Saturday, April 16, 2016

Prosperous and Phosphorus and The Preposterous.

Science says that (white) phosphorus glows when exposed to oxygen. The red variety of
phosphorus is essential to the human body. It exists in the bones and teeth primarily. But ...
it is still essential. You got to have it.
Scientists and experts also state that your human body must have 20 essential minerals
to live. Twenty minerals to support all bio life.  Some say, we should have 80-90 minerals working inside of us everyday, for "optimum health".
So, what's wrong with prosperity?  Huh? Why is that some people try to diminish it, and
others just water it down a little by defining it with "safe journey"? While still others seem to search and yearn for it like it is a pot of gold?
I dare say that prosperity is necessary for "optimum health" in life, and for success. Now some want to define "success" as non-important, while others have to put a dollar amount upon that.  Then, what exactly is prosperity?
I got a scripture for that, for starters. It goes like this:

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper 
and be in good health, 
just as your soul prospers.

John the apostle is desiring that his readers all PROSPER, and are in GOOD HEALTH,
just as their "soul prospers". Well, it must be a good thing for the soul to prosper. I take
this for more than a greeting, once you see all the places in "The Word" where it talks
about "prospering". Here's some more, just a taste:

For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.  -- Jeremiah 29:11

So the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks and female and male servants and camels and donkeys.  -- Genesis 30:43

The Lord will make you abound in prosperity, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your beast and in the produce of your ground, in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you.  -- Deuteronomy 28:11

“See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity ... 
   Choose Life!  -- Deut. 30:15Now I have to agree with Jesse DuPlantis when he said, "I tried poverty ... I didn't like it!"

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. -- Joshua 1:8

 David was prospering in all his ways for the Lord was with him.  -- I Samuel 18:14

"Now, Tony, those are all from the OT, don't ya know??"  Yeah, yeah, yeah ... but even the apostle Paul stated (in Phillipians) that he knew how to handle prosperity! Maybe some people are afraid of  (wait for it!) ... W E A L T H !!! 
We got well-meaning (?) christians running around, trying to instruct others that the so-called "prosperity gospel" or "prosperity message" is false. These very ones also have really great cushy jobs, with 2 cars, big house, and maybe a boat (for fishing, at least) and speak against evangelists who "are rich"!  I'm not here to blast evangelists that "are rich", and quite frankly, that really needs to stop! Jealous much?? What difference does it make what Bro. Joe Bloe drives, or how big his house is, or what his yearly salary is? I think you should be glad you don't have to pay the wait-staff that they might have, or the house-cleaning bill every month, etc.!  Besides all that . . . I know for a fact that many of the famous "household name" evangelists didn't start out "rich", as a matter of fact, they were quite poor, but were huge GIVERS. And some even take a modest salary from their church or ministry, and make the rest of their moneys from book royalties or businesses on the side, etc.  Too many judges in the body of Christ, methinks!!

Honestly and frankly, I think we need some actual millionaire and billionaire christians out there, who can fund the gospel going forth, feed the poor and house the homeless and shoe the children, et al.  There are projects that "big dreamers" have, that can only be accomplished with the big bucks. And me ... I'm not afraid of it! To coin a very over-used and sometimes misused saying, "Money, Come to Me!" Now. I can put it to good use. Because after all, money is just a tool. In the right hands, with folks who are pure of heart.

Back to those "christians" who like to rag on the "prosperity message". They don't have any problem going to concerts or baseball games or movies and shelling out all kinds of dough-ray-me for those expenses ... and don't  forget the food trucks at the fair! Sheeesh. To talk like you are poor, when you are doing "quite well-off" is preposterous.  Perhaps you need a real primer about what prosperity is all about! It ain't just about "being filthy rich" ... it's having an abundance, so you can be "rich enough to be generous"!
I mean, wow ... we watch shows on TV, glamourizing the lifestyles of the rich and famous underworld crime-lords, and drug-dealers, no problem there! But oboy, if someone wins the lottery, the big one ... or someone all of a sudden hits big because of an investment or business venture and "they are a Christian" >> look out!  All of the judges come out of the woodwork saying how so-and-so "doesn't deserve all that wealth" and blahbity blahbity etc. etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseam.  Hey judges! Give it a rest! Take the 2x4 outta your own eyes before you start poking around at someone's splinter! 

Many of those same people, teach others to "have a balance"; they also have a hard time with the HEALING message. Well, I stand with Carman on this one: "You shut your face, I wrote the book!" (God telling satan off in "The Champion").  Or this one: "We lay hands on the sick and they recover, so OUT THE DOOR!" ("Satan, Bite the Dust!").  I started to wonder if these people who are so down on prosperity, are also the ones who believe that Jesus stopped healing everybody after the 1st Century. And the "sickness comes from God to teach you a lesson" bunch. Oh, Puh-leeeeze!  "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever" and God ain't dead, He ain't even sick!  He didn't lose some of his power or desire to heal us, and those that believe that need to go back and read the 4 Gospels again. Especially paying attention to Jesus' words. You know, "the ones in red"?

Poverty is part of the curse. We can't have part poverty, and part prosperity, anymore than we can let blessings and cursings come out of our mouths at the same time!! God isn't schizophrenic ... but the way some teach about him, makes you wonder . . . .
No!  My God, and I ... we have a relationship. We have an understanding. He wants me WHOLE. He wants me "saved" (there's a LOT in that word, don't get me started, that's another bloggie altogether!). And God wants me to "prosper in all l do", and whatever I find in my hand to do it with all my might, and "prosper in the work of my hands" as well! Man, I spent a lot of time in Proverbs, and you would be amazed (unless we are on the "same page", pun intended) how many places it COMMANDS us to PROSPER!  And so ... what does it mean? It means, that I am experiencing the abundant Zoe' Life that Jesus promised, and all is well, and I have victory, and success in what I accomplish and do, my children are blessed, my wife is blessed, and I am OVERTAKEN by the Blessings of God! I have all my needs met, my family's needs (and desires) are all met, and we all walk in healing and divine health,  and then >>> we can go forth and "share the wealth"!

Now, I might not need some cattle, and flocks and camels and donkeys ... but something else might do! I'm not gonna go stupid-crazy with some kind of "list", rattling off to the Lord all sorts of ridiculous things that I want, that he knows that I really can't use or need! And that's just the thing ... God Almighty knows my needs, my desires, what turns me on and even things that I haven't asked him for, he has blessed me with! Because He is a Father, he knows how to bless and even surprise his children. Now ... I may not exactly be there yet, or even "have arrived",  but I believe that God Almighty is an Extravagant God, and pours out blessings, just as he has poured out his magnificent grace upon all of us.

You like poverty? You can have it!  No, seriously  . . . you should really choose Life and Prosperity instead! It's much better! Believe me, I tried poverty ... I didn't like it!

Thank you for your time and for reading my blog.
God bless you. Please support this ministry.
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