to be revised over and over again, because you just don't stop learning, once you
get going in this type of ministry. Next week, I will be sharing our tried-and-true
"method" for helping people get set free from any type of evil manifestation.
And YES (prepared to be shocked!), I have talked to "demons". Most of the time,
they weren't "demons" as such, but "informants". "But Tony, don't they LIE???"
Yes. BUT you have authority in Jesus, you can make them "not lie". Jesus did talk
to them on a couple of occasions ... not often. But there is a lot to learn, and I will
explain why.  When ... Next We Meet!

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