Sunday, December 4, 2016


Yeah, curses are a thing. 
They are a real thing.
When most people hear about "curses", they think
of images of explorers entering forbidden caverns or
pyramids, and falling into traps that hurt, maim or kill
them. There's always been stories about families that
have fallen under certain curses, and there's this history
of very bad things happening to the family members.
Of course, you can read books, watch movies and TV
shows and see some of this portrayed.
There are several type of curses:
1. Generational curses
2. Word curses
3. Witchcraft curses
4. Secret organization curses
These are the main ones.

The one we want to focus on today is #3,
Witchcraft curses. They are the most insidious,
the ones that seemingly do the most damage.
It should be important to note that curses do NOT
affect everybody. No. They usually occur due to
either someone being "targeted" or due to a bloodline's
wickedness, or in this case, "witches". Witches are
notorious for casting curses upon those they come into
contact with, usually blood relatives. They join up with
the powers of darkness, and hurl their hate & abuse.
Then again, it is most important to point out that some people 
live so very far above such things, because of spirituality and/or
righteousness in that particular bloodline.

How does one know he or she is under a curse?
Life doesn't work the way it's supposed to ... you observe
others around you, and you KNOW something isn't right.
A constant failure in business endeavors (or jobs), finances
drying up or vanishing, health issues being over the edge in
an abnormal fashion, relationships going askew no matter what
you try to do to fix things. Ministry opportunities blowing up 
around you, with disfavor and things falling apart. Now, if you
really need a definition, just go to Leviticus and read some examples
of "the curses". Surely it will fall somewhere in there.  Either way,
you will sense that The Blessing isn't in operation the way it should be.

Witchcraft Curses actually directly attack "supply lines",
finances, health and typical operations toward success.
The witches hate the gospel and ministers, so their goal
is to block, prevent and stop the operations and blessings
in ministry, to completely thwart, defame and cripple those
who are called into ministry, those who are operating in
viable ministry, and pose a THREAT to the powers of darkness.

The strangest thing about living under such dark forces, is that
witches operate "behind the scenes" and often diffuse what they
do so that those so oppressed are in confusion, not knowing what
is causing all the ruckus. Witches like to deflect and blame other 
people or other agencies. It takes revelation knowledge from 
God to unravel what the heck is going on.

THE GOOD NEWS is, unlike those movies and TV shows that 
hardly give any hope against this dark force, The power of Jesus' 
name and blood can break off and render null and void ANY CURSE!
Once you discover the name of the curse, and where it came from, you
can PRAY and BREAK off the curse >>> break it off your subconscious mind,
mind/will/emotions, body & life and generations. Make sure to use the
Name and Blood of Jesus!
The truth of God's Word and the power of The Gospel can undo the curse . . .  
in fact, THE BLESSING is more powerful than The Curse!

Curses can be FOILED ... they can be DEFEATED. One can walk in victory over them.
ALL of them. It does not have to be a permanent problem, passed down from one 
generation to the next. One can break the chains.

The problem is this: When someone is "under the curse" or "under a curse", the blessing cannot be seen or realized. It may be desired, or even wished for, but it cannot manifest. There are two different realms at battle with each other, and one has usurped and superimposed itself upon the other. THE TRUTH must burst through, like a BREAKTHROUGH, with the GRACE of God, which is powerful enough to blast anyone out of any curse! The Blessing can then come in and replace what the curse was doing. That one who was under the curse can then WALK in the Blessing! Old things -- the curse and its effects --- will all pass away and transformation of one's formerly "cursed life" will be in operation. And if that's YOU I'm talking about, then you will see that your life will CHANGE.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


           * A News Commentary Outlet After The Truth!*


There's a sense amongst Facebookers that feels like they want a break from all the political news. Can't blame them. Months and months have passed, and 75% of our newsfeeds are mostly political posts or the like. Some to be sure, eat it up, can't get enough. But for the rest, I can say that we all need a break. I intend to direct my blogs elsewhere after this. Not a promise, but my intentions are good.
However, some things still got to be addressed simply because these issues haven't gone away … yet.

We are in the business of seeking out the TRUTH.
We capitalize on The Truth, wherever we can find it, and the Truth exposes Lies. That's the reason for this blog, this article. Some information is just "the facts", and not the truth at all. With all the mainstream media guilty of "fake news", it is time for the alternative news sites to shine, so there can be accurate and truthful journalism once again.

I just spent some time on YouTube watching the news reporters and anchors, melting down at the news of Hillary's loss. And then I watched a montage of celebrities also have similar reactions. You would think, by their reactions, that they just lost their favorite pet or something. What amazes me is the Leftist Liberal mentality and narrative they all have bought into. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why they believe like they believe . . . and their entire belief system is built upon lies, fake news and false ideologies. Maybe we can offer to sell them the moon because, after all, isn't it made of cheese??

The whole negative reaction of the rioters/protestors to the Trump Win, is full of contradiction. They run around with signs saying "Love Trumps Hate" and they burn buildings and attack Trump Voters, acting out the very things they state they are against. They attack in the cities where the most people voted for Hillary. If I were to give them, the rioters a name, it would be "Wimpy Kiddy Baby Whiners", because that's all they really are >>> a bunch of sore losers.

BUT . . . there's a complete other dynamic happening here . . . a concerted effort by none other than groups hired by George Soros and The Left to continue to undermine and defame Donald J. Trump. They don't like what he stands for, it threatens them and their "new world order",  so they "make up" stories about him, fabricating concepts that just don't fit the man AT ALL. There's plenty of info & videos and history about The Donald, that refutes all the lies and labels that have been hurled against him. Actually, Trump has been in the public's eyes for over 30 years, and he was only accused of being "racist" when he announced  his bid for President on the Republican ticket.
Oh!! He's white AND Republican … Uh-Oh!!!
You know, at this point, I want to take a whole room of these Democraps and Liberals and ask them, "Why are you so afraid???"

We ALL know what Hillary believes, and yet there is this segment that feels so sorry for her . . . they ignore all of her crimes, her character, her tendency to blow up in anger, her diatribes like "baskets of deplorables", her repeated lying,  and all of her many, many scandals and investigations. One celeb said, "Oh I thought she should get the chance to become President …"
Oh Puh-Leeeze!! She DID get the chance -- Twice!
And she lost! Trump won fair and square, without rigging the polls and hiring dead people to vote.
When the Left gets on a tangent, they milk it and hang on the topic for all they can, for all its worth, and bombard us with it day and night! It's like this:
"If you don't vote for Hillary, you're sexist! You're a misogynist! If you don't like Obama, you're racist! If you disagree with our position, our opinion, then you are just plain Nazis!!" Again, I'm trying to figure out how they put that together in their brains, because all common sense and reasoning went down the toilet. Truth has escaped them . . . all that is left is this re-think of what is good and pure, to the point of insanity. And there is no other word for it.

Obama -- he continues to spew out his veiled but poisonous hate for The Law, for whites and for what I call Truth-In-Society, still LYING with a straight face, still propagandizing and still no-one stops him from his continual stream of disinformation. Because of his policies, which would have been continued and magnified with a Clinton presidency, racism and violence and lawlessness has increased exponentially over the last 8 years. It is for this very reason WHY the majority of hard-working patriotic Americans voted for TRUMP.  I want to yell at these news pundits and celebs and say: "Hey! Here's the reason your gal lost! We The People are tired of the corruption, the Lies, the hate going forth, the wrecked economy wrecked by the printing of trillions of fiat money, the bad foreign policy, the decimation of our military, the tolerance of terrorism in our own land, the violence against cops and truly racist-hate toward certain people in our cities, the failed "promises" of the Democratic party, leaving our cities in shambles; WE The People want our country restored, our AAA credit restored, our image restored, our people placed 1st, our Veterans cared for and placed first, The Constitution upheld and not undermined, and … if there's gonna be any "hope and change", then let it be what our Founding Fathers stood for -- the end of Tyranny from without or within and expression of Freedom for all of Our Peoples, not just a few! Not just for the Elite!" That's what I would tell them! I don't know if they would get a clue, but I would surely tell them, and tell them strong.
And Mr. Trump stands for all those concepts, and promotes those concepts and has been for them all of his life! We The People are tired of the status quo, the establishment of politicians doing the same old, same tired deeds that end in the destruction or defeat of our country. The Flag has been falling down, the Eagle has been sick, and can't even fly right.

That's what I would tell all of these Leftist Liberals. I may not argue with them to get them to understand me, they probably won't. But I would quiz them, try to reason with them logically. They may or may not change their mind … it depends on how steeped they are in "globalist thinking", which I have no desire for such nonsense. America used to be great, and respected and admired and emulated. It can and will be GREAT AGAIN. But that won't happen by letting the lamestream media being the leaders. The Left isn't about change and enrichment and greatness. They are just a bunch of crybabies who need pacifiers, pampers and the right "formula".  Don't try to nurse them naturally, for that substance is foreign to them. However, if one of them did turn and choose the healthy choice, there would be a major transformation.
That would be something. That would be a miracle, and the Beginning of The End of … The Left.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

WHAT is Truth??

With all the political news, pundits, prognosticators, so-called prophets and doom-and-gloomers speaking forth their ideas and "facts", I thought it apropos and perhaps even urgent to write upon the topic of TRUTH.  The Oxford online dictionary defines truth thusly:

The quality or state of being true:

1.  the truth:  That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality

2. A fact or belief that is accepted as true

Well, I choose to define truth like this:

"that commodity of life and concept that refutes and exposes LIES and cannot be disputed once all the factors and information has weighed in".

Another Time. Another Place. A volatile mix of politics and spiritual dynamic is in the story below. Interesting how there are parallels with today, and how the political climate goes.
Jesus Christ Himself stood before Pontius Pilate, as recorded in John ch. 18.  Watch this, I think you'll find this amazing.

"Therefore Pilate entered again into the Praetorium, and summoned Jesus and said to Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”  Jesus answered, “Are you saying this on your own initiative, or did others tell you about Me?”  Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered You to me; what have You done?”  Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”  Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”  Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?”  [Pilate then leaves the presence of Jesus and says "I find no fault in him".]

Pilate says these immortal words: "What Is Truth??"
Jesus once told his disciples, "I am the Way, The Truth and the Life!"
And here, "Everyone who is of the truth, hears my voice".
I'm sure that Pilate was thinking, "Man, I've got counsellors, advisors, reporters, spies, enemies and so-called loyal friends, I sure don't get much
'truth' coming from most of them! What is this thing "truth"???" Pilate's head was fried.

   As it is today, we've got a lot of opinions, ideas, doctrines, information masquerading as 'facts' and news reporters who claim to speak the truth, but their journalism lacks professionalism and reeks of shoddy research. Whilst the 2016 Election Campaign was underway, the majority of the lame-stream media seemed out to protect HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) at all costs, and malign Trump at every corner. Correspondents would go out of their way to take a sound-bite, a video clip or some word out of context, to build an entire case against Donald J. Trump, to defame his character and turn him into an evil person. Select women would come out of the woodwork and falsely accuse him of all sorts of atrocities. He became the poster-boy of the most negatively labelled political candidate to ever appear on the nightly news. And all the while, the networks just seem to be gleeful to lift up Hillary, and ignore her many, many scandals and criminal activities. During all this time, Trump enjoyed great support, and great turnouts for all his rallies. Some of his rallies were marred by violent protestors, but not of his doing, and NOT by his peoples.
It turns out, that The Donald was exonerated by the better news pundits, and video clips and speeches proved that all the info against him was ALL LIES.
It's at this point, I want to harp on. I would love to rant about … some would continue to call Trump by all those labels and be fearful of him, even after the news went forth to PROVE that the Left and the media, and Hillary were lying about him. As for Hillary, she would continue to lie, and lie about LYING, and lie to cover more lies. But because someone "heard it on the news", the ignorant public would swallow whatever they heard . . . without checking or re-checking the facts. Not to mention the daily propaganda coming out of the White House.
More Lies going forth.
And now, with all of the crazy so-called "protesting"
(which by the way, is just paid violent offenders causing mayhem), one has to wonder who or what voice do these people listen to??  I think a lot of it comes from the 8 years of listening to the doctrines, coming from Obama and the Clintons. There has been so much lawlessness, and it just trickled down to the unsuspecting sheeple. They listened to the lies and accepted them as the gospel truth.
You know, we all have been influenced, from birth, to follow some "voice of reason", some voice of authority or a voice that seems to have the "ring" of truth. But … not everyone has been raised to know the truth, and not everyone has been taught to discern between what is good and what is evil, and even our own children of this country … have been lied to and programmed to believe the perversion of the truth. Truth has been subtracted from their lives. Truth does not come into play, unless of course, you believe that this or that truth is "truth to you".  Even Adolph Hitler was a master of THE LIE. He is known for this quote:
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

There you go. That's the way to brain-wash the public … take some pointers from Ol' Hitler here and the sheeple are putty in your hand. I started to wonder, if anyone was seeking the truth during this election. I wondered if anyone cared. It's just so easy to listen to "the news" or your neighbors and repeat exactly what they say and believe. I try not to do that. I consider myself a "truth-seeker".  The truth is not always evident, sometimes it has to be sought out. Is it really that hard to do? I guess when the majority of folks are talking schmack about a public figure, it becomes almost like swimming upstream if you take a different view. And in the age of "PC" nonsense, you could even be "shot down" for having a different view!
I think it is hilarious how the news pundits and talking-heads all started to melt-down and become befuddled when Trump won the election. I also think it is remarkable how some major news outlets actually started to report on Clinton's evil escapades, instead of ignoring them.

Can I express an opinion to you? I think the truth will eventually come out … I mean, even Jesus said that things that are hidden will be shouted from the rooftops! I think of TV antennae and Dishes on people's roofs -- I think that all applies. The question remains:
Will the people, all the people, who have been lied to and believed a lie, when the truth is put forth as THE TRUTH and cannot be disputed, will they change their minds?? Will they change their behavior?? Will they come to their senses???
The truth has a way of penetrating through the confusion and crap. It is the "truth that you know" that will set you free. I hope that the sheeple will take in the truth, and be truly set free.
Tony DLivahh Prince
RisingStar NewsSource.
My sources are as follows:
*The Bible, New American Standard
* Oxford Online Dictionary
*Alex Jones … InfoWars
*Rush Limbaugh
*Western Journalism
Please feel free to "fact-check" anything I have said!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Why I hate Halloween

I write this not to condemn anyone or even change the minds of those who are inclined

to celebrate this "holiday" ... these are my own thoughts and beliefs, you may share them,
or not. If you don't agree with me, that is perfectly fine. That is your choice. I just had to 
describe why I feel the way I do. Again, no condemnation if you disagree.  TONY. 

I have several reasons why I and my family do not celebrate "Halloscream" (as I call it),
and many reasons why I feel the way I do about this so-called "holiday". There is a whole
entire history that I could delve into, the origins of Halloween, Samhain, etc. But other writers have already gone there. I'm just going to share my feelings and beliefs, and well,
Here I Go.


I was raised up in Christ to believe that God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power/love/sound mind. That my thoughts should line up with Phillipians 4, the "think on these things" passage. I don't have the time or desire to clutter up my brain and soul with fear, howbeit be generated by media or by people or other stimuli. I have also watched little children be actually TRAUMATIZED by experiencing real fear, by entering into this or that spook house. I have watched parents laugh about the episode, while the child was visibly shaken up. FOR REALS. I don't think it's funny. I think any child, between the ages of 0 and 7 should never be exposed to such an ordeal.
We as a society have desensitized our children, and ourselves to evil. We have called "good, evil" and "evil, good". We create images of monsters and other creatures, with blood and gore and guts, and then present it to our children, as if it is NORMAL. Oh, it's OK, it's only once a year. Yeah, right. When I was growing up, "trick or treat" was usually harmless (except for the warning stories we heard about razor blades some whackos would place in apples) . . . but there was not a penchant for ultra-scary or horrific costumes and the like.
Also, notice how all the horror flicks/slasher films start to come out of the woodwork in October. Great genre, right? I know some peeps who just watch this junk and then laugh about it. Man, I was bothered when they had Alice Cooper in one of these films, and he was plunging a spear into somebody's body. That bothered me. I mean, I like Alice. I never thought of him as that macabre. I knew his shows were all an act.
Churches like to bring out their haunted films to scare kids to accept Christ. They drag in their productions of "Heaven's Gates/Hell's Flames" or even "Judgment House", and it all just glorifies the devil. All of this is crap and isn't even necessary.


So, once a year it is AOK to worship or, er, I mean publicize and focus on the powers of darkness. Ghouls, goblins, witches, demons, zombies, dead people, tombstones and cemeteries, blood and gore and guts galore. Hey, it's ok, its just ENTERTAINMENT, right??
I refer you back to the Phillipians 4 passage:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

It's like this folks:
There was this big to-do about backward-masking, once upon a time.
Petra had the best response to it. They recorded a short message on the beginning of one of their tunes, Judas Kiss. It was a message recorded backwards.  You had to play the vinyl backwards to get the 'forward' meaning:
 "Why are you looking for the devil when you should be looking for the Lord??"
 Brilliant. The question makes the point. Why are good people, good christian people focusing on and spending any time on the powers of darkness?? Unless it is to expose them and to defeat them?? There's already enough darkness in the world, without having to drag it back into our own lives.


These traditions of Halloween, I've discovered, came over here mainly with the Irish.
Certainly things have evolved since the days of Samhain, and the actual horrendous

traditions that has come to be known as "trick or treat".  But hey, there's nothing wrong with having some FUN ... dressing up, and binging on candy and sweets etc. Nothing wrong with an occasional sugar-rush, right?? Except for those who are watching their quota of dental caries. But I'm always up for a good party. Bring it on. It's just . . . we can do this any day of the year. Why "that day"?? Why October 31?? Why during the biggest feast day and heyday of many groups of WITCHES, who yes, actually do engage in evil, debauchery, blood sacrifices and the cursing of church groups?? Yeah, that really goes on. I for one would NOT line myself up with them.
I have dressed up before. I was Moses one time. The Apostle Paul on another occasion. So, what's the big deal??? We don't do what those folks of ancient times have done, and we certainly don't believe like they do.
Answer: I sum it all up by saying, if you're going to celebrate something, let it have some meaning. Halloween is really a stupid, meaningless holiday, that has actually done more harm than good. And the majority of the world isn't commemorating a bunch of dead saints. Although, the Latinos have their own version, "The Day of the Dead". I don't care much for that "holiday" either. I saw some really bad fruit coming from that. No offense to my fellow Latinos, I love ya'all anyway.

IN CONCLUSION, if you can celebrate this time, this day with a clear conscience, then by all means, do so. Just do me a favor. Don't hurt anybody in the process. Have fun, be cool and don't be a ghoul.


Sunday, September 18, 2016


I would like to keep this blog writing short … and to the point.
I don't know. I can sure try. But there is so much to say.

I have seen this scenario play out more times than I wish to enumerate.  Whole families have fallen into this one huge rut . . . DYSFUNCTION.  The biggest downfall of it all, is that usually, the family members don't/can't see it. They are too busy conducting their affairs, their "family life", too busy with the cares of this world, jobs, etc. The problem lies, of course, in THE MIND. It is a host of mind=sets, attitudes and very bad habits. I have come to believe that in most cases, dysfunction is generational, i.e. genetic. As in "blood-line curses". Yeah.  Just like that. I said it.


Let's start out with the greatest tell-tale sign:
Curses. As in  "word cursings".  This usually starts with the parents, who are just following suit the way that they were trained, saying stuff over their kids like, "You're so stupid. You can't do anything right. You won't amount to anything. You'll probably end up in jail before you're 18."  And ETC.  It gets worse. Siblings start in, saying all manner of evil and dark and negative things over each other, not thinking a thing of it, as if it's just OKAY. Later in life, when approached about this behavior, many times they justify it by saying, "We were only kidding, poking fun … why, can't you take a joke??"
Anybody want to exit this family now??


Maybe you come from this type of family. Maybe you have gone through some kind of crisis, a real hard one, and your family's reaction?  "Man I can't believe you let that happen to you … I can't believe you let that person into your life … If it was me, that would have never happened to me … What? You expect me to sympathize and coddle you? Suck it up, baby!"  That's just an example. Some of you have heard much worse. You have become the "family scape-goat", and you get blamed for ALL.
It doesn't matter what happens to anyone else … especially if you are the "lone christian" in the family.  "Just sit over there in the corner and DON'T TALK … we don't want to hear from you!"  Now Jesus said that he didn't come to bring peace but a sword … but he was talking about HIMSELF being the main burning & dividing ISSUE of Life. Jesus doesn't have to bring a sword to these families, they have already fashioned their own!
"Why, do you think you are better than us??? Are you a holier-than-thou person??? Why do you have to be so DIFFERENT???"  And if you are a TRUE BELIEVER, just trying to reach out to your family with the real love of God, well, watch out. In a dysfunctional family, this truth rings true more than anywhere else:
"A prophet is not welcome in his home town."
They just aren't listening.
So, don't plan on going through any personal crises, because even though they may "act" like they care, they won't. They won't be there for you.


Paul the Apostle warned that some would fall away from the faith, and some would let their love "grow cold".  So, if you see a hardened heart, and try to appeal to them to "soften up", good luck. The only way that is going to happen is if they have a
Damascus Road=type experience and Jesus bursts through their darkness and stubborn minds. It could happen. You could pray for it. But don't hold your breath, know when to pack-up and dust your feet off. The Lord has plenty of others in this world for you to reach, and you shouldn't spend your whole entire life going back & forth to family, just to repeatedly get your daily dose of light-socket treatment. One can only take so much "shocking". Trust me on this. You can learn to love from a distance … and God didn't call you to pain and strife and suffering. No he didn't.


The "function" of dysfunction is to set everything in a family at odds with itself, for things to get twisted and not operate according to God's design. Some people have it all topsy-turvy, and for them it's "normal".  If you don't like it, then "tough!"
When you are a part of something dark like this, for so long, after a while you'll start to wonder if you slipped into  The Munsters  or  The Addams Family!
Unfortunately, we see dysfunction in many other settings … on the job in companies, in government etc.  Dating relationships.
Marriages. A man at the local Circle K yelling at his daughter while she is trying to decide which drink she wants from the fountain. A parent berating a child, who has long grown up, and has "gone his/her own way" and that same parent ridiculing that child/grown-up in public, in their presence or behind their back.  The major dynamic in dysfunctional families is the role-playing of the diplomat, the aloof Dad, the overbearing mother, the "parenting sister" and the family "secret" or the family scape=goat. There are other scenarios, this is just one example. What is the end goal?? That this plays out everyday of the year, for years, until it is passed down as the "family way" or tradition, and the whole thing just starts over again … unless someone rises up and BREAKS THE CHAINS.


In order for this madness to stop, to change, those who are "responsible" must wake up and take off the masks. Stop pretending that everything is normal or okay. It's not. Someone is going to get hurt, and chances are, it is too late. They are already VERY HURT. If they love Jesus, then they can get help, they can get therapy.
But what about you???
Are you causing someone pain?
Do you act like a "weapon" because you were "trained" that way? True families are supposed to be there for each other, to share the load, to cry together, rejoice together and cheer each other on. Get rid of your stupid jealousy and hate. Stop pretending that you have such a great family, you've got the whole public fooled, but it all falls apart the next day you get back home. Take off the dark shades, take off the masks and get real … get the Love of God in your hearts. Stop persecuting your own flesh and blood … get behind them, and support their successes, or their attempts at that. Act like you care … and really do care!! Do something to show your love, and not just a bunch of words. Words mean nothing if they are not backed up with real genuine "I feel ya" LOVE.   Love is often an ACTION VERB, that manifests itself in awesome life-changing ways.
The MIRROR is pointing at YOU … take a good long stare at it,
and make a change in your life. For the good of someone you should love.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Heart of CAIN

This blog topic is different … different than I usually write.
That's may sound peculiar as I am always writing things that could be construed as "different", as far as point of view goes. I have been dubbed "The Radical Pastor" for years, since about 2011.  My blogs represent the fact that I approach topics and spiritual things with the finesse of "radical view", simply because I'm all about exposing LIES and spongy thinking regarding doctrines, etc.
So, I'm in the OT tonight. Don't usually spend a lot of time there, except for maybe Proverbs and Psalms and The Prophets.  Then there's the whole "character-study" thing, where we take someone's life (like Abraham, King Saul or David, e.g.) and dissect that under a microscope.

I believe that most everyone is familiar with the story of CAIN.
He was a son of Adam & Eve … and he had a brother ABEL. Cain was jealous of his brother, his relationship with God, the favor on his life so . . . he killed him.
Now every Bible teacher out there has preached on Cain's sin. But I have only heard a few sermons on "the spirit of Cain". And I'm taking that a little further by talking about The Heart of Cain.
The Heart of Cain is selfish. It is rebellious towards God Almighty. It gets jealous. It likes being "religious" because it thinks that's what makes one "look good".  The Heart of Cain really has the "warm-water-spirit" that we have wrote about. That "lukewarm" thing that is actually quite PHONY. Oh sure it acts all pious and "good" and covers its deeds with "good works" . . . and engages in "sacrifices" to absolve itself from guilt and escape conviction. It may act like it's FOR YOU, but in reality is truly against you. It is the "Benedict Arnold" spirit, through and through. Yes, it will betray you, when you least expect it. The Apostle Paul wrote about "false brethren" -- well, there you go. Need I illustrate anymore?

> And the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering;  but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard. So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?  If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.”  Cain told Abel his brother. And it came about when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.  Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” And he said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”  He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground.  Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth.” Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is too great to bear!  Behold, You have driven me this day from the face of the ground; and from Your face I will be hidden, and I will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”  So the Lord said to him, “Therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold.” And the Lord appointed a sign for Cain, so that no one finding him would slay him.  (Genesis ch. 4)

From the narrative we can see just how flippant Cain's attitude was, toward his brother, and toward God.  As we read this, we can tell that Cain never really "repented" of his deed (godly sorrow), but God Almighty dealt with Cain where he was at. He even strongly urged Cain to RESIST sin … God knew what he was going to do, of course. And that was the first time that murder came on the scene.

> For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another;  not as Cain, who was of the evil one and slew his brother. And for what reason did he slay him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother’s were righteous.  
(I John 3:11,12)
I have spent a lot of time in this little epistle, I John. It is beautiful and simple, even though the truths contained within are profound and strong. We see verses like, "By this we may know …"  and  "If you say you love God, but hate your brother, how can the love of God be in you?"  And so, with the Heart of Cain. His heart was evil. He hated his brother.

I have been around many so-called "christians" who were nothing more than the devil's "plants", pretending to be saved, pretending to be on my side, but they were the ones who were ready to stab me in the back, when I turned around. Maybe they didn't like my words … maybe they didn't like my "walk" … or maybe I ended up exposing them, because sometimes, that's what I do, whether I know it or not.  Beware. True Blue Believers have "got your back", and won't use your info as a gossip tool to undermine you. This is particularly difficult to deal with if it is a "family member" who turns out this way. It is in our God-given redeemed nature to love them regardless. But "false brethren" cannot receive the love of God, and no matter how hard you try, sometimes, you won't break through their defenses. You have to cover yourself. You have to be on your guard. And in some cases, you may have to walk away, and be rid of the "poison" that some people bring. Some people are just plain TOXIC, and God Almighty never called you to taking in poison, nor did he call you to strife.

I first was made aware of "false brethren" and warm-water-spirit folk by reading Proverbs. Actually, I was commanded by The Spirit of God to study Proverbs, because of the people I was going to be dealing with. I had no idea how much pride and folly they were into. And … That word … those WORDS from Proverbs saved my life, and saved the day on numerous occasions. You might say that the wisdom from that book just "kicked in".

Finally, the heart of Cain has no real concern for the Family of God. No concern for community. No grasp or appreciation of  The Kingdom of God, nor for The People of God. It is only focused and geared toward SELF. If it has to defiantly rise above and step on all the rest, that is what it will do. The heart is murderous … i.e. with WORDS and evil thoughts and scheming against those in its sphere, those in its path.

I could write much more on this topic, but for now, that's all I got to say. I hope and trust that you will study the places I mentioned, read the Apostle Paul's life, and Proverbs, so that you too may be prepared, and not deceived.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016


There's this TV commercial about a 70 year-old man who's getting ready to retire from a car racing and restoration business.  He's been at it for most of his life.  As he's departing the business another 70 year-old man enters in.  He's about to begin a new career, the racing and car restoration business.  I love that commercial, as it depicts the old guard leaving, while a new man comes in to find a new re-invented LIFE.

I thought about this as the Lord has actually led me through a couple of times in my life of reinvention.  As a matter of fact, I'm finding myself there, now.  Again.
How many times have you heard about people saying, "I need to reinvent myself."  It's a need.  It's something that some people need to do.  It's a good thing.  Perhaps, you're one person who has lived your life through a mundane, boring and otherwise, uneventful career/life.  You want and need a challenge.  You want excitement.  You want fulfillment.  Or maybe, you just mucked up your whole life and you want to start over.  I'm telling you, right now, YES it's OK to want to start a new life.  It's OK to reinvent yourself. 

I want to give you some examples of how God reinvented some lives.  Take Moses, for instance.  Moses started out being a Hebrew baby, who then was adopted by the Egyptians and then became a Prince.  One day he discovered his true identity.  He killed a man, rather by accident.  He fled the scene.  He left Egypt.  He ended up with Jethro and the Midianites.  So here's Moses becoming a shepherd, a far cry from what he was before.  Soon he has the encounter with the burning bush.  God speaks to him and tells him that he's going to turn him into a Deliverer.  God sends Moses back to Egypt to confront Pharaoh, and tells him, "Let my People go."  In short, you can say that Moses became more than he ever thought he would be, certainly more than he was, a Hebrew.  But today, we look at him as a hero. 
Then, there's the story of Abram.  Abram was hand-picked by God.  God asked him to leave his country and he did.  God began to make all these great and wonderful promises to Abram, told him he would have a son even at a ripe old age.  And God told him he would be, "the father of many nations."  El Shaddai forced Abram into a position of supernatural faith.  How?  He changed his name to Abraham, meaning 'Father of a multitude' or 'Father of many nations'.  So, every time he greeted somebody, he would say, "Hi, I'm the father of many nations." Even though still child-less, he would tell his name to everybody, and hear it from everybody!  In this way, Abraham heard every day the meaning of his name, every single time he spoke his name to somebody.  That powerful concept went down into his spirit and helped build his inner faith.  The "new image" was working on the inside of him, to create his new "self".  This went on for almost a year, the end result being his faith kicked in, amazingly.  Before you knew it, bingo, his wife had a son whom they called, "Laughter" (Isaac). 
Now, let's not forget Simon-Peter, the old salty fisherman that Jesus chose to be one of his disciples and an apostle.  Simon's name means  "he has heard" . . . but Jesus insisted on calling him Peter, instead.  Peter, "The Rock."  Why did Jesus do this?  Well, Peter wasn't exactly what you would call, a super-committed guy.  Jesus knew that he vascillated on things.  By Jesus calling Peter, "the rock," he introduced the character trait of stability into Peter's life, not to mention that he ended up being quite an outstanding apostle as well.

Now back to me!
Jesus saved me in 1974. That's when he came into my life! Pow! It was powerful. I was on fire for Jesus, and wanted to tell the whole world about him.  But through time, religion came to mess with my head and life, and it wasn't so rosy. In 1985, God came to me and spoke to me saying, "I'm sending you far away and starting all over with you."  I ended up going to California. That's about 1987 then . . . the year that "God overhauled my heart". The Lord had to get rid of all the "doctrine-head" I had, and teach me LOVE.  I got filled with the Spirit again, and I had the "divine triangle" fixed in my heart -- I was a changed man.
In 2006, the Lord came to me again and said, "I'm returning you to your 'rock roots'".  I spent years in ministry, including music ministry, and He was trying to show me that I wasn't being 'true to myself', in essence, not really "me". Oh I loved CCM and christian rock, but there was more. Hey, I like Pink Floyd and Deep Purple and Yes and Jethro Tull, and prog rock music too!  That was the time that we developed, with God's help "The Music of DLivahh". Music that Delivers. I wanted to produce real music that also had the element of deliverance in it. I wanted to express the artistry that God had already put in me, that was formerly squelched by others. I also had a prophecy saying that God was going to use me in "the industry".
Lastly, but not final or least, I sense that The Lord Jesus and His Spirit are on the move again, in my life to re=invent me into something ... something I hope is greater than what I have experienced before. To do all that he has laid upon my heart to do, and to utilize ALL the talents that he has bestowed upon me . . . and to operate "outside of the box" as a "radical pastor", teacher, blogger, author, musician, deliverance minister, humorist, voice=over guy, as well as just being plain ol' me … The Eccentric Tony that is a husband and father and friend and lover of Jesus, not limited by opinions or religion or anyone that can't understand this:
I can't just focus on doing ONE THING only!
 I Like doing many things!  I have been blessed with several talents.

I tried "focusing on one thing".  Doesn't work for me.
I have to do ALL the stuff, and I think I do several things "pretty good" … I work at it really hard and I've seen some successes. And so, even while it looks like I'm "all over the map", I'm really just expressing myself the best way I know how, wearing many hats, but enjoying the ride just the same!

How about you? Do you need to "re=invent your self"?
(What's wrong with a little "new improved you", huh?)
Let God Almighty do it … He's really good at it!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Jesus IS King!

"The Kingdom of God is AT HAND."


"The Kingdom of God is in your midst."

He was called 'King of the Jews'.

"My kingdom is NOT of this world."

Jesus is not coming back to set up some "earthly kingdom".
He DID come back, through the coming and sending of the
Holy Spirit, who filled the apostles and disciples on earth.
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."  
Right now, not sometime in the future.

(Oh, and by the way, The Holy Spirit is still here on the earth!).

"The kingdoms of this world have become
the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ,
and He shall reign forever and ever!”
King of kings, and Lord of Lords.
JESUS IS KING, right NOW, not in the future someday. 
He's already there! He's already been coronated. Crowned. King!
You don't have to wait for his return,
you can fellowship with him NOW,
you can be close to him NOW,
you can get to know him NOW.

He is the King of Hearts.
He "rules" inside the hearts of men.
He IS The Reigning and Benevolent King AND 
He is The Prince of Peace!


Sunday, August 7, 2016


This blog . . . is personal. I have to do it. I cannot go on, and keep writing about this doctrine or that topic, without stating what I believe ABOUT MYSELF! And Here We Go . . .

The Christian singer Carman does a song called "Slam" … in it he lists all the evil attacks that have been hurled at him by the devil. He says stuff like,

"You said that I would stumble
You said I wouldn't last
But you was wrong

You said that I would crumble
From all that's in my past
But you was wrong

You tried to break me, tried to shake me
Tried to take me with your lies
You tried to drop me, tried to stop me
Tried to chop me down to size

You tried to crush me, tried to hush me
Tried to rush me and attack
But Jesus Christ is in my life
And now I'm comin' back 'cause I can

Slam temptation with the Word
I can slam each lie that I have heard
I can slam the devil on his back
The rod of God will stop the attack

You tried to drug me, tried to slug me
Tried to plug me up with guilt
You tried to shoot me, tried to loot me
Tried to boot my mind on tilt

You tried to kill me, tried to still me
Tried to bill me for my sin
But the blood has washed me clean"
(From the album Mission 3:16, by Carman)

NOW I must start "My Declaration",
with the above song as inspiration:

YOU TRIED to suppress me, and silence me for years.  You did not understand me, so you rejected me instead. You pretended to love me, but after a while I could feel your hate and disdain. When I won a parade, you brought the rain. When I was going through pain, you were nowhere to be found. When I thought you were behind me, you were plotting against me just like a Benedict Arnold.
You witches, you evil ones, you know who you are! I declare to you THIS DAY . . . that after a long siege of you robbing from me, and ridiculing me, and persecuting me and trying to put on me all kinds of guilt trips and accusations of supposed sins, your attacks against my health and prosperity … I DECLARE TO YOU THIS DAY … THIS DAY … that you will NO LONGER oppress me, rob from me, belittle me, LIE about me and put your guilt and mental mess on me! I rise above all your trickery and evil ways … and I will continue to FOLLOW JESUS and go where he leads, and if I do make mistakes, he will pick me up, brush me off and raise me up again!

You didn't like the pathways I chose . . . you didn't like my "independence" from you, not following your ways and not obeying your programs and family mantras. You wanted just to "rein me in" and control me, like you do with everybody else around you. I ain't playing your games, I ain't succumbing to your curses and I ain't coming back into your fold, because YOU ARE POISON.
I have to follow my heart. I have to follow Jesus, not man. And I most certainly will NOT engage in your witchcraft, be it "charismatic" or "secret" or whatever. You try to manipulate for an advantage and I simply will not go there.

God gave me a directive in 2001:
"Get ALL witches out of your Life!!"
At that time, I didn't even know what witches were, let alone "in my life" … but when he showed me, it all made sense. All the attacks, all the failures, all the pain and heartache, I pin it on all of you WITCHES.  That's right. I am no longer your scape=goat. You are goats.

I HEREBY DECLARE MYSELF IMMUNE to any of your further or possible attacks and curses. I will walk in the grace and love of God, preaching the glorious gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ, whether you like it or not. Whether what I do lines up with your agenda or not. I will not be controlled, by you or your mind-control programming nor any of your words, which are all LIES. I will continue to minister deliverance to folks, who have been under your power, to set them free from the powers of darkness, and your type of kingdom!
I will continue to do my music, inspired by Jesus and The Holy Spirit, for I know that he has anointed to me for JOY and I see how he can use me, and I love to see folks get that joy, and get set free!!!

In the spirit of the song:
"You tried to make me sick
You tried to 'take me out'
You tried to punish me
For every turn-about
You sent your fear & torment
You sent your pain & guilt
But now that I'm onto your works
Your operations will go "on tilt"
Because I CAN SLAM ... "

I will expose the evil deeds of darkness, because that is what I'm called to do!
I refuse to apologize for my actions, as I am not that poor outcast child you once knew.
I am a child/son of the most High God, brother of Jesus, Friend of God, and I intend to see my purpose fulfilled on the earth, and I'm NOT going to let you stand in my way or block me ANYMORE. The Lord God & I are a majority.

I belong to Jesus. I am His Property. NOT yours!
I know you can't stand my creativity, my humor, my joy, my love, but that is TOUGH …  I am not changing for you, to please you or compromise who I am, what God Almighty made me to be. And I will grow stronger and be MORE what he made me to be, and I will excel and be successful, PERIOD.

AND THAT . . . is  My Declaration.


Sunday, July 24, 2016


Last week, I posted a "commercial" blog about our ministry.
This week, I'm expanding and expounding on the topic of "ministry",
to include a vision/dream I had about that . . .


I want to share with you, my readers, a DREAM. A dream in my mind and heart.  It is about The Churches of America. I see them totally revamped. There are many, many changes, all good. The main thing is, IS that there is a true and powerful dynamic that did not exist before. There are transformed lives and communities. It is like nothing we have seen yet or before.

First, the churches have "walked away" from the OT construct of The Levite ministry, or "the ways of the Temple". No more cajoling or begging or teaching of "the tithe". That has been a real corrupted teaching in many places. People rather, are GIVING from their hearts, and are never coaxed or forced or embarrassed or battered into giving. Money, food, clothing, and other resources just POUR IN. No need is left unmet. No worries about the ministers, your needs are being met too!
No more guilt-tripping people to come "to church", get involved or sit on this or that committee. People are finding their place, and connecting as the Spirit of God leads. Pastors and leaders are sensitive to The Spirit and can "see" differing callings on folks, and encourage the same to follow their heart, their call and gifts.
The "love of money" which has been a stronghold in many churches is a thing of the past. Money is seen as a "tool" and an effective asset to help people. Money in the church takes on a whole new meaning, as the selfishness and hoarding spirits are all gone. The goal is no longer "how big a building we can build", but "How does God Almighty want us to use this surplus of money?" And "How can we be a blessing to our city?"

Next, the pulpit is GONE. Instead, there sits a high-back chair,
like a padded stool, along with boom-mic and possibly a side lectern for a Bible or tablet. The teacher/preacher may also be wearing a wireless, so he can roam whilst teaching/preaching. The "audience" feels more of a connection with the minister up front "on stage", as that big hunk of furniture is gone. Instead of standing "over" the congregation, the leader is "sitting" while he teaches. The need for standing and pacing and theatrics in the pulpit area are no longer "a thing". The leader is free to express himself in God, in his gifts, without the traditions of men limiting him or her to a "pulpit".

After the message is through, the whole gang is adjourned to the "sitting area", where all may discuss and ASK QUESTIONS about the message = and where there can be training of individuals who are eventually being raised up for various ministries. This is a place where there are many ministers, teachers, preachers, helpers, giftings, services, administrators, and various talents.
I see the churches raising up fresh and radical musicians for the Glory of God. Rock bands are being raised up and sent forth. Jazz bands are being trained and raised up. Ministries are being birthed, trained and raised up and SENT FORTH. No more of this, "Well this is your church, and you are part of it, and you have to stay put. Bloom where  you are planted." No more latching upon people who are proven to be effective ministers of the Gospel, and Jesus is raising them up and about to send them Himself.
Church is no longer just about "the pastor" or one man, one woman. Gifts of the Spirit are functioning in order, and there are many who could be "pastors", many who are doing the work of the ministry, the works of Jesus. With -- no jealousy.

The poor, working-poor and homeless are being fed, clothed, and housed. They were being counseled, delivered, taught and brought into their right minds, with the help of The Spirit and proper nutrition/supplements  and cleansing and healthy diet.
There are FREE STORES popping up, where goods are provided to families with very little "red tape". Resources are just pouring in, people are donating their time and talents and treasures to the benefit of all. Similar to the NT model of The Church … The Ekklesia, The Called Out Ones.

I realize that "church" is not the building, not the facility, but THE PEOPLE. These people are going forth with the Love of God and The Glory of Jesus; they're out there in the world, "church without walls", shining with the Light of Jesus.


But I also had … a dream. A dream I woke up from yesterday morning. It was very vivid. And memorable. With the dream came a definite directive from The Spirit of God. I was starting a church!  Now, I have pastored a few churches before, and started and conducted Bible Studies, but never really "started a church" (except for our House Church, which is really a work of the Holy Spirit). 
In this dream, I found a building, a facility for a "meeting house". People started to come. The pulpit there was also moved. There was a high-back padded stool/chair on which I sat, where I did a bulk of teaching. I had a boom-mic on the side. I had a small lectern/stand (lucite, I think) that could hold a Bible or tablet. We had a "sitting room" with nice furniture, where we would "adjourn" and go there for refreshments and Q & A's.  Nobody felt threatened but more at ease in the fact that questions were OK! I told the people that nobody has to take my word for anything, they can come to truth on their own, with the help of the Holy Spirit. I was like a "guide", a teacher, YES, but more than that. A Friend. One who was there also to help, to stand beside and encourage. The prophetic gifts were being utilized and in operation.
A lot of the things I listed above were happening in this new work. I suppose the 2 "dreams" are one, ONE VISION.
From this place, the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ was being proclaimed.
The faces & countenances of all were glowing.
Revelation Truth & Knowledge was coming out, and all were
benefitting from the teaching.

I also made it clear, that at no time, would I ever allow any guest speaker to come and unload a message with manipulation, condemnation, hell-fire/brimstone and the like.
Our thrust in this body is GRACE. And there were many revelations in teaching coming forth to destroy the traditions of men and false teaching that has been so rampant in the churches. There has been way too much division.
And … The ministry of deliverance is being brought forth, out of the shadows, back rooms and tents! We desire to have weekly or monthly meetings with real deliverances and healings taking place.

SO NOW … I'm looking for a building. Because . . . it's important to a lot of folks to have a "center" or headquarters of operations, to get a lot of kingdom work going, and done.
It's something we got to believe in, believe for and also believe that God's people want to "come with". I think they will.
I think many will catch my vision, and want to be a part.
Key word: WANT TO.
So I'm okay with having a building. The most important thing here is … all the people we can help, all the transformations that can happen, and The Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ going forth!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Welcome To The Prince of Peace Ministries!

I don't usually do "commercials", but I felt the need to describe our ministry to the public, and also, the need to go "light" in this week's blog . . . for several reasons, which I will keep private for now! So now, presenting to you THE PRINCE OF PEACE MINISTRIES.


Prince of Peace Ministries was founded in 2001, in Wellington, Kansas. It was at this time that the Holy Spirit dropped upon us his anointing for deliverance, in a very big way. He also gave us a mandate that has since radically changed our lives. Since that time, we have grown in several ways, mostly spiritually, but also in the facets of our ministry.
One of the major things that changed was our move to Phoenix, Arizona.
The best way for me to describe the rest  . . . is to include these jpegs (pictures). These main two pictures I think catch the essence of what we do. And another bonus: A shorter blog.


Of course, the 2nd picture mainly focuses on the Music of DLivahh, an "overflow" that
God gave to me, celebrating rock music, energized with joy and truth.
And with that, I just want to add that everything that we do, we do in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for His Glory, and utilizing the anointed gifts of deliverance that he has granted to us. We have gained and gleaned so much information and revelation, we desire to share it with the World, and to help as many people as God brings to our path. We do not strive for a following ... we are not trying to "build" some monster ministry, with a copper top that you can see all the way from Dallas ... we just "go" where he sends us, to whom he sends us to, with the glorious gospel of transformation, that which brings grace and glory and REDEEMS folks and RESTORES them and HEALS them. That is our goal, that is what we look for in every case. If you want to know more, or need some help, feel free to contact us.  *Tony & Renee Prince >>> THEORIGPRINCE@YAHOO.COM

We also subsist by the power, blood and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by generous gifts from folks like YOU!  We have a PayPal, I just gave the email address ... and we will gladly accept donations of every kind! Especially money! Sometimes, people have blessed us with "items" and we have had the pleasure of being a "conduit" so that others can be blessed as well.  That is the name of the game, and we are givers and believe that God Almighty, "Yahweh" is the biggest giver of all! MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU SHARE and become a part of something bigger than yourself, whether you join us or some other work.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


I don't usually get "political" in my blogs, but I just couldn't
leave this one alone! So, if you want to bow out now, you may
do so … "Really don't mind if you sit this one out!"
I'm going to be very blunt in places here, so watch out!
I am fed-up with all the evil & darkness that has been
running rampant in our great land. Enough is ENOUGH.

Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin (lawlessness) is a disgrace to any people.
(Proverbs 14:34)
Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.(Matthew 24:12)

There is so much going on in our nation TODAY … a Nation
in Distress
, mind you. It has to be addressed. Everything
within me says "stand up, speak out" and thus I am doing so.


It is an election year. The lines have been clearly drawn now.
Yet, there is an inner "unrest" among The People of America …
they are witnessing a government running amok, and a president
acting all "rogue", and nothing seemingly being done about any of
it. To make matters worse, we have a former Secretary of State
who has made a career in LYING, and who was under investigation
by the FBI … which agency "let her go free" when she clearly broke
the law, again and again and again. Where is the rule of law now?
How can any laws in the land mean anything now, if someone like
Hillary Clinton gets off scot-free? Her attitude is "Laws are for poor
people, as for me, I am above it all!" Such is the attitude of many
such "elitists", who are only in power to get more power. Hillary's
agenda? Well, first she believes that she is "entitled" to be the
next president of the United States, but secretly she wants to
"steal" America, and destroy it. We know this by her actions and
her track record, and by what she believes. LAWLESSNESS.

I have a friend who states, "It doesn't matter what party it is (referring
to the main 2 political parties) … they are all corrupt and owned by
private interests, etc." Well, part of me believes that. The other part
disagrees. Hillary would never be part of the Republican party, the
"Grand Old Party" (GOP) as she can't stomach its conservative base.
YES, there are still some that uphold the beliefs, platforms and traditions
of the GOP, and are not RINOS (Repubs in name only). She embraces
the traditions of the Democrats, who have a history of loving slavery,
starting the KKK and supporting it and championing "gun control" and
throwing billions of dollars at every stupid cause they think is important!
It doesn't matter if it bankrupts the whole entire country, and enslaves
the populace, the more the better!  LAWLESSNESS.


Here is a man who won't address an enemy by name!  Rather it
appears that he protects it. And there is already a bundle of evidence
that he is behind the founding of ISIS. But he can't utter the words
"Radical Islam Extremists" or "___ ___ Terrorists" because he has
no intention of ever stopping them! He gets more angry at Trump
for his words, then he does exercising energy to rally the country
together and comforting the afflicted. When there is a mass shooting,
he uses the crisis as an opportunity to promote the idiotic gun control
agenda. At moments when Americans need a comforting word, a
beam of solidarity in the face of terror, the president stumps for political
rhetoric and repeating new world order CRAPLawlessness.

Don't even get me started on all the ways this man has engaged in
lawless acts … they are too numerous to mention. The American people
get duped, "the sheeple", by the lamestream media and voices that water
down the dastardly deeds committed by this Administration.
In his "community organizing" mode, he has instigated and aggravated
racial tensions between blacks & whites, and especially between blacks
& cops. You don't believe it? All you have to do is go to YouTube and pull
up one of the videos where it shows him making incendiary statements
against whites, against cops … it's all out there. Just like the videos that
he doesn't want you to see how he is so enamored with Islam, to the
total ignoring of AMERICA, and what we are really all about. I doubt if
he truly understands, and it appears that he has been programmed to
HATE what America stands for.  LAWLESS.


How many times would it take you to shun a "friend" or neighbor
or co-worker who lies to you? After a while, you won't accept anything
they say or do as factual. The Truth has long departed.
And how many times has Obama LIED, to the American People??
Lots! And don't say, "Well all politicians lie!" That doesn't excuse
the blatant propaganda and constant spinning and stretching of in
information, all designed to "throw us off" and get us to start fighting
with each other. OH! That's already happening! We should be fighting
THEM!! But, NO. We are too busy distracted by their "crises" and the
news, and by The Kardashians or our favorite reality shows or our
favorite singer on Vevo. And wait …
"We interrupt this story on corruption in government with another mass
shooting!" OOOH AHHHH Ohhhh, what now??? People better wake
up and smell the burnt coffee & donuts because it ain't about what your favorite
newscaster is telling you, it ain't about what the White House is telling
you, it is The Secret Agenda is going forth!  'Take down the Nation.
Subvert the Constitution. Stall the Elections. Time to Create another
Crisis to get folks' minds on what we want to tell them. They'll have to
listen to us when it gets really bad out there. They'll come running to us
because they will want to feel SAFE.'  LAWLESSNESS.
LIES.  All Lies. We can do something about all this.


"We have met the enemy, and he is us!"
Spoken by a famous cartoon long ago.
Have you been programmed enough??
Are you conditioned enough?
Then you can just "Ho-Hum" and roll your eyes at this blog and forget
that any of this is going on … it's just a bad dream, fall asleeeeeeeep.

So … you're hearing all these catch phrases:
"Hate Crimes".
"Racism … All whites are racists".
"Kill the Cops".
"White Privilege".
"Someone has to pay".
And … Others.

You can jump on the bandwagon, join the cause and think you are
bettering the human race. Man, you've been duped. It's a sham-scam, Sam.
The word is ANARCHY. Lawlessness. THAT has been trickling down from
THE TOP … Yes, from The Top. Mr. Obama with his blatant disregard for
Congress and the Supreme Court, and his cavalier position of having a
"pen & a phone" to try to enact his own laws! While breaking several.
NEXT … enter BLM, "Black Lives Matter". A front group that acts like
they care about "black lives" but really is about tearing at the fabric of
unity, all through racism and hate. This is documented. When Martin
Luther King was marching in his peaceful marches, he never promoted
or instigated riots, looting, thuggery or any thing of the like. How anyone
can call this groups' actions "protesting", are gazing through broken glasses.
Who is behind all this? "The Powers That Be" (TPTB), aka "shadow government".

You might also call them The Puppet Masters. Powerful 'invisible' entities.


I have sent out the call for intercessors and prophets to RISE UP
and come against this spirit of Lawlessness, and PRAY. These
"warriors" know what to do, I trust. I have seen the great results
of concerted and effective prayer, when properly directed and
energized by The Spirit of God. As for everyone else …
I think people should also "speak up" and stand up and take
a stand against the tide of evil that wants to destroy this nation.
It's TIME.
WE the PEOPLE must once again, RISE UP and be heard!!!
We can bring a "redress of grievances" to our representatives
and senators, those who still care about this nation.
It might look like Congress is doing nothing, and not caring.
But … I believe that God Almighty has people in places we
are not aware, and he has reserved for himself those who will
not bow the knee to the IDOLS of today.
Finally --


Sunday, July 3, 2016

"The LORD Gives, and He Takes Away"??

"The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

Remember that verse? It's found in the 1st chapter of JOB.
Job is speaking here … it's Old Testament, folks. 
Job was a rich man.
Satan had designs on him, he was looking for a soul to enslave.
Job was tested by Satan; Old "Slew-foot" went to talk to God, and asked
permission to attack Job, God's servant. God said, "OK, but you can't
take his life." So, his oxen and donkeys were stolen. His servants were
slain by the sword. Fire came and burned up his sheep and more servants.
More enemies came and took all his camels. And slew more servants.
His sons and daughters were all killed, due to a house where they were
feasting, collapsed upon them. Only the messengers survived to tell Job.
How many calamities? A bunch. Two enemies, The Sabeans and
the Chaldeans, fire and wind also.
To add insult to injury, Satan came back, wanting to do more damage.
So God allowed satan to attack his physical body with boils. Funny
how God didn't "take" Job's wife, who was not much help then!
And to make things worse, enter "Job's Friends" … 3 wise guys who
thought they knew exactly what Job was going through … and why.

This incredible story unfolds like a many-act play, and too many
"scholars" forget that there is so much prose, so much opinion, and
even so much "spongy-thinking" in the book … It is a faithful record
of what was said. BUT it isn't all what God said! That comes much later
at the end of the book, when God Almighty shows his true nature and
glory to Job. And Job gets restored.  BIG TIME.

I'm sure you have heard sermons … doctrines … and even songs about
"The Lord gives, The Lord takes away". Do you believe them? Is it part
of your 'core belief system'? If so, it will affect everything you do, all that
you read when it comes to God's promises.
You see, Job prided himself in his knowledge of God. What he lacked
was understanding, and some wisdom. God takes him up as an ultimate
example, to purge him of PRIDE. And maybe FEAR. With a mentality
like "If he slays me, yet will I praise him", it all sounds noble and good,
but God Almighty wanted to take Job deeper. Deeper into HIM.
Job wasn't written to give us instruction on how the Lord deals with
his people. It is a lesson on humility … getting to really KNOW the Creator,
not just "hearing about him". Also, it gives a clue on what goes on "behind
the scenes" in the spirit-realm. Job had no clue what was really going on.
It took a little prophet, "Elihu" a wise but  younger one who shows up, just
in time to instruct Job. It's then, and only THEN that God comes to Job
and answers Job in the whirlwind.


You may know suffering, or those close to you who have suffered
various things. I have suffered pain, loss and different things in life
that have brought sadness. I can tell you right now … I am sad for
your pain, but God Almighty didn't bring it! No, He is The Giver of Life:

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory;
No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly." (Ps. 84:11)

God Almighty is a Giver … not a Taker. He isn't an "Indian-Giver" either.
There are so many places in the Bible that declares the goodness and
benevolence of God and his desire to really bless his children, to lavish
upon them gifts and even bless them extravagantly! But, you have to
believe that God is like this. You can't listen to reLIEgion and tradition
and what your friends, family, grandma or whoever says, that goes against
what God says about Himself! He ain't lying, and he's no respector of persons. 
What he has done for one, he'll do for another. You can claim
favor with God,  you know.

When I was "found" by The Lord Jesus, I gave my whole heart to him.
Later, there was a time when I gave him some other things, things from
my past. You know, he gave them back to me! I gave up "rock'n'roll" and
then, full circle, I have come, and now I do rock for Jesus. Anything that
I may have had in my past, which was not "evil" he has energized and put
into motion, so that, in a sense, I never really lost anything good. 
He didn't take it! He simply redeemed it and put it to use in His Kingdom. 
Like my talents in editing and graphics … grammar and writing … and music of course. 
All those gifts have been redeemed and greatly improved.
But … I'll tell  you what he HAS taken away from me.


He took away the following:
*Darkness, Wrong Thinking
*Effects of Curses
*Other "things" blocking my spiritual growth!

Anything that didn't belong there, he has taken away!
Why? So I can "walk in the Light, as He is in the Light."
Plus, with the "taking away", he has added so much more.
With the advent of deliverance ministry and anointing, my
world with Him has opened up exponentially … not because
I'm anything "great" but totally because of Him!!
To God Alone Be The Glory.
And so, if you wanna keep singing that song . . .

"You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name"
(Blessed Be Your Name by Matt Redmon)

. . . with the Truth of God ringing in your heart . . .
then I would be just OK with that :D