Saturday, April 30, 2016

Deliverance 101, Part TWO


[O]ur struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.  -- Ephesians 6:12 

For though we walk in the flesh (i.e. our human bodies), we do not war according to the flesh,  for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ -- 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

(addressing the Corinthian believers regarding the apostle's ministry)
... in the word of truth, in the power of God; by the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left -- 2 Cor. 6:7

DELIVERANCE  is a FINISHED WORK of Calvary! Jesus IS The Deliverer, and he also anoints
"deliverers" to accomplish his work on the earth. However, as far as Jesus is concerned, what
he did on the cross was a "completed work", i.e. there is no deficiency in his power to deliver, no fragmentation that we have to worry about, no lack of power here. It is through
Jesus' BLOOD and NAME that anyone can be delivered!  The most important element in
wielding the ministration of deliverance ministry, is that the deliverance minister(s) must know what exactly they are dealing with. And use the right tools.


When early on, I was just getting started in this awesome and holy work, I was around some believers who, perhaps well-meaning, ran their mouths at demons, rebuking them and silencing them etc. We may be called to "be like Jesus" and we walk as he did on the earth but "we ain't him!" When it suited the Son of Man, he would interrogate a demon (in the case of the Gerasene demoniac, many foul spirits there!) ... or Jesus would just silence the demon and tell it to shut up. His anointed presence drew them around, or "up" and his authority drove them out! But I went to school "with Jesus" on this one. We discovered that there was more to learn, and I'm willing to learn new things and chuck old stuff, especially if it isn't working!
So, there was this lady who ended up on the floor, in the basement of a church, and this brother or sister just kept rebuking the demon. I sensed there was something else going on, and I kindly asked them to stop, and I addressed the demon, to gain "intel" in order to cast it out. The "host", i.e. person who was so "demonized" was glad that I was trying to help.
That lady left and ran off, but I think that was because there were "too many cooks" in the kitchen, ya know? She was confused.  Since then, I have had training from the Holy Spirit how to get to the bottom of an issue, for the purpose of insight, change and genuine deliverance.


There are so many people running around just "rebuking" demons left & right, until their
rebuker is worn out, and to no avail. Jesus gave us a method. It has to be adjusted accordingly to each person's needs (at times), and according to what has the person ("host") in bondage. Here is a synopsis of that "method".

a. When it is clear a demonic entity or stronghold is manifesting, you first have to 
     bring it under the authority of Jesus Christ. You can issue that it cannot lie to you also.
     You can issue that it has to be civil. Once you do this the 1st time, it gets easier following
      after. The powers of darkness will eventually recognize your authority in Christ.
b.  Command the spirit to give its name.
c.  This is like an interrogation. Find out its operations, if that is not clear to you yet.
d.  Command it to tell you its origins, what bloodlines, or "who sent it". Remember,
       most demons/witches are rogue, although working with other factors etc. they
       aren't "sent by satan", and didn't come "from hell". So don't assume this.
e.  IF a spirit is argumentative, you may "send it to torment".
       IF a spirit  seems impossible to deal with, it may be a possession.
       You HAVE TO divide between "soul & spirit" on this one ... we usually 
        do this by running our Bible across the belly of the host saying, "I break   
        this possession, dividing between soul & spirit, by the name & blood of Jesus".
f.  There are different ways to "wear down" a demon. You can preach to it the TRUTH.
     You can read scripture to it. Remember, somewhere, the host is there, even if he or she
      is buried beneath the thing, they should be fighting with you. You can solicit them to
      fight with you, for THEIR freedom.
g.  When it is clear that the demon has no more grounds to stay (you may have to break
      curses, ungodly vows, or help renounce its works), then you can begin its expulsion.
h.  You have IT say its name, and renounce its hold & claim on the host, breaking off  their "mind/will/emotions, subconscious mind, body & life" . . . 
i.  YOU SAY, "By the Name and Blood Jesus, loose them, leave them and go to the Lake of
      Fire!" Why the Lake of Fire, you ask??? Because everything burns up there. And that's
       how the Holy Spirit taught us.
j.  Minister the Healing Grace & Love to the host, and pray in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit
     will show you just what they need
[Remember: It is best to call up an "informant" (tattletale, blabber-mouth), there usually is
  one in any given network. They represent and inform regarding the operations and agenda

  of the evil network. Do this until you are more comfortable dealing with "powerful" spirits.
  And especially, if you are dealing with a "principality"]


They are nasty. They are evil. They come in different sizes and types.  Some are just plain
wierd, some sophisticated (like political demons), and some are ancient, and some are horrid "gutter rats". They don't play nice, and don't get along with others! There are some spirits, believe it or not, they respect children . . . while others don't respect God, or men or women! Anything that is in the list of "things under the ban", i.e. "the works of the flesh" (Eph. 5), there can be a demon presence attached to that.
How do possessions happen? Good Question. By observation, after 23 years, I have to conclude that typically, possessions appear because someone, in the bloodline, was operating in some form of witchcraft, cloning/channelling, and even in some cases dedicated the child "to satan". Now whatever you believe about "satan", let's assume that once he was a real entity. Regardless of what you believe, I can tell you that he was NOT some "fallen angel" that used to be the music minister in heaven! NOOOOOOO! Jesus said,
"he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning". IT ALSO SAYS in 1st John, "For this purpose Christ was revealed, to DESTROY ALL THE WORKS of the Evil One"! So in our minds, "satan" is history. What has been left over, are "practitioners" of darkness who desire and issue to destroy people's lives, especially GOD'S PEOPLE!!! Otherwise, why are so many christians today "targets"?? It is no coincidence that there are evil forces at work, and some have to be snatched out of the fire.


"Witches" . . . are responsible for a lot of damage in people's lives. What are they?
Well, get rid of the Harry Potter images, and black pointy hats & black cauldrons.
They are dark entities that work primarily on the subconsious level.
We have run into anti-compassion, anti-gospel, anti-prosperity, and all sorts of "blockers",
hindering spirits, secret-keepers, guards, spies, and other workers who do all they can

to block someone's destiny. A literal plethora of evil operatives in an evil network.
"Secret witchcraft" works on the subconsious of the afflicted ones, and also through
mind-control programming, family mantras, false doctrines, "doctrines of demons"
(just imagine the stupidest ones), and the whole thing is done "behind the scenes".
Hey. Demons like to HIDE. Witches do too. They want to stay "behind the curtain"
or "behind the mask" and go undetected. Their works are insidious and diabolical.
DO NOT TAKE this lightly, for their operations are of a serious nature.
How does one blast through this web of deceit and evil?? THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT.
We totally rely upon the anointing and The Gifts of The Spirit, The Holy Spirit.
Particularly with these gifts:

1. Word of knowledge
2. Word of Wisdom
3. Discerning of spirits
So, First . . . The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, in  your life.
Tongues help one generate the flow ... remember, we NEED the Holy Spirit, he KNOWS
how to "crack the case" or even "crack the code". Once we know that we are "in the Spirit",
we can "see" or even "hear" what needs to be said or told, and all hidden secrets can be revealed, because the powers of darkness love secrets! That is how they keep many in bondage! Visions and prophetic words are also of great value when endeavoring to unlock the prisoners, so they can be FREE.
I can only touch on this point here briefly, but there are some cases where there are not so
much demon activity or witches at work, but there is PAIN due to trauma, thereby causing a "split" or "alter" in a person. These have to dealt with "kid gloves". Totally different ball of wax. D.I.D. (disassociative identity disorder) may be a problem in some, this requires extra training on the part of the deliverance minister, how these ones should be handled. The Gifts of The Spirit will help here as well, immensely.


I have been told on more than one occasion that I should write a book. On this topic.
I feel that some,  if they had the experience we have been blessed with, may go and hold
a seminar somewhere and charge mega-bucks for it. Today, I am giving freely. But
you can either glean from what I am saying, or choose to not believe it. I KNOW that
I know that the Holy Spirit taught us, from the beginning, when he dropped the 
anointing for deliverance on our lives, all those years ago, in that little house in Kansas.
It has been an education ever since. A lot, I mean A BUNCH of ideas and doctrines
had to re-thunked and even kicked out. We learned also that sometimes, the one who was
in bondage to a particular stronghold, they had to be re-taught. "Teach them to be good", the Lord would tell us. "Teach them to love, and not hate". Or "teach them to think right thoughts" etc. What we always look for though, is THE TRANSFORMATION.


Even if someone said once, "there are more than one behind every bush", we don't go 
looking for them. They manifest, when their time is UP.  Or else, someone calls us 
over to their home, to deal with a loved one who is being abusive or they act enslaved
by an evil entity. Strongest medicine? PREACH THE TRUE GOSPEL OF GRACE OF 
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! Plead the Blood on your loved ones. Anoint your house
with oil in the name of Jesus. Let the Praises of God ring out in your home. Rejoice and 
sing and dance, with JOY JOY JOY like little children. And do this, if you have kids,
do it with them!
And . . . if you do have devils jump on your car, while you are trying to drive away
from a day of shopping (like Tracy Thurman had happen to her), you can thank God
Almighty that those buggers recognize you, and when it is time, you can "take them
out!" BIND, cast out, by the NAME and BLOOD of Jesus, and don't ever forget that
this is not a "game" and these enemies, they play for keeps, so you smash up their
kingdom and declare that JESUS IS LORD over them, and watch the Victory in 
people's lives, watch for the Transformation and Glory!! Amen.

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